Archivio mensile:Ottobre 2013





Una festivita che si celebra principalmente  in America e che inizialmente si chiamava ”  All Hallow eye” cioe la notte prima dei Ognissanti . Hallowen coincideva con la medesima festa  del 31 ottobre,ed era una combinazione di celebrazione cristiana con una festa celtica pagana; con il tempo,si fonde con simili abitudini di immigrati del Regno Unito, di Germania , Africa e altre parti del mondo.Nelle credenze pagane  ,era la notte del ritorno dei morti dalla tomba sotto forma di vampiri,lupi mannari, zombie, streghe, fantasmi , folletti  gatti neri o altre stranezze.

Secondo il calendario celtico  tra i popoli dell’Inghilterra, dell’Irlanda e della Francia settentrionale, l’anno nuovo iniziava il 1º novembre,allora i Celti celebravano” Samhain “a fine ottobre, ritenendo che in questo periodo i fantasmi e demoni  tormentavano la terra più di un’ altro periodo dell’anno. Essi usavano indossare maschere spaventose per farsi confondere dagli spiriti maligni con altri spiriti  per farsi lasciare in pace, cercando di placare gli spiriti con i dolci.

Molti di questi riti si ritrovano nei  festival Druidi che promuovevano la superstizione e che si credeva che li dava poteri magiche .I riti spirituali celtici venero presi dai Romani dopo la loro conquista.

Le rape cave all’interno ed illuminate si mettevano in vista per allontanare gli spiriti maligni perché  luce era una forma di protezione contro di loro.Ulteriormente sono state usate le zucche per tenere questi luci .

La superstizione secondo la quale le streghe volavano fuori dal camino della stufa sul manico di scopa proviene dalla Scozia .

Nel XVI secolo il Papa Bonifacio IV ,costituisce,a quanto pare ,la festa di ” Tutti i Santi “, in onore dei martiri ,puoi celebrato il 02 novembre il “Giorno dei Morti” fu costituito qualche secolo più tardi.
La gente povera andava alla vigilia della festa di “Tutti i santi” da una casa all’altra a chiedere cibo in cambio di preghiere per i morti . Così nacque la formula tipica di Halloween “dolcetto o scherzetto? ” .
A poco a poco , la chiesa mescola le feste pagane con Giorno dei Morti e
Tutti i Santi. Più tardi , quelli che festeggiavano è passavano da una casa all’altra indossavano abiti di santi , angeli o diavoli. Molti di coloro che festeggiano Halloween non sanno che i simboli ,le decorazioni ed i costumi di Halloween sono di origine pagana e che molti di loro sono legati ad esseri soprannaturali , pratiche di stregoneria, antichi riti celtici ( la festa antica Samhain) ,e che la notte di Halloween e considera la più santa notte dell’anno

Nel XXI secolo, Halloween è una festa popolare negli Stati Uniti. Anche se Halloween è considerata una festa Americana, ogni anno persone provenienti da più paesi adottano questa festa.L’interesse commerciale trasforma questa fantastica celebrazione
in un business globale di milioni di dollari.



Ti sei mai domandato quanto può essere per te un buon guadagno mensile? Cosa farai con questo guadagno extra? Ti interessa avere più tempo libero per te ,e per stare insieme con la tua famiglia?

…leggi di più …







Getting around Venice

Getting around Venice

In Venice there are only two ways of getting around on foot or by water.
Its streets, which are called paths , are passable only by pedestrians : cars , buses and
bicycle can’t arrive in the historic center of the city – even if sometimes some cyclists try to do it! –
The best way to soak up the atmosphere of the city , getting lost in the lanes and fields , wandering among churches, monuments and historic buildings to discover hidden corners and unusual , is on foot .In fact to enjoy its views from the decks and numerous canals, discovering at every step the infinite suggestions that reserve its hidden corners is walking .

But for those who do not want to get too tired or for those who just want to enjoy a boat ride maybe along the Grand Canal , can move with public (water) transport.A short history of public transport on the water in Venice says :

26102013934The first steamboat comes into operation on the Grand Canal in April 24, 1881 : Called Regina Margherita , and trafficking Santa Clara -San Marco . The “Compagnie des beteaux omnibus de Venise” takes over the management of the transport passengers on the Grand Canal in September in the same year
-On 1 November : the gondoliers go on strike against the introduction of the steamboat.
– Venetian Steam Navigation company establishing a boat service between the Lido and S. Zechariah (san Zaccaria),
-1820 The ” Steam Navigation Company Venetian lagoon ” replaced the “Compagnie des beteaux omnibus de Venise ” in management of regular passenger on the Grand Canal .


-1882-23 December: The link service opened with the boat (vaporetto) from Piazza Barche ( Mestre) and San Giove (Venice) ,
-1891-13 October was inaugurated on horse-drawn tram that connects Punta San Giuliano with Mestre .
-1892- 7 June: the first steamer enters the basin of San Marco
Nowdays is the ACTV public service , which link the main points of the city and the islands of the lagoon of Venice.
These means of locomotion offer you an unique perspective  and leads you to discover another face of the city,to admire the palaces of the Grand Canal , to appreciate the beauty and magic peculiarities of a unique city that from over 1500 years lives in symbiosis with the water. In Venice, the public transport is provided by a network of boat connections that develop , crossing or circumnavigating Venice, until you reach the more distant islands of the lagoon .
To move outside the historic center of Venice, ACTV use the bus transportation throughout the territory of the Venetian mainland , as well as in the islands of Lido and along the coast to Pellestrina where, unlike the islands of Venice ‘s historic center , car traffic is allowed . ( to get from Lido to Pellestrina the bus goes on the roads but also on wather by ferryboat )KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA

Although just that owes its beauty and its uniqueness , there and around Venice may seem difficult for those who arrive for the first time .


By  Cercodiamanti







A Fusina una località situata in  terraferma sulla foce del fiume Brenta,  sono stati inventati i primi mulini di acqua. Una ruota dotata di casse triangolari che veniva fata girare di un sistema di ingranaggi ,che caricavano acqua dal fiume Brenta nei Bruchi  .Infatti ISSA o LISSA-sta significando acqua ma anche incitamento ad alzare qualcosa di pesante,oppure slittamento .FUSINA- (fucina  in dialetto) indicava un officina che serviva a far funzionare il carro,che faceva slittare le barche dalla laguna al fiume Brenta.
Nel’1609-1611-con il progetto “tor l’acqua dolce al Dolo “l’acqua veniva incanalata in un piccolo canale,e condotta fino a Moranzano dove i burchi caricavano e portavano l’acqua a venezia.Il canale (la seriola ) doveva a_02_02essere pulito perchè l’acqua doveva essere potabile con pesanti multe per chi inquinava ed era controllata da due sovrastanti nominati dai
“Savi Esecutori” (magistrati) alle acque ,che controllavano i argini e che nessuno lavasse i panni,o scaricasse le immondizie nel fiume.Un ramo del canale andava alla Bucca ,dove d’inverno si produceva il ghiaccio,da conservare nella “ghiazzara” da portare a Venezia durante l’estate.

Le vere da pozzo.

Le prime vere da pozzo furono ricavate da grandi capitelli provenienti da costruzioni di epoca romana  e nel corso dei secoli  acquistano forme d’arte sempre più elaborate e complesse . Variatissima e fantasiosa la decorazione a rilievo: piante, festoni di frutta e di fiori, fogliami arricciati, putti, angeli reggi scudo, pavoni, teste leonine, motivi allegorici iscrizioni morali.

I cortili interni dei palazzi erano spesso dotati di un pozzo privato. Era però titolo di benemerenza che le famiglie benestanti costruissero un pozzo pubblico per i cittadini

isa fusina

isa fusina

Gli acquarolli,avevano i compiti di riempire i pozzi pubblici di Venezia per mezzo di canalette di legno,che facevano scorrere l’acqua trasportata dalle barche ai pozzi,e di sorvegliare i pozzi pubblici e prevenire il furto di acqua sopratutto da parte degli artigiani.( gli acquarolli ricavavano piu soldi vendendo acqua ai privati che alla pubblica amministrazione)

Dovevano fare i controlli anche i parroci ai quali era affidata la custodia delle chiavi delle cisterne, che venivano aperte due volte il giorno: mattino e sera, al suono della «campana dei pozzi»,perché molti pozzi si trovavano anche nei chiostri delle chiese, ad uso delle comunità religiose che in alcuni casi erano obbligate dalla Repubblica a estendere in determinate ore del giorno l’uso del pozzo anche alla popolazione.


Terminal Fusina

 Con Terminal Fusina arrivi a Venezia direttamente dall’acqua attraverso la porta storica della laguna sud, con approdo in pieno centro città, a soli 15 minuti a piedi da Piazza San Marco, o direttamente al Lido, in zona Alberoni


Ti sei mai domandato quanto può essere per te un buon guadagno mensile? Cosa farai con questo guadagno extra? Ti interessa avere più tempo libero per te ,e per stare insieme con la tua famiglia?

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venice -The wells


The problem of water in the early settlements

DSCN7061During the barbarian invasions , the few inhabitants of the islands and coasts, were facing their needs of water with the ” rainwater collection .” With the arrival of entire populations fleeing from the mainland running from the continuous invasions ,the water supply becomes a major problem – was not enough rain water but they needed also water deposits . First of all was necessary to have a collection surface sufficiently wide around the well itself, towards which converge the rainwater : for this reason the Venetian fountains are located almost exclusively in the wide fields or courts .
The first natural wells were created by digging a pit in the sand, where the water came from groundwater through a hard layer of clay , which was located in the basement.In that way” the Venetian wells” borned .
Pozzo_VeneziaThe excavation was generally below the average of the sea level (5-6 meters), the walls were covered with a layer of clay of 50-60 cm. In the bottom, at the center of the excavation was placed a slab of stone on which is built the barrel .A series of open channels , were placed along the perimeter of the tank ( i cassoni ) .At the top of the box- there was a vertical element the connector ( la Piela ) , covered by a stone slab ( the seal ) with small holes ( i gattoli .) The floor was tilted towards the “gattoli” , and the end was (la vera da pozzo) the fountain head used both as a parapet and support to the pulley with which the Venetian women drew water with buckets .
Some of these were obtained from large “capitelli” from old Roman constructions .

26102013943Many Venetian wells have inscriptions or bas-reliefs relating to the family who had taken charge of their construction .

At the beginning of the fifteenth century Venice reached 1000 000 inhabitants, ( the first places among the most populated cities in Europe). Plague of 1348 reduced the population to one third. The fear of water pollution,inhibited the use of the fountains ,and searching other sources of water :the fluvial source( the Brenta river ) .
A series of laws of 1425 diverts the rivers flowing into the lagoon away from Venice,
and for reasons of pollution proibited to the boats to climb in places closer to Venice.
The boats( burchi ) equipped to bring drinking water ,were filled from the river with a kind of slide and they can approach under the barrier between the lagoon and the river.The watherman ( Acquaroli )- carrying water from Brenta river to Venice with barges , have had the task of filling the public wells and prevent the theft of the water from them.

In June 23, 1884 begins the supply of water through aqueduts from the river Brenta , and in July : is signed by the Municipality the renew of the contract for the supply of water through pipes, (the citizen aqueduct )
In 1900 the aqueduct of Venice is extended to the Lido.26102013933

The water problem in Venice today,

There are dozens of springs scattered in the fields and squares of Venice . But one of the most frequently asked questions is as follows: ” You can drink the water of the fountains in the city? ” . The answer is definitely “Yes .”
The water that falls from the fountains is potable and tastes better than tap water . Fountains of Venice receive water from groundwater coming from the high Val Padana .

The fountains in Venice are distributed throughout the island city . Almost every field has ,or had , a fountain, often accompanied by a well or even popping out from the well.The number of the old wells is estimated to be much higher (157)  according to the historical memory of the people, but not all working  .

One of the reasons is the consumption estimated for the fountain which is about 2,000 euro / year each, and because of rising costs the Municipality has reduced the output pressure from the fountains through a reducer but due to the unfortunate phenomenon of a whitish spot on the cast-iron column and a certain difficulty in drinking , that leads anyway to an expense cost for only the historical center of 74 000 € / year (only wather usage)

san marco 055san marco 092
But don’t worry the Wine Fountain will save us..At the opening of the carnival of Venice, we toast with an abundant red wine that flows from Wine Fountain ,set up in Piazza San Marco .

By cercodiamanti



Venice-The highest tide

The highest tide .
04 November 1966 is a fateful day of the recent Venetian history that marked
a turning point in the secular defense of Venice from the aggressions of the natural elements .The tide begins to rise in the late evening of November 3 , when it reaches one meter and 27 centimeters. At dawn on November 4, when he had to start to flow , due to the combination of meteorological values ​​and negative astrological, a strong sirocco wind
beginning of a new storm and at the first half of the day the water level had touched the highest level ever achieved in human memory of 1.94 cm.celular 137

“On the coasts the storm caused flooding and serious dammage.On the Murano island the waves are higher than 4 meters ,Malamocco is all submerged under the water, for the second time in its history,in Pelestrina island, 3000 people have been evacuated ,in the entrance of the Venice’s harbor a ship sank after being rammed by a Yugoslavian ship .The crew members were rescued . ”

high tide

The wind continued to swell the sea pushing it into the lagoon , breaking the historical eighteenth century ” embankments “(the wall of defense that borders the lagoon from the sea ), ten-point opening holes that put at risk the inhabitants of the Veneto coast ,blowing with the settler violence to the porches of St. Mark’s Square flooded by four feets above
the pavement, while the basilica, for the first time in history was completely flooded as the rest of the entire city.
The perturbation across the nord of the Italy and the event provoked in the following days the flooding of many rivers provoking the dead of a hundred people .The Arno invades the center of Florence with the most severe damage to cultural heritage than Venice.
The city of Venice ,without electricity and telephone signal in the cold, with residual fuel oil
dispersed from the boilers flooded (that marked the walls of houses and buildings) , with a quantity of debris and garbage that it will take several days to clean.Thousand of the ground floors of shops was devastated by the tidal.
Thousands of documents of great historical and artistic value of the: Marciana Library , State Archives , the Querrini Stampalia the Cini Foundation ,was ruined.
The only damage to the city center will be rounded to 35 billion lire at the time .(1 euro = 1936,27 lire)
But the more serious will be the psychological trauma , and not just for the Venetians ,
realizing the risk that the city , a symbol of the beauty of creative and artistic intelligence , crossed.after the dramatic event of November 4, the problem of the survival of Venice , becoming international , even for the strong mobilization of UNESCO.

OTHER  article M.O.S.E.


By         Cercodiamanti





Nutrition – alimentary risk factorsSportsNutritionPyramid

A healthy diet is a varied diet that brings at least 50 essential nutrients per day
– No food in itself is harmful but the preparation , the excessive consume,combination of foods can be harmful.
Also uneaten food , and some conditions or circumstances as:

– Consumption less than two meals a day,
-a reduced daily consumption of vegetables and fruits ( 400-500 g / day),
– consumption of junk foods that have no nutritional intake , consumed
just for the taste or for little cost ,
-use more than three units of alcohol per day (more than 1/2 litters of beer per day ,
300ml wine or 100ml brandy ),

-physical impossibility to cook or shop ,
– loss or gain weight  through a very strict diet ( starvation )
– eating highly refined foods that do not contain fiber ,
– smoking,
– poor condition of the teeth ,
-poverty ,
– administration of drugs that interact with food , modifying the absorption of food,can lead to serious diseases .

you also have to keep in mind every day of the three magic numbers 0-3-30 mean
0 cigarettes smoked
3 servings of vegetables and fruits per day
30 minutes of exercise (sports ) per day,

nutrilite sfondo

and don’t forget you need about 8 glasses  or 2 litters of water  per day for a good hydration.

The vitamins – contribute to the development of other nourishing substances , proteins, fats , and carboidrati minerals, and helps to form hematic cells , hormones, genetic material and chemicals present in the nervous system

Antioxidants – is the body’s natural defense against damage caused by
free radicals and  are vitamins like vitamin E, C , and other ingredients like vitamins as carotenoids , lycopene and lutein as well as selenium oligominerals .
So to have a healthy body should have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

To get your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals , besides food can be consumed too food integrators , from vitamins and minerals with specific substances extracted from
plants ( proteins,echinacea , carotene, lecithin, glucosamine , coenzyme Q10 , biotin, folic acid , etc.).plant protein

HOWEVER you can find all thats VISITING MY SITE

By cercodiamanti


VENICE- the ghetto and the jewish




GhetoThe Venetian Ghetto is located in the Cannaregio district , just five minutes walk from the train station and ten from Piazzale Roma. A Jewish community was present in Venice since the twelfth century (documented in 1152 ) and
consisted of about 1300 people.

Traditionally Venetian Jews practiced usury,or what was known as such, that is a fact, that lending was prevented to Christians  by religious reasons, because they thought contrary to the moral profit from interest on money lent to pledge .
Gradually, the community was consolidated economically and rich of culture .

From the thirteenth century had permanent residence at the island of Spinalonga, since then , having many Jews inhabitants , changed the name in Giudecca .The relations of the community with the Republic were unstable and periodically took place campaigns of conversion . These who adhered changed also the name assuming the name of one who had caused him to recant ,often a member of the aristocracy . The best known example is that of Lorenzo da Ponte (originally Conegliano surname ) who converted and took the name of the nobleman who had converted along with the whole family.

In 1298  was deprived the Jews permission to have a fixed abode in Venice , and they moved into adjacent areas ,but they could still go to the city for their activities .
The permanence in the places occupied in the diaspora is revealed ; while the Christianity was consolidated and acquired more power, more and more difficult , because of the discrimination prohibitions to wich the Jews  were subjected .
A series of pronouncements of the Catholic synods 300-1300 banned to the Jews : mixed intermarry , have lunch with non-Jews, hold public office ,keep Christian servants , round in the streets after a certain hour or certain times of the year.keep books and Jewish religious texts, , living with Christians , practice the art of medicine in favor of the Christians , accused or witnesses against Christians , build synagogues , etc. .



All this culminated with a series of expulsions of Jews in successive waves from Germany to: Italy , Poland and Russia taking the name of ” akenaziti ,” from the Hebrew name of Germany ” akenaz ” In Venice, the community grew and organized , enjoying a climate of relative tolerance , until the “Council of Pregadi” ( Senate) decide on 29 March 1516 that all Jews were required to reside in the Ghetto (later known as the Ghetto Vecchio) .
The name Ghetto derives from the foundries in that locality  .(from the verb “gettare=sharpen the metal with the gaiter”,or with the lead dioxide) )or ” blended ” metals , manufacturing and supplying the Arsenal cannons . Getto became Ghetto, because the first Jews who lived here had come from Germany and pronounced it with the ” g” as guttural ” ghermania ” .
The result is an institution which will then be applied also in the rest of Europe . With the word ” Ghetto ” were identified urban areas of European cities in which the Jewish communities were forced to live .
The word ghetto has come to mean a place of segregation.The Jewish community of Venice was then transferred to the area of the Old Ghetto , where
had the obligation to return in the evening . The whole area was controlled by guards at night and access roads were barred. The population of the Ghetto of Venice continued to
increase up to 5000 people and this explains why there you could see houses with
8 floors, with the brick base and the top floors made of the wood ​​.Each floor had the height
of 1.5 – 1.6 meters, to be lighter, and create more space for rent.Is also true that
the average height of the middle age population was approximately 1.5 to 1.6 meters.
When these small apartments offered to the Jews , they have had to pay the rent of light ( the sun ) to have their windows .



The Venetian Ghetto was still not enough to accommodate all
its inhabitants and it was decided to expand it in adjacent areas, the Ghetto Nuovo ( in 1541 )and the Ghetto Nuovissimo ( 1663 ) . In 1492 Ghetto of Venice received a consistent group of Marranos , who were the Jews expelled from Spain . With the end of the Republic of Venice (1797 ) the Jews were permitted to live in the other parts of the city.

During the Second World War the with the advancement of the Germanic troops the jewish were herded into ghettos , and then deported to concentration camps where they began the final solution -elimination of 6 million Jews who died on the end of the war .

ghetto vecchio

ghetto vecchio

And ,painful to remember that during the Second World War were deported from the Venice ghetto over 200 people in the two tragic days of December 5, 1943 and 17 August 1944.
On “Campo del Ghetto Nuovo ” champ you can see the Holocaust Memorial (1980 ), which is the work of the Lithuanian sculptor Arbit Blatas dedicated to the Jewish community and his deportation ,projected by Franca Semi .
Nowdays , the Jewish community of the Venetian Ghetto is massively reduced (30 residents ),but are over 500 persons enrolled in it. While at one time in the Ghetto of Venice were flourishing activities banking and printing (especially in the sixteenth century ) , the bigger resource nowadays is the tourism.

In “Sottoportego of the Ghetto”, ,there is an Jewish Restaurant : Gam -Gam that complies with the requirements imposed in the culinary field to the Israelites in the Bible , so it is a restaurant Koshe . ( suitable or belonging at the categories that the Bible defines them as well : avoid meat of all non-ruminants,who do not have cloven hoof , while among those aquatic creatures are prohibited without fins and scales .In addition, the slaughter must be done in a particular way because the Bible states that animals have to suffer as little as possible and that all the blood must be eliminated ,because it is forbidden to feed on blood.)

The special culinary delights of the Jewish cuisine are “sardine in saor” mean sardines  in sauce , a sweet and sour vinegar in which the sardines and the onion mixed with sultanas and pine nuts.But many more are the specialty of this particular ethnic trend .

In Campo del Ghetto Nuovo in Venice , Cannaregio 2873c , is the Kosher Club ” Le Balthazar ” which serves typical Jewish at the fixed price of 18,00 € or a refined menu ” à la carte”
Synagogues of the Venetian Ghetto
Inside the Ghetto of Venice were built in 1719 nine synagogues , which were also called Schuole (schools). Currently there are 5 left , one for each Jewish confession
This centuries ago in Venice. In Campo del Ghetto Nuovo is the Great German Schola ( 1528 ) ,( Which has a surprising particular , the altar has been extended beyond the walls to create more space ,creating the impression of a balcony.),
the Schola Canton (1532) and the Italian Synagogue or ” Italian school “is in Campo del Gheto Novo .Set in 1575 by the community of Italian origin ( the poorest in the ghetto ) is located in the Campo Ghetto Novo to the right of the Canton school .The Italian synagogue was very important because it housed the sermons of the famous Rabbi Leon da Modena .Nowdays the entrance to the synagogue is in common with that of some private houses placed under the school ..SAM_2805
In Campo del Ghetto Vecchio is the Levantine Schola ( 1538 ) from Central Europe, the majority came from Poland.The interior of the synagogue looks like a Catholic church of that era, but set up to keep their habits unchanged , and Schola Spanish or Ponentina ( 1555), which was rebuilt in 1654 by Baldassarre Longhena.

Outside the synagogues appear inconspicuous , some windows or written in Hebrew make you understand that it is a place of worship. This is because the law at that time did not allow sumptuous facades .SAM_3661The interiors however are often very rich and peculiar adorned.The Charatteristic of the Venetian synagogue is the rectangular shape , with holy ark and the podium  orientated on the the shorter sides facing each other while the benches are lined up on the majors. On the walls , biblical quotations in Hebrew ;characteristic furnishings , candle holders from brass and silver , and a great abundance of precious fabrics and red curtains .That’s why the synagogues of Venice are considered among the most beautiful in Europe.

Republic of Venice in 1389 authorized the building of a Jewish cemetery outside the
city ​​, on the island of Lido near S. Nicholas, (or S. Nicoletto ) .


The reference point for the guided tour of the monuments of the Ghetto is the Jewish Museum, has a website rich in historical and practical information , and a map of the ghetto


By cercodiamanti








Venice – exodus of the population


Exodus of the population

Exodus of the population

Exodus of the populationis one of the main problem of   Venice and  is caracterised by the continued decline of the resident population in the historic center, beginning with the second half of the past century .

It is a phenomenon that manifests  everywhere in the old cities , and justified by the general trend to live in contexts more functional for modern life , generally in the outskirts of the centers of the city themselves.

The problem is that Venice is not a modern city , but a historic city, the outskirts of which is represented by islands and estuary,while the urban Mestre-Marghera is, in fact, another city with many facilities.

For Venice this general trend has been accentuated by the high cost of housing, the development of motorization and high costs of maintenance of the buildings . Within fifty years there are reduced to two-thirds the number of residents in the historic center from 175,000 in 1951 to 64,000 in 2002 ( data collected from special censuses ) .

Today, more than the exodus to the mainland , aging of the population to determine the decline of residents in the historic center .Meanwhile in the sixties the number of births and deaths was almost echivalent  today the number of deaths are more than the double of the new borned population . An old population of residents with age from 60 years old is nearly three times higher than that of young people up to 20 years.

We can identify four stages in this exodus , coinciding with as many decades :

1951-61 exodus from overcrowding , and degradation, incompatible with the new lifestyles

1961-71 exodus from non restoration -of those who had no means for the restoration of their houses to move to Mestre city .

1971-81 exodus from restoration – the big scale restoration is begining; the large estate agents entered on the market,and increased the competition

exodus of the population

exodus of the population

1991 – exodus from the market – proliferation of second homes of non-residents , prices are soaring and impiede the Venetians to return to the mainland.

From young and dynamic city which was made it throbbing of the beginning of the last century, now Venice is emptied of the many craft and trade activities, with a population less and less busy and older, with many places disabled or owned by wealthy Italians or foreigners who lives few days on the year into a city more and more like a big hotel.

And if the physical survival is certainly possible because natural phenomena are best known and predictable;economic and social aspects , are perhaps more complex and difficult because so are the nature of the human being.

See also




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Venice – emergencies

Venice emergency-dead fish

Venice emergency-dead fish

Venice – emergencies
-The Emergency , algae
An exceptional bloom of algae can give a high level of pollution.Started in 1989 ,the removing of 200,000 cubic meters of algae and lasted five years with high costs for disposal and transport .
The maintenance of navigable way of water requires collection of billions of cubic meters of mud . If in the past these were used to fill the “sache” ( depth of the lagoon called Sacks) . Several of pockets existed in the past in the lagoon have been gradually filled in time, thus giving rise to the real artificial islands , for example Sacca Sessola , Sacca Fisola , Sacca San Biagio.
In the  North area of Venice still stands intact , the Sacca della Misericordia , large basin that flows to the island of Murano and is partly used as a nautical port  ) , becomes an environmental problem because of the the destination of the sludge .A protocol (called of the Sludge) provides in addition  the criteria to be used for digging , although the methods of sampling, analysis ( particle size , chemical and physico- chemical microbiological ) and from samples at the end of their characterization is indicated the possible sites for the delivery of the sludge ,in about four categories corresponding to levels of pollution.The “special”ones must be disposed in landfills type “B ” that is outside the perimeter of the lagoon . In addition to the discomfort create to the nautical movement, the excessive accumulation of mud occluded also drains which was opened directly in the canals and completely clogged obstructed their spills, scattering inside the masonry and progressively degrading structures .
The port traffic .
Is at the same time one of the main economic resources of Venice , and at the same time one of the constraints to safeguard its lagoon. In addition to the risk of mishandling or failure , large ships ( 289×36 meters) are accused of creating a wave that put in danger the banks and construction.
THE SWELL – caused by engines with time creates real caves and collapses of the sections of walls. The ascent and descent of the waves leads to the wash of the mortars , and capillary rise of salt , and the loss of impermeability , causing extended states of degradation , or even collapses . venice emergency - algae
– phenomenon of lowering of the ground , one of the causes of the increase of high water .Progressive compaction of sediments and partly  tectonic deformations  of the substrate low the ground with 0.4 mm per year, but 4 cm per century.
– The anthropogenic subsidence mainly due to the pumping of water and gas from underground.The systematic use of groundwater through wells began in 800 to provide drinking water to Venice. Exploitation of massive industrial supply in the years 60-70 , when they were drilled deeper and deeper ( 300-400 meters) drawing on several levels and with pumping systems more powerful , did significantly lower the ground level in the years ’40 for the Venice city . The construction of an industrial aqueduct that supplies water from surface, drove the levels up to determine the elastic recovery of the land, following the repressurization of aquifers .
If once the threat from the ground to the lagoon was represented by the flooding of rivers, today primarily is the pollution. The erosion from the sea and pollution are two of the environmental problems of the lagoon, due to the presence of the great industrial center , but also by the rapid development of urbanization , modernization of agriculture and industrialization. The presence of toxic pollutants , dioxin contamination of organic nature , gave events as the mortality of fish ( 1982) , a massive bloom of macro- algae , abnormal coloration of the water channel .
The checks conducted on the chemical plant of Port Marghera, in 1998, find that the lagoon of Venice became one of the four most polluted places from Europe. In the waters of the lagoon of Venice were poured every year 70 tons of dichloroethane, 320 pounds of trichlorethylene, 4 tons of tetrachlorethylene, and 22 tons of bromoform. On air 1500 chimneys unloaded tons of harmful substances and 120 of waste discharge were in the area.
A series of laws and regulations , showed a marked reduction of the pollution in the purification plants
– the reduction of nitrogen waste
– punishments for discharges of the rejection water pollutants in the lagoon
– equipment and modern sewers for urban discharges of Venice.
Emergency tel numbers for the turists in Venice
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Il marketing e la guerra



Il marketing e la guerra

Finché l’uomo resta un animale, vive per il combattimento, a spese degli altri, teme e odia il prossimo. − La vita, quindi, è guerra.
Hermann Hesse, Guerra e pace, 1946marketing

La Guerra Totale è la Società moderna stessa, al suo più alto grado di efficienza.
Georges Bernanos, La Francia contro i robots, 1944/47


Marketing significa letteralmente “piazzare sul mercato”e comprende quindi tutte le azioni aziendali riferibili al mercato destinate al piazzamento di prodotti o servizi,

marketing operativo=  attiene invece a tutte quelle scelte che l’azienda pone in essere per raggiungere i suoi obiettivi strategici.

-strategia= spingere in avanti il esercito ( greco-stratos agein)

-stratego= leader;generale di guerra,

-stratagemma= chiama in causa l’intelligenza,manovra intrapresa per confondere e sorprendere il nemico,


-free lance= mercenario (lancia libera)

-slogan= grido di guerra (dal inglese slogorn,composto di due parole: sluach= esercito e ghairm=grido.

-brand management= gestione della marca.I marchi erano le stemmi delle caste nobiliari del medioevo.

-briefing = riunione in qui i piloti di guerra ricevevano le istruzioni sui bersagli da colpire.
Nel marketing e la riunione in qui si fissano gli obbiettivi.
-target= bersaglio

-campagna tattica= termine riguardante l’impiego di mezzi e di reparti militari
in un combattimento per raggiungere un obiettivo parziale.

Ogni nostro gesto è un atto di guerra. Ogni nostra azione quotidiana è una forma di guerra che esercitiamo contro qualcuno o qualcosa.
Oriana Fallaci, La forza della ragione, 2004

In guerra come in amore per venire a termine bisogna avvicinarsi.
Napoleone Bonaparte, Aforismi e pensieri politici, morali e filosofici, XIX sec.


Ti sei mai domandato quanto può essere per te un buon guadagno mensile? Cosa farai con questo guadagno extra? Ti interessa avere più tempo libero per te ,e per stare insieme con la tua famiglia?

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