Archivio tag: palazzo ducale

Venice- Doge’s palace


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Considered to be the grandest civic structure in Italy it dates back 1309,altrough a fire in 1577 desrtoyed much of the building ,the (Duke)  Doge’s palace has carried out three main roles: the Doge’s residence, the seat of government and courthouse -it was the most powerful place in Europe for 400 years.


Build to show off the power and welth of the republic in a so called Venetian Gothic stile -a
42857entratafision of Italian Gothic with delicate islamic flair ,had the basis on the bottom of the lagoon ,with the original columns sank,and the square build up over the centuries.The lightness of the polychrome decoration of the facade-with-lace precious stone due to the refined style of construction, with open galleries below and the full wall at the top.

The renascentist courtyard is one of the latest styles in a palace and had esperienced the work of many architects of widely varying tastes.DSCN7072

In the courtyard ,from the top of  the giant’s staircase      ( so named for the two statues of Mars and Neptune ) the duke said the solemn oath ,in front of his people.

Inside you can find famous pictures like “Rape of Europa “by Veronese;”The three graces”,or “Bacchus and Adriane ” by Tintoretto….

On the first floor lived the duke with his family .His living quarters ,once lavish ,now sparsley furnished ,everithing was stolen during the Napoleon invasion.You can go trough the San Sovinio’s ” gold stair” to the public rooms on the second floor,finishing with the bridge of the sights and the prison.DUCALE

The senat hall is the place where the 120 senators met,debated and passed laws .The central painting on the ceiling is Tintoreto’s large painting-Triumph of the venice.

The hall of the Grand Council -( the throne’s sale ), where the entire nobility met to elect the senate and doge.Ringing the room are portraits of the first 76 doges (in chronological order ).The one that’s blaked out is the doge Marin Falier who oppsed the will of the grand council 1355 .He was tried for treason ,beheaded ,and airbrushed from history.

sala-maggior-consiglioOn the wall over the doge’s throne is tintoreto’s masterpiece “Paradise”the largest oilpainting in the world.

In the “Sala del Consiglio dei dieci” with its gloomy paintings ,the dreaded council of ten (often called the terrible ten),used to assemble to decide who was in need of decapitation

BOCCA DEL LEONEIn the antichamber ,bills of acusation were dropped in the lion’s mouth.

From the open galery,on the nine column the doge assised at the public executions in front of the palace on the square.san marco 012

By   Cercodiamanti