Caravaggio e Venezia


 Caravaggio e Venezia

Michelangelo Merisi detto Caravaggio, si forma presso la bottega del pittore Simone Peterzano nella città di Milano.

Michelangelo Caravaggio

Vocazione di San Matteo- Caravaggio

Qui Caravaggio recepisce i modi di due tradizioni diverse: da un lato il realismo lombardo, dall’altro il rinascimento veneto, con il quale viene in contatto quando Peterzano lo porta con se in alcuni viaggi a Venezia,dove ha modo di lasciarsi suggestionare dalle opere di straordinari artisti, e dove conosce l’arte del Tintoretto.



Influenza Veneziana

….Con il Martirio di San Matteo ha inizio la “poetica caravaggesca” del rapporto luce-ombra che poi si svilupperà nelle opere successive.

Nel dipinto rappresentante la Vocazione di San Matteo il racconto è immerso nella realtà del tempo, con personaggi con abiti moderni. La luce è l’elemento caratterizzante l’intera opera. E’ una luce soffusa che non entra dalla finestra ,fuori scena sulla sinistra ,ma da oltre il braccio del Cristo che emerge dall’ombra sulla destra.
Davanti a quest’opera considerata meravigliosa dai contemporanei lui dice sinceramente:
Io vedo soltanto un’imitazione di Giorgione”
U’altra influenza veneziana, e Lorenzo Lotto.Ritroviamo anche nelle sue opere gli sguardi lotteschi meditabondi e psicologicamente intensi, come quelli del Ritratto di giovane (della Gemäldegalerie di Berlino) e quello di Ludovico Grazioli di collezione privata.



Giove, Nettuno e Plutone


Caravaggio Jupiter Neptune Pluto

Caravaggio Jupiter Neptune PlutoE un dipinto eseguito dal Caravaggio intorno al 1597, e conservato nel casino di Villa Ludovisi, a Roma.

Il dipinto venne realizzato su commissione del suo protettore , Francesco Maria del Monte, sul soffitto della villa del cardinale presso porta Pinciana.

In questo camerino, il cardinale si dilettava nell’alchimia e, per tale ragione, Caravaggio vi dipinse un’allegoria della triade alchemica di Paracelso – Giove, personificazioni rispettivamente dello zolfo e dell’aria, Nettuno del mercurio e dell’acqua, e Plutone del cloruro e della terra.

È l’unica pittura murale eseguita dall’artista che aveva sempre dipinto ad olio su tela ed aveva poca pratica nella tecnica della pittura murale .

Sapendo che l’olio su muro e difficilissimo da fare perché tende di oscurarsi,staccarsi,perdere la pellicola pittorica ,Michele inizia a studiare le pitture dell’artista veneziano Sebastiano Luciani detto dal Piombo.
Il dipinto ha mostrato il suo volto evidenziando tre divinità mitologiche, Giove, Plutone, Nettuno intorno ad una sfera celeste costellata dei segni zodiacali, con l’aggiunta di due globi luminosi.

Dentro la sfera, ruota una fascia con i segni zodiacali. La raffigurazione caravaggesca è un’allegoria del processo alchemico.  I tre dei rappresentano la trasmutazione della materia nei tre stati fondamentali (solido/ liquido/ gassoso), da cui si genera la pietra filosofale ” come geroglifico dell’universo e con essa la luce, rappresentata dal grande globo luminoso dove si uniscono il principio maschile, il Sole e quello femminile, la Luna.
Le sue opere saranno giudicate poco dignitose ,in alcuni casi oltraggiose .Il motivo principale e la scelta dei modelli .Utilizzava prostitute per dipingere le madonne,malati e barboni come modelli per i santi.Inventa un suo particolare repertorio dipingendo giovani presi dalla strada, messi in posa.

Famoso e ammirato nella vita fu quasi dimenticato nei secoli successivi alla sua morte,e solo al inizio del XX secolo la sua importanza nello sviluppo dell’arte pittorica fu universalmente riconosciuta.







The Doges of Venice

Doges of Venice


 Doges were the heads of the Republic for over a thousand years. The name of the Doge (Dose in the Venetian language ) takes place between the ninth and tenth century.

doges on gondola

doges on gondola

The qualification of the Doge is that of the most serene prince, ranking just below the Pope, the Emperor and King, but superior to all principles of the royal line although in public acts is called “Monsignor the Doge”. Actually he reigns, did not govern.The Doge is the vortex of the constitution of the republic. And the symbol of power and splendor of the Serenissima.

The ceremonies of the Doges of Venice

 Doge FrancescoFoscariBastiani

Doge FrancescoFoscariBastiani

The coronation of the new doge was from a unparalleled vivacity. The newly elected was accompanied by the six great wise men ( -i sapientes- representing the Permanent Council of the Doge). Among the salvos of artillery and sounds of huts he went to the Ducal Palace, then to San Marco, where, ascended the rostrum of marble that was
to the right of the choir showed himself to the people.

After the mass, sworn loyalty, and received the banner with the winged lion. Then coated with the ducal mantle was carried by workers of Arsenal, around Piazza San Marco,throwing pieces of silver and gold to the crowd.
Returned to the Palazzo Ducale, from top of the ladder, between the two statues, Neptune and Mars and under the winged lion,took place the solemn ceremony of coronation . During the coronation, the new Doge received the “Zoia”, the ducal cap, from the hands of senior adviser after swearing allegiance to the state laws.

Pietro Orseolo II

Pietro Orseolo II

In ceremonies before him were the sword, the chair of golden fabric and the parasol. At his side are sitting the great captain and his lackeys, the chancellor with his secretaries and behind him are in hierarchical order the members of the Signoria, the Ten, the Municipal Avocati, prosecutors, the Senate.
 Dressing :
Large purple robe (later brocarto gold) lined and trimmed with ermine ,red shoes of the Byzantine emperors. The gold crown is replaced in the fourteenth century by a headgear called “doge’s horn”. Has its own ship called Bucintoro.
His rights are few: Assign the Patriarch of Venice, the canons of San Marco, and
introduces to the Great Council “proposals” to be discussed with priority.
Is incessantly controlled by his advisers, he is not participating to the deliberations of wise men, to the Senate.
His vote has no more value than anyone senator. In matters of foreign policy, the Doge could not decide peace or war, make treaties, send or receive embassies, without the help of the wise men who formed his council.
He is the servant of his electors and aristocracy . He had no more real power than the right to conduct wartime military operations and command the fleet.
The Doge was the most supervised and the most obedient servant of the Serenissima.

It would be very difficult to remember all the hundred and twenty doges of Venice. Although all are important for the history of Venice, here are some doges of Venice with their characteristics:

The first Doge of Venice was Paulicio Anafesto (697-717).
Peter Tradonico (836 -864) could not read and write, so the documents and edicts were signed with “Signum magnus”

Peter I Candiano (887)

with the shortest charge, six months. He was killed in a reprisal against pirates “Neretva” (actual Croatia).

san marco basilica

san marco basilica

Peter Orsello II (991-1009) – opens the way of the naval market, regaining Bari and Taranto from the hands of the Saracens. The republic was recognized by the Papal State.

Ottone Orselo (1009-1026) was elected doge when he had 15 years old.

Faldero (Ordelaf) Falier Dodoni (1102-1118)

Reconquest Zara and proclaimed king of Hungary and Croatia.

Enrico Dandolo, became Doge of Venice at seventy years (January 1193) when he was already old and blind.Dandolo proved ‘incredible physical and mental strength for his age


Marin Faliero at age 60 years became doge (11 September 1354), and April 17, 1355 was beheaded for having conspired against the Republic.

Francesco Foscari was one of the most popular but also the most hated Doge in the history of Venice.Passes into history as the longest Dogato 1423 -1457.

Sebastiano Venier, amiraglio, winner of Lepanto (1571) against the Turks, was elected doge age 81.

The doges Bertucci (1656-1658 father) and Sylvester (1694-1700-son) Valier.
These had a single vice: gambling, often attending the casino’s Ridotto.
Francesco Corner elected on  May 17, 1656 aged 71, died June 5 of that year. Is the record of the shortest leading in the history of the Venice Republic.

giovanni e paolo church

giovanni e paolo church

Francesco Loredan (1752-1765) start to get sick in 1755, at seventy. The agony lasted seven years and no means surgical or other devilish known was unable to cure him.


In the “Pantheon of the Doges of Venice“,
were buried, begining with the year 1200, twenty-five of one hundred and twenty of the Doges of the Republic.
The basilica Saints John and Paul (called San Zanipolo in Venetian dialect) is one of the most impressive religious medieval buildings of Venice.



On the death of the Doge, the eldest of the adviser said:
“With great sorrow we have heard about the death of Serene Prince of so much goodness and mercy.
But we’ll make another. ”
The death was announced to the entire city by the sound twice for nine times of church bells.
The doge was immediately embalmed and wrapped in the mantle of gold, with the doge’s horn on his head,the golden spurs shod with the upside down and the sword of command with the handle towards the legs. On the third day after his death, took place funerals,in a procession attended by thousands of people.
From the church, after the funeral oration, they all leaving in gondola.
The folk did not participate to the funeral of the doge, perhaps because according to an ancient prophecy, the church would have collapsed on the day of a solemn celebration.
Ludovico Manin 1789-1797 last venetian doge.
After his election Pietro Gardenigo said : They proclaimed a Friulian doge. The republic is died. On May 12, 1797, surrounded by the French army, without resistance, the Doge deposed the ducal insignia.
The abdication was made in favor of a Provisional Municipality. On May 16, the treaty was signed for submission to the French republic,led by Napoleon Bonaparte



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Ernest Hemingway ,Venezia


Ernest Hemingway
Nasce il 21 luglio 1899 a Oak Park (sobborgo di Chicago).Fin da piccolo impara a praticare diversi sport, fra i quali il pugilato. Il fisico muscoloso, il carattere da attaccabrighe, la predilezione per le grandi mangiate e le formidabili bevute lo rendono un personaggio unico dell’alta società internazionale.

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway a Rialto

Il 6 aprile 1918 si presentò come volontario per andare a combattere in Europa con il Corpo di spedizione americano del generale Pershing. Partito con la croce rossa da Chicago, America ,come soldato riformato per un problema all’occhio sinistro,arrivo nel maggio 1918 a Schio ,Italia,in piena guerra mondiale.

Ferito alle gambe ,l’8 luglio del 1918 a Fossalta di Piave,riusci a trascinare sulle spalle un suo amico soldato ,fino allo svenimento.I dottori gli tolsero una trentina di schegge dal piede e dalle gambe.Una settimana dopo ,a Milano, gli tolgono altre 227 schegge. Compiva 19 anni.

Cosi nacque “Addio alle armi”,

pubblicato più tardi,nel 1929 ,che viene salutato con entusiasmo dalla critica e gratificato da un notevole successo commerciale.La sua nuova tecnica narrativa riusci ad influenzare successivamente generazioni intere di scrittori.

hemingway al mercato del pesce

hemingway al mercato del pesce

Si reca poi in Spagna, da dove manda un reportage sulla Guerra civile. Qui aderisce al Fronte Popolare e collabora alla riduzione cinematografica di “La terra di Spagna”.
Tra le opere più straordinarie dello scrittore sono “I quarantanove racconti”, pubblicata nel 1938,che contiene vari racconti tra cui “La capitale del mondo “, “Breve la vita felice di Francis Macomber” e “Le nevi del Chilimangiaro”.
Nel febbraio del 1939 lo troviamo a Cuba lavorando al romanzo “Per chi suona la campana.”
Partecipa alla seconda guerra mondiale,1944.Costituisce una sua sezione del servizio segreto e una unità partigiana con la quale partecipa alla liberazione di Parigi.

Dopo il 1947 Ernest Hemingway trascorre parecchio tempo in Italia. Soggiornò  soprattutto fra Venezia, l’isola di Torcello, Cortina e la laguna di Caorle, dove andava spesso a caccia, ospite di famiglie aristocratiche della zona.

A Venezia, stringe amicizia , con la diciannovenne Adriana Ivancich. La giovane e lui stesso sono i protagonisti del romanzo che sta scrivendo, “Di là dal fiume e tra gli alberi (1950) ,ambientato proprio nei luoghi veneti conosciuti dall’autore .
Si fotografa a Rialto,nel campo della Beccaria ,con il mercato del pesce,che secondo lui assomiglia ad un museo,

d'avanti a hotel Gritti

d’avanti a hotel Gritti

alloggia ad hotel Gritti,alla locanda Cipriani a Torcello,

si ferma al caffè Floriano,e al Harri’s bar ,dove sorseggia il suo “Montgommery”.

Alla fine di marzo,1954,dopo un incidente aviatico, dimagrito di dieci chili, raggiunge Venezia dove il Conte Federico Kechler lo raggiunse e lo accompagnò in varie cliniche per esami  radiografici e visite più complete.


Ernest Hemingway,d'avanti alla locanda Cipriani a Torcello

Ernest Hemingway,d’avanti alla locanda Cipriani a Torcello

L’amore per le situazioni di pericolo e il senso della morte lo porto a esperimentare varie avventure nella guerra,ma anche nella vita privata .I numerosi incidenti occorsi nella sua vita in buona misura sono conseguenti al suo voler vivere sempre esperienze limite.
Dopo un nuovo  incidente ,profondamente depresso perché pensa che non riuscirà più a scrivere, il 2 luglio 1961, prende il suo fucile , appoggia la doppia canna alla fronte e si spara.



A Bassano del Grappa il museo della grande Guerra ,nel’elegante palazzo Ca Erizzo Luca accoglie una sezione dedicata a Ernesto Hemingway.

Leggi di più :


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liagò, palazzo donà

liagò, palazzo donà

The first Venetian houses, built of wood, had almost all their liagò.
Liagò or Diago are outside arcades that protrudes from the buildings, are exposed to sunlight, on three sides, delimited by large windows. In Venetian dialect “liagò” is similar to a porch or terrace enclosed by windows. The name may derive from the greek
Heliacon, meaning sunny.
Structures dating back to the fifteenth century, have now disappeared from the architecture of the Venetian palaces. On the few liagò remained you can immediately notice the rich decorations of glass and wrought iron.

liagò, palazzzo falier

Liagò, palazzzo falier

At present they are empty spaces but at the time of the Serenissima , liagò were places where the families  spent the large part of the time ,being the living room and the office were most of the affairs was concluded . In this pleasant place,  full of light and air,  gather the whole family for conversation or for other domestic activities.

See also Venice’s Grand Canal ,  Ca’ Giustinian Lolin (17C, Baldassare Longhena) to the right.

liago, made of timber,corte di moro lin

liago, made of timber,corte di moro lin

Once, the Venetians ladies, on liagò as in altana, they wash and dye their hair and dried themselves in the sun, hided of prying eyes .

liago interno palazzo ducale

liago , palazzo ducale, inside

Liagò placed in Palazzo Ducale can be seen on the second floor, coming from the armory.

liagò, on the the German synagogue,Jewish ghetto

liagò, on the the German synagogue, Jewish ghetto

Outside the “Levantine school”, and the “canton school”, the old Jewish synagogues from Jewish ghetto, you can see the timbered liagò , which correspond to the Bimah (from Arabic, al-minbar, which means “platform, podium “) the place of the speaker,the most important from the synagogue.

Liago, similar to an  Oriental kiosk,Palazzo Rimani  liago simile a un chiosco orientale palazzo rimani

Monuments to Daniele Manin and Pietro Paleocapa,Venice.

Monuments to  Daniele Manin and Pietro Paleocapa,Venice.

Monument to Daniele Manin,campo Manin 

daniele manin,campo manin,venice

daniele manin,campo manin,venice

Made by Luigi Borro (,in 1865, the statue faces the house where Daniele Manin had lived .The plaque exposed above the house number 2313 recalls that Daniele Manin was born in Venice in a house overlooking over the Rio di San Luca, with the view of the former Campo San Paternian, now called Daniele Manin.
Two bronze sculptures complete the monument: a lion, who sits on the steps,
with large wings outstretched and, above it, the statue of Daniele Manin. The figure is shown standing, leaning on his left foot. The right arm is bent and the hand is hidden on the clothes,a gesture of a man of command .The left hand grasps a roll:The Decree of the Venetian Assembly that in 1849 announce the resistance of the Europe “at any cost” to the siege of the German army.

Daniele Manin, born on May 13, 1804 ,son of a modest lawyer, Peter and Anna Maria Bellotto. His grandfather with Jewish origin had been converted to Catholicism changing the name from Medina to Manin, to pay tribute to the Doge Ludovico Manin the last Doge of Venice.
On 1840 he start the political activity against the Austrians but in 1848 was arrested. On March 17 was released together with Niccolo Tommaseo.

the monument with his ashes,near the basilica di san marco,venice

the monument with his ashes,near the basilica di san marco,venice

On March 23, 1848,is nominated President of the new Republic of Venice,and helped to found the National Italian Society . After the capitulation of Venice on August 22, 1849, Manin fled to Marseilles then Paris.
He died in Paris in September 22, 1857. His ashes rest in Venice, beside the Basilica of San Marco.
Monument to the patriot Pietro Paleocapa.
By Luigi Ferrari (
on 1873 ,the monument to Pietro Paleocapa initially was placed in campo St.Stephen. Today you can admire it at the communal gardens called Papadopoli.

The particularity of this monument is that the figure is not standing, frontal, ,as the most of the statues of that age.Paleocapa is sitting, in comfortable and informal attitude, with one hand resting on his leg.


pietro paleocapa's statue , papadopoli gardens ,venice

pietro paleocapa’s statue , papadopoli gardens ,venice

Pietro Paleocapa was born in Nese, Bergamo, in November 1788 by the family of ancient Greek origins.
After the Ottoman conquest of Crete (Heraklion) in the seventeenth century, his family moved to the Venetian republic.

Participates in the Napoleonic wars in military units of genius, of the Italian Kingdom.He was taken prisoner in the fights against Germany in 1813 but managed to escape and return to Italy.

At the fall of the kingdom of Italy, he withdrew in civil activities by working as a hydraulic engineer on the rivers Brenta, Bachiglione, Adige, Tisza and for the arrangement of the port of Malamocco, in the Venetian lagoon.
Becomes minister of the provisional government of Daniele Manin in 1848. After the end of the Republic of San Marco moved to Turin, where  was elected as member of the Italian parliament of the kingdom  and minister of public works in Casati ,D’Azeglio and Cavour government . He was a proponent of the annexation of Venice to Piedmont.



By -Cercodiamanti
If you search something to change your life. You must decide whether to take action or stay at the point where you are .
All you have to do is to ask a simple question:

Explain to me the whole business?
It will be an honor for me to be your coach in this path if you’ll allow me.
(Mail: Gino.costa@Yahoo .it)

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Venice train station

Venice train station

The Venice train station or Saint Lucia train station is the terminus of the railway trunk of four tracks that reach the Mestre train station, from where it branches into several lines to Milan, Trieste , Trento , Udine, Adria .

venice train station

venice train station


Venice train station has 22 tracks, from track 1-23 . ( The track 20 does not exist, it goes directly from platform 19 to platform 21 )
the tracks 17-23 are after the track 14 , and is accessed through the passages along the track 14
ticket office , and automatic self service  are inside the hall
club freccia -intercity trains -at the beginning of platform 13
Italo house -inside the hall.

customer information near the ticket office ,inside the hall.
The Blue Room –  people with disabilities – track 14

toilet – along the platform 1 , 1 euro / person .

travel agencies, hotels and info – inside the hall
luggage storage – platform 1 ( along the of the platform )

police station – platform 14 (about half track)
public phones – forward of the station on the left side looking towards the canal
box mail – in front of the the station on the left side looking towards the canal

-all regional trains pass through the Mestre (train station)
– before leaving, the tickets must be validated in the ticket machines located at the beginning of each track
( green or yellow)
bars and restaurants

-pizza restaurant – at the beginning of platform platform 14

– after the 23 -rd track , toward the bridge of the constitution there are another two cafe bar

kfc -restaurant

Spizzico -fast food

– Piazzale Roma place is car terminal and the city terminus of all the lines of transport.
Here you will also find the nearest car parks : The municipal garage , Garage San Marco, St. Andrea Park .
The link between Piazzale Roma and the train station is made through the fourth bridge on the Grand Canal ,designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava.

Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia

In the hall is a piano. Travelers who know to play piano can do it free while waiting for the train.

For information on timetables and prices please contact the appropriate sites of the State Railway (Ferrovia )  or Grandi Stazioni.

By -Cercodiamanti


Venice train station

venice train station

venice train station

Venice -Saint Lucia

The Venice train station or Saint Lucia train station is  the terminus of the railway trunk of four tracks that reach the Mestre train station, from  where it branches into several lines to Milan, Trieste , Trento , Udine, Adria .
Venice train station has 23 tracks, from track 1-23 . ( The track 20 does not exist, it goes directly from platform 19 to platform 21 )
the tracks 17-23 are after the track 14 , and is accessed through the passages along the track 14
ticket office , and automatic self service and are inside  .

Santa Lucia

Santa Lucia

club  freccia -intercity trains -at the begining of platform 13
Italo  house – inside the hall
customer information  near the ticket office ,
The Blue Room –  people with disabilities – track 14

-toilet – along the  platform 1   , 1 euro / person .

travel agencies, hotels and info –  inside the hall
 luggage storage – platform 1 ( in the of the platform )

police station – platform 14 (about half track)
public phones – forward of the station on the left side looking towards the big canal .
box mail – in front of the the station on the left side looking towards the big canal .

-all regional trains pass through the   Mestre (train station)
– before leaving, the tickets must be validated in the ticket machines located at the beginning of each track (  green or yellow)
bars and restaurants

” station buffet ” pizza restaurant-  at the begining of platform platform 14

-after the 23 -rd  track , toward the bridge of the constitution there are another 2 bar

KFC -restaurant

Spizzico -fast food
Piazzale Roma place is car terminal and the city terminus of all the lines of transport.
Here you will also find the nearest car parks : The municipal garage , Garage San Marco, St. Andrea Park .
The link between Piazzale Roma and the train station is made through the fourth bridge on the Grand Canal , designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava.

For information on timetables and prices please contact the appropriate sites of the  RFI or Grandi Stazioni.

By              -Cercodiamanti



Niccolo Tommaseo, Venice

Niccolo Tommaseo

Each of the three important revolutionaries of 1848, Daniele Manin, Niccolo Tommaseo, Pietro Paleocapa has in Venice the own monument, a reminder of their struggle for freedom.

Sanesi-La proclamazione della Repubblica di San Marco,1848 - litografia -1850

The proclamation of the Republic of San Marco, 1848 – lithography -1850

… Republic of San Marco was established in Venice as a result of the uprising of
the city against the Austrian government on March 17, 1848. The Lombardy and the part of Veneto still free, chose to merging with the Kingdom of Upper Italy. Despite Manin and Tommaseo were trying in vain to postpone the institutional issue at the end of the war, Castelli, Paleocapa and Avesani, pushed for the fusion of Venice with them, ratified by 4 July 1848. Manin invited the most loyal Republicans to accept the merger …

The monument to Niccolo Tommaseo by Francesco Barzaghi is located in campo Santo Stefano, in the San Marco sextier .


Niccolo Tommaseo

Niccolo Tommaseo

The Venetians have named this statue since the beginning “cagalibri” ( “books pooper”) .The nickname is given by the stack of books put as support below the sculpture, to confer more stability.
The statue of Niccolo Tommaseo ,on a block of Carrara marble ,standing and with the arms folded. Dressed  according to the fashion of the time,reflects frowning between the rolls holding in his left hand.It seems looking for a new idea, and  ready to write it with the writing feather placed in his left hand.

The statue has the resembles of a “prophet” with visible lock of hair and messy beard.The position of the right arm, and the angle of the head was probably the usual pose for Tommaseo as seen in the few original portraits.Three volumes on his back,representing his prolific literary output, are thrown randomly one on top of other, while the fourth was carved vertical, so that with the back comes to wrap the edge of the coat. This winding strengthens the left leg that maybe had problems of stability.

niccolo tommaseo

niccolo tommaseo ,venice

Niccolo Tommaseo
Born in 1802, in Sibenik , Dalmatia (ex Venetian possession, today Croatia), son
of Jerome and Catherine Chevessich. Studied in Spalanto then in Padua and Milan.

In 1827 he moved to Florence where published the dictionary of synonyms. We find him in France in 1838 and Corsica 1839 . Back in Venice in 1840,after an anti Austrian speech against censorship,the press freedom  was arrested, then freed by the people during the insurrection against the Austrians.
He became part of the Government of Danielle Manin, of the Republic of San Marco in 1848.It was minister in the interim government, and ambassador to Paris.
After the capitulation of Venice in 1849 took refuge in Corfu then in Turin, 1854.
He died in Florence in 1874, in poverty and suffering, ill with syphilis that leads to blindness.


niccolo tommaseo

niccolo tommaseo

For the Italian lexicography writes: New thesaurus of Italian (1830),
Dictionary of Italian language (4 volumes). Within studies, ethnographic collection
“Folk songs Tuscan ,Corsicans, Illyrian and Greek” (4 volumes). Other works: The Perticari refuted by Dante (1825), Commentary on the Divine Comedy (3volumes ), Bible Stories and Meditations on the Gospels  (1970), The holy Gospels.

“Faith and Beauty”, is considered by critics a premature attempt at psychological novel.




Venice museums

venice museums

venice museums

Venice museums ,the second issue.
In a city of art par excellence, with many museums, churches and wonderful places, choose where to go is not easy.For those who come for the first time in Venice, it is obvious that the time is preciousness.To facilitate your choice, here you will find brief descriptions,schedules, prices of some museums of Venice.

The first part of this article is on address:



Accademia – Academy museum.
Founded in 1750 with educational purposes, it preserves the greatest masterpieces in the world,works of Venetian paintings ranging from 1300 to 1700.During the Austrian rule, in a period of continuous looting, the role of the Academy was critical to maintain in the lagoon, some of the works related to the Venetian tradition.
The museum contains works of the most famous masters like Bellini, Giorgione, Carpaccio , Titian and Tiepolo.


Mondays from 8.15 to 14.00 (last entry at 13:15)
Tuesday to Sunday from 8.15 to 19.15 (last admission 18.30)
Address: Campo della Carità, 1050, 30123 Venezia,
Phone: 041 520 0345
Ticket; info and prices for special exhibitions

museo storico navale

museo storico navale

Naval History Museum
A wonderful museum that tells the history of Italian and Venetian navy.
Surprising are the reconstructions of a trireme, a “galeazza” (a large galley, star of the victory over the Turks at Lepanto in 1571), Bucintoro( the vessel used by the Doge ceremony), gondolas, torpedoes guided by divers and other boats typically Venetian.

Museums, schedules,
Summer season (1/4> 31/10)
From Monday to Thursday 8:45 to 13:30 | Friday and Saturday 8:45 to 17:30
Sundays and holidays 10.00 – 17.30

Winter season (1.11> 3.31)
From Monday to Thursday 8:45 to 13:30 | Friday and Saturday 8:45 to 17:00
Sundays and holidays 10:00 to 17:00
Closed December 25, January 1, May 1
The ticket office closes half an hour before
Address: Riva S. Biasio Castello, 2148-30122 Venice

Tel. 041.2441.399

Other informations :

House of Carlo Goldoni

House of Carlo Goldoni

Museo Casa Goldoni
“House of Carlo Goldoni”, was built in the fifteenth century.Owned by the family Rizzi, the building was rented to Zentani or Centani, from which it took the future name, hosting also a flourishing artistic and literary Academy. Towards the end of 1600 settled there the grandfather of Carlo Goldoni, Carlo Alessandro, from Modena.Goldoni family remained in this house, where Charles was born Feb. 25, 1707, until 1719.
Tickets :

Palazzo Mocenigo
The museum displays a selection of rare pieces – textiles and costumes, including original state robes of the eighteenth century. The clothes and accessories on display, originating from Venice, are made of textured fabrics, often embellished with embroidery and lace.


Museums, schedules,

from 1 November to 31 March; 10:00 to 16:00                                                                  from April 1 to November 30, 10:00 to 17:00
Monday, 25 December, 1 January and 1 May-Closed

Ticket office closes half an hour before

Address: Santa Croce 1992, 30135 Venice

Phone: 041 721798

Other informations[festivaldetail]&id=572&wms_op=museiCivici&change_language=1

Murano glass
vetro di muranoThe history of Murano Glass was borne in 1291 when it ruled that the glassworks in Venice, active probably already before the year one thousand, were transferred to Murano because the ovens of the laboratories were often responsible for the disastrous fires, which became particularly serious because the buildings were mostly wooden.

Address: Fondamenta Marco Giustinian, 8, 30141 Venice, Murano
Phone: 041 739586
Museums, schedules
from April 1 to October 31, 10:00 to 18:00

from 1 November to 31 March 10:00 to 17:00
Closed 25 December, 1 January and 1 May
Ticket office closes 30 minutes before

Other informations                                                         
Lace Museum Burano

merlettoThe Burano lace is one of the most renowned lace to world.The first evidence of the flowering of trade of Venetian lace from the late fifteenth century. But the end of the Venetian Republic (1797) coincided with the beginning of a slow crisis: the production of lace became an activity exclusively of few families, and the number of lace makers began to decline, to the risk of running out of this traditional production .

from 1 April to 31 October
10:00 to 18:00 (ticket office 10:00 to 17:30)

from 1 November to 31 March
10:00 to 17:00 (ticket office 10:00 to 16:30)
It closed on Monday, December 25, January 1 and May 1
Address: Piazza Galuppi, 187, 30142 Venice, Burano
Phone: 041 730034
Other informations:

Museum of Sacred Paintings  Byzantines

dipinto bizantinoDiocesan Museum of Sacred Art

Venetian schools

The institutions called schools were built in Venice in the Middle Ages. The patricians
adhered only to the most important schools for reasons of prestige, or to ensure the spiritual advantages that they procured.Citizens of low social class or with dubious activities were not accepted, as well as women, if not as members of the family of the brotherhood.

Some schools were built to bring together foreign workers present in Venice: Schiavoni (slave origins), Albanians, Bergamaschi (from Bergamo city). Other schools instead gathered groups of craftsmen in their profession.The most important were the schools of a religious character.
Great school of San Giovanni Evangelista in Venice

Great school of Carmini

Great school of San Rocco

The school of San Giorgio degli Schiavoni


chorusIn Venice there are more than 250 churches consecrated and deconsecrated.
Chorus, contributes to the conservation and enhancement of the churches of Venice, an immense wealth,and promotes knowledge through a museum tour that combines sixteen of the greatest examples of religious architecture of Venice.

Sixteen of the largest churches of Venice, visited with a single ticket, the Chorus Pass.

Albrecht Dùrer- Venezia

Albrecht Dùrer

albrecht durer

albrecht durer

Thurer,o Alberto Duro,pittore di Norimberga ,fortemente visionario,un genio guidato dal ambizione,a 23 anni, fa il secondo viaggio a Venezia ,nel 1506 .E ormai riconosciuto come un maestro di fama mondiale.

Lavora per i mercanti tedeschi dipingendo i muri esterni del Fondaco dei Tedeschi,una pala per la chiesa della comunità tedesca veneziana con la scena del martirio di san Bartolomeo,quadro che sembra che e andato nella possessione del imperatore Rudolf secondo .

A Venezia, Dùrer fece alcuni ritratti di nobili locali, maschili e femminili, e realizzò opere a soggetto religioso: la Madonna del Lucherino e il Cristo dodicenne tra i dottori.

L’opera più importante del soggiorno Veneziano è la Festa del Rosario,la pala per decorare la chiesa della comunità tedesca che viveva attorno al “Fontego dei Tedeschi”.Vi sono ritratti,in primo piano a sinistra papa Sisto IV ,e a destra l’imperatore Federico III , incoronato da Maria .A destra, accanto al paesaggio alpino,Dürer si auto ritrae con un cartiglio in mano.Il doge in persona,e il patriarca di Venezia, con la nobiltà cittadina, vogliono vedere la tavola. Il pittore ricordò come in quell’occasione il doge gli avesse proposto di diventare pittore della Repubblica, con un’ottima offerta retributiva.

 rialto ,fondaco dei tedeschi

rialto ,fondaco dei tedeschi

Cosi grande fu l’influenza veneziana per Dùrer che alcune lettere avevano parole in lingua veneziana del tempo. Infatti mote delle sue incisioni hanno influenze veneziane . La grande prostituta,incisione che racconta la caduta di Babilonia ,la donna seduta sopra la bestia, ha in mano un ,calice di vetro di Murano, l’influenza di Giogione, nelle sfumatura “calda ” del viso nei ritratti.
Alla sua volta inoculo ai pittori Italiani l’amore per la natura,le storie di Maria,e delle grandi passioni ,opere che saranno sempre proposte nel rinascimento italiano.

durer babilonia

durer babilonia

In Germania fu il primo che insegno le regole di matematica ,la prospettiva e ridusse
ad un regolare sistema l’arte del disegno e della pittura . Scriverà un trattato sulla
prospettiva nella pittura.
Dùrer ha un posto anche tra i tipografi,per le sue stampe in legno finemente scolpite.Alcuni pretendono che è un maestro intagliatore in ferro,per le sue medaglie a rilievo.Nel 1512 invento l’arte di intagliare ad acqua forte le lamine di ferro.
Fu uno dei quali perfezionò la pittura su vetro.Un vero professionista del intaglio del rame.

Un altro tema che interessò il giovane artista fu la nuova concezione del corpo umano elaborata in Italia .Già nel 1493 l’artista aveva infatti prodotto un disegno di Bagnante (primo nudo preso dal vivo dell’arte tedesca) e a Venezia poté approfondire, grazie all’abbondanza di modelli disponibili, i rapporti tra figure, nude o vestite, con lo spazio in cui si muovono.

Il più grande dei fratelli Bellini, Giovanni ,di età ormai avanzata,  ritenuto da Dürer “ancora il migliore” , aveva espresso la sua benevolenza e stima, andando a trovarlo e volendo acquistare qualche suo lavoro.  Bellini aveva elogiato pubblicamente il tedesco  in una lettera al Senato di Norimberga del 1524.


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