Venice The house of the camel



The camel housepalazzo del cammello

Have you ever wondered what does a camel in Venice?
You can look at it from the Gasparo Contarini bank to Palace Mastelli , commonly known by the Venetians as the house of the camel . Mastelli Palace or camel’s house “In the history of Venice is described thus: ” The house in the Campo dei Mori arch shaped ends with a building , which face on the channel , adorned with sculptures, including one depicting a man in oriental costume , which drives a camel , so the building is called the camel’s house. ” Tassini ( Venetian Curiosity , 1886).The legend said that a wealthy Eastern merchant,having to leave the native land to move to Venice, saluting the girl who would not accept his proposal of marry him : ” I leave you with a broken heart and try to forget , but if one day you will want to join me at last in Venice , you can simply ask where is the house of the camel ‘s house.

All the writers believed that these were the remains of the ancient house of the Moors , or Saracens, but it is certain that the buildings were raised by the family Mastelli around the beginning of 1100.
cammelloPalazzo Mastelli is also linked to another legend . It is said that in 1757 it was haunted by ghosts  and every day at the same hour at the same time all the bells were ringing in the house. ” For about two months,at the same time , the internal  bells began to ring in the rooms wildly , and then, just as suddenly had begun , it stops . ”
The Chronicles also tell us that along the stairs of the building you could hear steps of man, you could see shadows on the mirrors ,windows closed and opened by themselves, and no one was present on the place .

As time went on , the phenomenon intensified , both in number and in mode, had as the constant the sound of the bells simultaneously .Joseph Tassini , in his Venetian Curiosity , writes: ” were heard for several consecutive evenings playing in the same time all the five bells inside the rooms .  ” Hence there arose a lot of fear , fainting women,with pale faces … ” .
The fact was so impatient and scared the owners who was even called the chaplain of San Fantin for perform an exorcism .
The operation was successful , apparently , since by that time the ghosts did not appear anymore.

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by     Cercodiamanti

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