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Saint Theodore- Venice

Saint Theodore- Venice

Saint Theodore , Venice, saint mark square

Saint Theodore ,Venice, saint mark square

Saint Theodore (Todaro for the Venetians), Byzantine saint and warrior, was the first patron of the city of Venice. Saint Theodore is portrayed in marble,in top of one of collone in St. Mark’s square, killing a dragon, as a metaphor of good conquering devil .The statue is actually a copy. The original is at the entrance of the Palazzo Ducale.

Saint Theodore  , original statue

Saint Theodore , original statue

Saint Theodore of Amasya (present-day city of Amasya in Turkey) also known as Theodore Tiro (from the greek word Tyron = soldier) was a soldier of the Roman army , who was martyred for his faith in Christ. He was martyred for refusing to do sacrifices to the Roman gods, and for setting fire to the temple of Cybele, a deity worshiped in ancient Anatolia. He was tortured and then thrown into prison.It is said that the romans offered him even the position of the pope if he left his faith. Teodoro refused, not recognizing,them ,their gods, and testifying that he would not ripped a single word, a single gesture against the loyalty he owed to the Lord.
On February 17,  between 306 and 311 , was burnt alive, on the charge of being a Christian.
A legend said that Theodore did not feel the burn of the flames, he died without pain and gave he gave his soul glorifying God.

He was buried at Euchaite, a town near Amasea, Turkey, a city that, on tenth century was called Teodoropoli (the etymology of the name is derived from the greek word Theodore, “gift of God”).

Scuola Grande  of  Saint Theodore

Scuola Grande of Saint Theodore

The “Scuola Grande di Saint Theodore”, dedicated to the first patron saint of Venice, was built from 1580 on the initiative of the brotherhood composed of merchants and craftsmen . At the beginning was guest at the Church of San Salvador.
Here the members of the guild of merchants and artisans met and helped each other in case of need.On the facade of the seventeenth century building you find five statues. On the top is St. Theodore and four angels on the sides.

The sculptures are made by Bernardo Falcon on the second half of the seventeenth century. The lounge was designed and built by Longhena and adorned with paintings dating back to 1600 and 1700 of the Vassilacchi, Jacopo Palma il giovane, Balestra, Bassano.

In 1999 the Venetian Musicians began to hold their concert seasons in the Scuola Grande and it became the most prestigious Concert Hall in Venice.

The relics of the martyr were transported from the Orient to Brindisi, the city of which he is the patron saint (kept in an urn at a reliquary altar of the Cathedral of Brindisi,Italy).

It is presumed a “seizure” of the precious cargo direct from the Orient to Venice.

saint isidore chappel on saint mark basilica

saint isidore chappel on saint mark basilica

As a result,in Venice appeared an another Santo Teodoro, no longer a soldier but generally known as Theodore of Heraclea or even as Theodore Stratelate (from the greek Stratelates = lance-bearer). He was tortured and crucified on Sintica Heraclea in Thrace, by order of Licinius (Augustus in 308), and (also) buried in Euchaite near Amasea.
In 1267 his remains were removed and taken to Venice, in the church of San Salvador where he became the first patron of the city of Venice. In the altar of the church there are still the funeral urn of the saint.

Venice celebrates the November 9, as saint Theodore day,the day of the patron of the city until the thirteenth century. A small church dedicated to him and have existed since the sixth century in the area currently occupied by the basilica of San Marco.

Chapel of St. Isidore, located on the bottom of the left side of the Basilica of San Marco. The dividing wall covered in marble that separates it from the original basilica corresponds to the outer wall of the ancient church of Saint Theodore.

Saints Theodore Tyron and Theodore Stratilates

Saints Theodore Tyron and Theodore Stratilates

This doubling of the Saint Theodore generated a flowering of legends and mysteries to end up with the hypothesis of a single person, who is venerated in different times and places, and that influenced the days of commemorations.

In Byzantine and Venetian icons, the two saints are often depicted together. Sometimes they are represented on horseback and are distinguished because the soldier is armed with a sword. Physiognomy of the two saints is almost identical,being always depicted with short and curly hair and short beard .

Saint Theodore , rialto bridge

Saint Theodore , rialto bridge

San Teodoro is considered sacred by the Catholic Church and the Eastern Churches . Is considered the patron saint of: military recruits and protector against thieves. In the Byzantine churches ,Theodore the soldier is remembered on February 17 while the General on 8 February. For Westerners instead the soldier was recalled November 9 and the general on February 7.
On the Rialto Bridge, the oldest bridge crossing the Grand Canal,on the Fondaco dei Tedeschi side, are carved figures of St. Mark and St. Theodore, the current and former patron of the city, the Titian Aspetti works.



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San Teodoro-Venezia

San Teodoro-Venezia

San Teodoro Venezia

San Teodoro Venezia

San Teodoro,(Todaro per i veneziani) santo bizantino e guerriero, primo protettore della città,di Venezia,viene raffigurato in marmo ,su una delle collone della piazzetta di San Marco nell’atto di uccidere un drago, metafora del bene che vince il demonio in forma rettile,immagine del maligno, che emette fuoco,che distrugge.

 (La statua è in realtà una copia, l’originale si trova all’entrata di Palazzo Ducale).

san todaro l'originale

san todaro l’originale

San Teodoro di Amasea (l’odierna città di Amasya in Turchia) noto anche come Teodoro Tiro (dal greco Tyron = soldato) era un soldato dell’esercito romano nel Ponto, che subì il martirio per la fede in Cristo.Egli fu martirizzato per essersi rifiutato di fare sacrifici agli dei romani, ed aver dato fuoco al tempio di Cibèle, un antica divinità venerata in Anatolia.Fu torturato e poi gettato in prigione.

Gli offrirono perfino la carica di pontefice se lasciava la sua fede. Teodoro rifiutò , non riconoscendo i loro dei,e testimoniando che non gli avrebbero strappato una sola parola, un solo gesto contro la fedeltà che doveva al Signore.

Il giorno 17 febbraio, probabilmente fra il 306 e il 311 d.C., venne bruciato vivo,sotto l’accusa di essere cristiano.La leggenda racconta che Teodoro non senti il bruciore delle fiamme, morì senza dolore e rese l’anima glorificando Dio.

Fu seppellito ad Euchaite, una località vicino ad Amasea,in Turchia, città che nel corso del decimo secolo venne chiamata anche Teodoropoli (l’etimologia del nome Teodoro deriva dal greco: “regalo di Dio”).

Scuola Grande di San Teodoro

Scuola Grande di San Teodoro

La Scuola Grande di S. Teodoro, dedicata al primo patrono di Venezia, fu costruita a partire dal 1580 su iniziativa della confraternita composta da mercanti ed artigiani che in quell’epoca era ospite presso la Chiesa di San Salvador. Qui si riunivano i membri della corporazione dei commercianti e degli artigiani, che si aiutavano reciprocamente in caso di bisogno.

Sulla facciata secentesca troviamo cinque statue sulla sommità rappresentanti San Teodoro e quattro angeli. Le sculture sono di Bernardo Falcon (seconda metà del XVII secolo). Il salone fu progettato e realizzato da Baldassarre Longhena ed adornato con dipinti risalenti al ‘600 e ‘700 del Vassilacchi, Jacopo Palma il giovane, Balestra, Bassano.

Nel 1999 I Musicisti Veneziani iniziarono a tenere le proprie Stagioni Concertistiche all’interno della Scuola Grande ed essa divenne la più prestigiosa Sala da Concerto di Venezia.

Le reliquie del martire furono trasportate dall’Oriente a Brindisi ,città di cui è tuttora patrono ( conservate in un’urna reliquiario presso un altare della cattedrale di Brindisi).

In realtà si presume un “sequestro” del prezioso carico diretto dall’Oriente a Venezia. In conseguenza , a Venezia apparve un altro Santo Teodoro, non più soldato ma generale conosciuto come Teodoro di Eraclea o anche come Teodoro Stratelate ( dal greco Stratelátes = portatore di lancia). Fu torturato e crocifisso ad Eraclea Sintica in Tracia ,per ordine di Licinio (Augustus nel 308),e (anche lui) sepolto a Euchaite.

cappella Isidoro, basilica di San Marco

cappella Isidoro, basilica di San Marco

Nel 1267 suoi resti vennero asportati e portati a Venezia,nella Chiesa di San Salvador dove divenne il primo patrono della città di Venezia. Nel altare della chiesa ci sono ancora le ceneri del santo.

Venezia lo festeggia il 9 novembre , come patrono della città fino al XIII secolo. Una piccola chiesa intitolata a lui e esistita fin dal VI secolo nell’area attualmente occupata dalla basilica di San Marco.

Cappella di S. Isidoro ,situata sul fondo del lato sinistro della basilica di San Marco. La parete divisoria rivestita in marmo che la separa dalla basilica corrisponde alla parete esterna originale della antica chiesa di San Teodoro .

Questo sdoppiamento dell martire Teodoro generò una fioritura di leggende e misteri per finire con l’ipotesi di un unica persona,venerata in luoghi e tempi diversi,e che influirono sui giorni delle commemorazioni. Nell’arte bizantina e veneziana i due santi sono spesso raffigurati assieme. Talvolta sono rappresentati a cavallo e si distinguono per essere l’uno soldato armato di spada .La fisionomia dei due santi è invece pressoché identica, venendo sempre raffigurati con capelli corti e riccioluti, barba corta e curata.

Saints Theodore Tyron and Theodore Stratilates

Saints Theodore Tyron and Theodore Stratilates

San Teodoro e considerato santo dalla Chiesa cattolica e dalle Chiese orientali ed è considerato patrono di: militari,reclute e protettore contro i ladri. Nelle chiese bizantine il Teodoro soldato era ricordato il 17 febbraio mentre il generale l’8 febbraio. Per i occidentali invece il soldato era ricordato il 9 novembre e il generale il 7 febbraio.

Sul Ponte di Rialto ,il più antico ponte che attraversa Canal Grande, verso il Fontego dei Tedeschi, sono scolpite le figure di San Marco e di San Teodoro, l’attuale ed il precedente protettore della città,opere di Tiziano Aspetti .

san todaro a rialto

san todaro sul ponte di rialto

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The festival of San Marco,and the legends

italy basilica san marcoThe festival of San Marco takes place on April 25, the date of the death of St. Mark, but on the time of the Republic of Venice were also dedicated to St Mark January 31, in remember the translation of the relics in Venice,and June 25, the date of the discovery of the relics in 1094, the place where was been hidden (according to legend, in  pillar).

The Basilica of San Marco, one of the most visited and admired monuments in the world, occupies a privileged place in the heart of Venice because ,in addition to honoring the saint patron , every detail is decorated with sculptures and works of art gained as booty in historic victories of the Republic.

The Life of Saint Mark the Evangelist can be read in the Acts of the Apostles, but his death and the theft of the remains are wrapped in mystery. Disciple of the Apostle Paul, follow Paul and Barnabas (his cousin), in Antioch and also the transfer of the body of San Marco in Venicewanted to accompany them to the return.He follow them even in the journey to Cyprus, but when they had to cross a swampy and inhospitable region of the mountains of Taurus, Mark (also called John by Jews), give up and goes back to Jerusalem.Then follow Paul to Rome where he remained in the service of Peter.

During this period Mark wrote down the Gospel narrate by Peter, and become a disciple of him. He was invited by Peter to  evangelize the northern part of Italy. Arrived to Aquileia, the capital the Venetia et Histria region, he met here a citizen named Ermagora and converting him to Christianity, consecrating him bishop of the city. Thus start the evangelization of the whole area.

Direct to Alexandria in order to convert the heathen of the Egypt, on a dark stormy night, the ship was boarded to seek shelter in one of the few fishermen’s huts on the island “called Rialto” . After a frugal dinner with the fishermen ,the saint ,leaned down, and fell asleep. In his dream an angel appeared in the form of a winged lion, who addressed him thus: “On this island, Mark,in a wonderful day, a great city will rise and in this city your ultimate rest will find peace .“Pax tibi, Marce, Evangelista meus.Hic requiescet corpus tuum. “(Peace to you, Mark, my evangelist. Here your body will rest)”. Mark woke up in the morning and told his dream to the fishermen, before setting sail for the Egypt ,where he died.

The relics were kept in the church erected at Canopus, (the second greek port in the muslim guardsEgypt before Alexandria). They were transferred in Venice in the year 828 by two legendary Venetian merchants: Buono from Malamocco and Rustico from Torcello. The route from Alexandria was full of ups and downs, from the need to hide the remains of the saint under a load of vegetables and pork, “because Muslims would not have dared to inspect a similar load”.

Before arriving in Venice at the Calabrian cites ,at Cropani area, the boat arrived in the middle of a storm.The relics were saved thanks to the intervention of the Cropane’s sailors. For this reason, a piece of the remains of the saint, the patella ,is in the church of Santa Lucia in Cropani, as a symbol of gratitude for the help.

The saint’s relics are now preserved on the altar of the basilica of Saint Mark in Venice . The prestige given by the remains of St. Mark in Venice made possible the greatly increase of Venice’s power and independencethe basket with the spoils of the saint







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April 25, the feast of liberation, the feast of St. Mark and legends

april 25April 25, the feast of liberation, the feast of St. Mark and legends. On April 25, we celebrate the Feast of the liberation of Italy from the occupation by the German army and the fascist government (1945).Men and women of all ages are dead then to grant us the democratic rights of which we enjoy today. Every year in various Italian cities are organized deposition of laurel wreaths at the monument to the fallen, marches and demonstrations to celebrate ,and remember the liberation.

April 25 on a warm spring weather ,in Venice, are organized , from flag-raising ceremony at the “Path of Remembrance”, from the “bòcolo” of love until the military parade in Piazza San Marco, concerts, puppet shows, children’s playground laboratories, trash art, pizzas, lunches and dinners, beers and excellent selection of wines.
About 1200 Venetian participate in the construction of a giant human rose that will decorate St. Marco square.The participants will arrive wearing clothes of red color (which will create the flower), green (stem and leaves.) From the top of the bell tower ,the images taken , will make a highly dramatic effect.

According to one legend, the tradition of the rose “bocolo” evokes an unexpected love between two young people from two enemy families.
A rose , who was born near the tomb of St. Mark, would be donated to a sailor of Giudecca island ,by the name Basil as a reward for his cooperation in stealing the remains of the saint from Alexandria,Egypt. Planted in the garden of his house, the rose became the boundary of the property divided among his sons, after the death of Basil .The time and the nature of human being ,divided into two opposite branches of the Basil family .
Following the breakdown of harmony between the two branches, the plant stopped flowering.
Many years later (an April 25) a love at the first sight was born between a girl from one of the two branches  and a young man from the other branch of the family. The two young people fell in love looking through the rose ground who separated the two gardens.The rose miraculously began to flourish again and the guy take a bushing and gave it to the girl.

In memory of this love, which would restore peace between the two families, the Venetians still offering the red rose bloom “bocoli”to their beloved: girlfriends, wives and mothers.

Due to this tradition ,the feast of St. Mark is also called the Feast of the Blooming Rose (from rosebud)

At the celebration are associated with this some popular legends.
The February 1340, Venice was hit by a terrible storm. The sky remained covered with
the storm clouds, dark as night even though it was the dawn of the day.The intensity of the storm was so strong that threatened seriously the city. To the three at the afternoon the storm suddenly ceased and the waters returned calm .
From this curious meteorological event was born the legend called the fisherman’s ring.

The final episode is depicted in a painting of the sixteenth-century painter Paris Borden, secure in the galleries of the Academy.

(Nobody knows if this story is linked to the Pope’s ring,that it is called “ring of the fisherman,” too,because St. Peter was a fisherman and Jesus made him become a fisher of men.)

the three gentlemens - St Mark mosaicThe story begins on the “Deck of straw” (or below), ahead of the Bridge of Sighs, where the corpses of the drowning people were displayed, to be recognized by the familiars or friends. An humble fisherman, shelter from the storm under the bridge, suddenly saw a man on the bank of the canal leading to the bridge.With a calm tone, but authoritative ordered him to take him to the island of St. George, in front of Piazza San Marco. Spite of the rain and bad weather fisherman accept it, (it was good practice to obey the orders of noblemen if you did not want to go into trouble ). Once they reached on the other side on board ,get, a tall sword-wielding warrior .He turned to the fisherman with the quiet but firm tone ordering him to go to the Lido to the shore of the church of St.Nicholas. The fisherman look at both of them and think, at least i’m not too tired, and if i oar a bit will pass the cold. He could not say no even if he want to say that.
When they reached their destination, a third man, with a religious appearance of a bishop dressed in ceremonial robes, climb aboard, and gave an authoritative command to go to offshore.

But just after they veered towards the sea, a short distance from the entrance of the harbor,  a terrifying vision appear.

A large ship with black sails, full of demons, was preparing for the assault on the city.The Paris Borden- the sailor gives the ring to the dogethree passengers stared at the horrible scene and made the sign of the cross for three times. Immediately after they saw the cursed ship sink between the terrible screams, while the wind and the rain ceased and the sea calmed.The three passengers ordered the fisherman to come back and let every one of them where they had boarded.

At the “Bridge of the straw”, the last passenger give a final order of the scared fisherman : Now go to your prince and you tell truthfully what you saw today. At his doubt that someone will believe him the gentleman handed him a ring and said: Give it to your doge, and ahead of him and his court will say that we have liberated the city from the flood,which was the work of Devil .The person we met at St. Nicholas was right Nicholas the saint, like the one that had boarded to St. George was George the saint, and that I ,who give you this ring ,i am St. Mark the Evangelist, the master of your city.
So saying, he blessed him and he goes. The fisherman went to the Doge’s Palace. No one stopped him when he went in the right direction boardroom, even if he had never been in those place.No one stopped him when he began to speak ahead of the Doge, and the senators, telling his incredible story. San Marco-the treasure
When the fisherman open his hand to confirm what he said, everyone saw the ring that all knew ,and that for centuries sought, the ring belongs at San Marco.
The ring is still preserved in the treasury of the Basilica of San Marco.
As a reward granted to the fisherman, the Doge gave him and his family the exclusive privilege to extract and sell  to his advantage the sand of the beach of Saint Erasmus island where he lived. From the family of fisherman originated the middle ages “sand sellers” of the Grade city.

from Encyclopedia of Fairy Tale.

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Saints John and Paul ,Venice

Venice, St. John and St. Paul

john and paulCampo San Giovanni e Paolo (Saints John and Paul), also called the Campo delle ‘Meravegie ” (wonders ),is an area of the most important monuments of Venice, after only to that of St. Mark.Most important monument, the Basilica of Saints John and Paul ( in Venetian dialect San Zanipolo) is one of the most impressive medieval religious building in Venice. In the “Pantheon of the Doges of Venice,”were buried , since 1300, twenty-five, from one hundred and twenty of the Doges of the Republic, and other important personalities. It is considered “twin” of the church of the Frari ,(size 96 to 40 meters, are almost similar to that of the Frari, built at the same time) with the same triumphant Venetian Gothic style.


saint johnAccording to the hagiographic tradition, the two blood brothers John and Paul, Christians, rich and very charitable people, were very prominent in the Roman era.Their martyrdom, realy took place in Rome, a strange thing because there are very few Christians,martyrs in Rome. The Emperor Julian, also known as “the Apostate”,despite that initially issued an “Edict of Tolerance ” for Christians especially , he decided to restore the pagan worship. (some say he actually tried to enter possession of the property entrusted to them by Constantina, daughter of Constantine the Great.)



According to legend, the origins of the church are connected to a vision of the Doge Jacopo Tiepolo.

“One night the Doge Jacopo Tiepolo saw in a dream the oratory of S. Daniel and the swampy area full of beautiful flowers on which flying white doves with  golden cross on their front. Suddenly two angels descended from heaven with censers exhaling sweet scents .He heard a voice who said: “This is the place i chose for my Preachers.”

capella del rosario 1The next day he got the support from the Senate to give the convent (Oratorio di San Daniele) to the Dominican monks, present in the city since more than ten years, and who still lived under the portico of St. Martin. Immediately (1234) will start construction (which remains only the lower part of the façade), dedicated to the Roman martyrs of the fourth century John and Paul.

The church was solemnly consecrated, almost two centuries after its foundation, November 14, 1430,and was continuously enriched, for almost a century, of sepulchral monuments, paintings, sculptures and works of the greatest Venetian artists.


He tried to persuade them to renounce their Christian faith , thinking that their reputation
will convince many people to follow their example. Both brothers refused the invitation and Julian sent them the captain of the guard Terenziano, with the injunction to worship the idol of Jupiter.Persisting their refusal, they were seized in the house for about ten days, in order to reflect on the consequences of their refusal.

saints  john and paul church -veniceThe exterior is very simple, and curiously without a bell tower, which seems missing since ‘300. The church has a very high tripartite facade, opened by a central rose window and two “eyes”on the sides .The portal, adorned with six columns of marble transported here in 1459.The autors of this work are Bartolomeo Bono and the master Domenico Fiorentino.  On the side of the field there are various buildings and chapels.

The plant is Latin cross with three naves , supported by huge columns , formed by the
union of very thin cylindrical columns.

The statues of the two patrons John and Paul are in the altar.

Arca Jacopo e Lorenzo TiepoloOn the walls of the aisles are adjacent monuments, and on the right are the open chapels. In 1682, to better perform massive official events (for example, the funeral of the Doges) the choir,enclosed in the first four columns of the nave was demolished and partly transported to the presbytery.

After ten days, (June 26 ,362) the captain, returned to their home, and after three hours of unnecessary threats and blandishments, had beheaded and buried them in a pit dug in the same house, spreading the word that they had been exiled.
After their death, the son of Terenziano, fell prey to an obsession and shouting that John and Paul were tormenting him. The father with great concern, led him on the grave of the two martyrs, where the boy got the cure.


At the death of the Doge , the eldest of the adviser responded :09112012501

“With much regret we heard of the death of the Most Serene Prince of so much goodness and piety,but we’ll make another one. ”

Then death was announced to the entire city by the “double ring to nine times” of the bells of the churches .The doge was immediately embalmed and wrapped in the cloak of gold, with the Doge’s horn on his head,golden spurs shod down and the sword with the handle towards the foots.The third day after his death, took place a procession attended by thousands of person.​ Inside the church were finished the funeral prayer ,and everyone turned away in a gondola.

The people did not participate much to the doge’s funeral , perhaps because according to an ancient prophecy , the church would have collapsed “on the day of a solemn function” .

Each monument of this basilica tells a page of Venetian history ,from John Dolfin of the twelfth century , one of the oldest graves of the Basilica ,

to the monument to Victor Pisani , ( with the original statue of the deceased ) that recalls the triumph over Genoa in the decisive Battle of Chioggia ( 1380) ,

Monumento funebre del doge Pietro Mocenigo-Jacopo Tiepolo [Duke of Candia (Crete today) and twice bailo (ambassador) in Constantinople], the  forty Doge of Venice from March 6, 1229 to May 2, 1249 when he abdicated and retired to private life,

-the urn of the Doge Renier Zen (or Reniero Zeno) forty-fifth Doge of Venice from 1253 to 1268,
-the fourteenth-century tomb of Marco Giustiniani of Bragora,

Alvise-Diedo monument, a member of the Council of Ten, who brought back from Constantinople the Venetian fleet locked by Muhammad in the bay (1453)

-the great Doge Leonardo Loredan the seventy-fifth Doge of Venice, (October 2, 1501 -21 June 1521) ready to shield with his body against the mortal danger that Venice had from the League of Cambrai (1508)
– monument to Marcantonio Bragadin , Venetian hero flayed alive by the Turks , containsbragadin
the remained of the skin of the Venetian hero , preserved in an urn , and the bust of the ” greatest hero of the Serenissima” , reminds us of the siege and fall of Famagusta (1571) ;

The great battle of Lepanto, is commemorated in the monument of the official Lordship :
( Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary) , where are the remains of Sebastiano Venier , Admiral, winner of Lepanto , elected doge the age of 81 .It was the eighty-sixth Doge of Venice from 11 June 1577-3 March 1578 .

In the Horse’s Chapel, houses the tombs of the ducal family of Francesco and Sebastiano
Venier and fifteenth-century monument to the Doge Antonio Venier ( October 21, 1382 -23 November 1400 ), the sixty-second Doge of Venice.
– the monuments, of Istrian stone , to the Doge Alvise I Mocenigo, Giovanni Mocenigo ( the seventy-second Doge of Venice) , and Pietro Mocenigo ( the seventieth Doge of Venice) , the sepulchres of the doge Alvise I ,Alvise III Sebastian, Alvise IV Giovanni of the wellknown family Mocenigo,

– tomb of the Doge Andrea Vendramin , ( March 4, 1476 May 5, 1478 ) was the seventy-first Doge of Venice. On the sides niches there are two statues of ” Armed men ” , by Lorenzo Bregno.The two statues came to replace Adam (signed by Tullio ) and Eve ( probably by Francesco Segala ), very rare in the funeral art but unsuitable for their nakedness. The statues removed ended at Palazzo Vendramin Calergi , where they became the property of the Duchess of Berry , Adam was then sold to Collections Dreyfus and Pereire finishing first in Paris and then at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Eva is still at Ca ‘ Vendramin .

The successor of Julian the Emperor Jovian (363-364), repealed the persecution against the Christians, and commissioned the Bizante senator, and his son Pammachius to search for the bodies of two brothers, Once found, the same senator and Pannachio, his son,erected a basilica above their home in the 398.
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (1727); The Glory of St Dominic-monument to the Doge Nicolo Marcello, Doge of Venice (August 13, 1473 -1 December 1474) by Pietro and Tullio Lombardo, built between 1481 and 1485.The Doge Nicolo Marcello coined a new currency: the silver sixpence called, not surprisingly, “marcello.” With no direct descendants, he left much of his inheritance to the poors.He died on December 1, 1471, attending the procession to the transfer of the command of the Venetian fleet to Antonio Loredan.

-monument to the Doge Tommaso Mocenigo, Doge of Venice sixty-fourth (January 7, 1414 – April 4, 1423) made in the first half of the fifteenth century, combines Gothic Renaissance elements, in addition to denote a certain influence of Donatello. Here it was used for the first time in the canopy fabric.
– the urn of Doge Giovanni Dolfin , elected doge , after the death of Giovanni Gradenigo , August 13, 1356 – ? 1361.

– monument to the Doge Marco Cornaro or Corner – the fifty-ninth Doge of Venice July 21 1365-13 January 1368 .

– monument to the Doge Pasquale Malipiero , sixty-sixth Doge of Venice from October 30, 1457 -7 May 1462 ,by Peter Lombard ,

The Doge Silvestro Valier . He was the last doge buried in the Basilica around 1700.Andrea Tirali - Tomba dei Valier

They are buried here also Attilio and Emilio Bandiera and Domenico Moro , the protagonists of the Risorgimento.

On the altar of the chapel of Blessed James Salomoni , or the Name of Jesus , is preserved body of Blessed James Salomoni Dominican (Venice , 1231 – Forlì , 1314 ) , invoked to protect tumors .The vault is adorned with paintings of John the Baptist Lorenzetti and Pietro Liberi . Canova considered it ” a real gem of art.”

Even Palma il Giovane erected here a monument for himself, his father Palma Vecchio and Titian.
(martyrs ) bandiera brothers

Under the Basilica of Saints John and Paul Celimontana , hidden among medieval arches and buttresses of the path of the Imperial Forums ,have been found , in 1887, the remains of a Roman villa (two floors) inhabited by Christians , with the small compartment of the ” confession ” that bears frescoes of scenes of martyrdom , witnessed by innumerable quotations in Canons both Roman and Ambrosian , language under which there is a mass grave for the burial of two bodies.

The picture from the  Roman house- Celio, RomeThe back wall of the right transept is dominated by a magnificent Gothic window with stained glass , beautifully lighted , completed by Gian Antonio Licino Lodi. By the end of the fifteenth century the glass factories of Venetian island of Murano , employing techniques to get the glass and raw materials.
To color the glass is added to the crucible of the oxides of manganese for (purple), cobalt (blue), copper ( aquamarine , green and red ) and iron ( yellow, green) . The final color depended on the conditions and the manner in which the merger was conducted .
Below the window you can see two Renaissance altars: one on the right is adorned alms of St. Antonino, altarpiece painted in 1542 by about Lorenzo Lotto, the left by Christ between Sts Peter and Andrew, by Rocco Marconi. At the center, under a canopy, is preserved the chair of the Doge.coloured glass -saint john and paul church-Venice


It is possible that the data , the time and place in which some martyrs died can not be determined with absolute accuracy, but it is certain that the true love of Christ, has helped many Christians to choose a death that will lead to the “eternal life” instead of a life “like a dead.”
Some works that speak of the Italian Renaissance , and the Venetian one in particular can be found : In the chapels of the right side , with gilded wooden ceiling of Tintoretto and Palma il Giovane, with paintings by Titian ” Martyrdom of St. Peter” and ” Madonna and Saints “by Giovanni Bellini, ” the Adoration of the Shepherds “,” Lady of the Assumption and the Annunciation ” by Veronese .In the altar dedicated to St. Vincent, there is a painting by Giovanni Bellini, tempera on panel, dated to 1464-1470 which depicts some miracles of St. Vincent, (dedicated to the Spanish Dominican St Vincent Ferrer, Valencia, January 23, 1350 – Vannes , April 5 1419)
In the chapel of San Domenico, the ceiling fresco by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta . It is the masterpiece of the Venetian rococo at the Basilica of Saints John and Paul.


In the fascinating interior of the basilica are some wonderful paintings of medieval times , including the altarpiece by Lorenzo Lotto , which has influences of Titian,” Jesus Meets Veronica ” by Carlo Caliari , ” St. Michael defeats Lucifer ,” Bonifacio” by Pitati , ” Martyrdom of Santa Cristina ” by Sante Peranda , ” Washing of the Feet and Eucharistic Supper ” by Benedetto Caliari , ” St. Dominic saves the sailors , inviting them to pray the rosary ” by Padovanino , ” Jesus died ” of John the Baptist Zelotti , ” San Francisco, above the door “, Angelo Lion , ” Honorius III ” of Leandro Bassano , in the Chapel of the Rosary, dedicated to the battle of Lepanto in 1571 , are placed works of Paolo Veronese.

In this immense treasure , crucial to Venice you find great monuments of architecture by saint John and Paul church -interiorNino Pisano , Peter and Tullio Lombardo , Alessandro Vittoria , Giuseppe Maria Mazza, Gianmaria Morlaiter, Bonazza John ,and masterpieces of painting Giovanni Bellini , Lorenzo Lotto , Cima da Conegliano , Paolo Veronese ,Giambattista Piazzetta …

(martyrs )

John and Paul were venerated as saints , and their names were included in the Canon of the Mass .The Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of them on June 26.  Especially in German-speaking countries, but not only, the two saints are considered “Wetterheiligen”, the protectors against storms and, in general, the adverse weather conditions.

In 1806, under the Napoleonic occupation, the Dominicans were removed from their convent, which was turned into a hospital. The church was deprived of numerous works of art. In 1867, a fire completely burns and destroys the Chapel of the Rosary “Madonna and Child with Saints” by Giovanni Bellini (1476) and “The Killing of St. Peter Martyr” by Titian, two works that revolutionized the idea of ” framework for the altar”.
The restoration of this chapel ends in 1959.

Here are the opening hours: daily 7:30 to 12:30 and 15:30 to 19:30
(telephone +39 041 5235913).

The entrance to the Church of San Giovanni e Paolo is free for residents,
the ticket for the tourists is 2.50 €.



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VENICE -burning the old woman or the wich




Venice-“burning the old woman”or “burning the witch”
bruciare la vecchiaThe origins of the ritual of “burning the witch” are very old and is linked to the tribal reverence that entire agricultural civilizations had with Mother Earth , in particular , it wants to celebrate the victory of the summer to the bad and sterile winter.
L’essence of the ceremony is intended to enhance and bring fertility to the fields.


La Befana (Epiphany), corruption lexical Epiphany (from the greek epifaneia ) through bifanìa and Bethany , is a folk figure linked to the Christmas holidays , which was typical of some Italian regions and then spread throughout the Italian peninsula,less known in the rest of the world.
According to tradition, it is a very old woman who flies on a broom to visit the children in Befana-the night between the 5th and 6th of January (the night of the Epiphany ) and fill the stockings left by them, specially hanging on fireplace or near a window . The children who during the year have been good, will receive sweets,candy , nuts or small toys . On the contrary, those who have misbehaved find stockings filled with coals. The origin of that feast was probably connected to a set of pagan rites , dating from the tenth to sixth centuries BC, about the seasonal cycles related to agriculture , or related to the harvest of the past year , now ready for reborn as a new year, widespread in Central and South America , and then across the peninsula .

On the day of the Epiphany, in various countries of the North – East of Italy , including Venice (Saint Erasmo  island) , we are witnessing a tradition that attracts hundreds of people:

“The burn of the old woman”
befa“The old woman was carried in procession , surrounded by a procession of boys with pots and sticks procured a terrible noise . This serve to revive the sad atmosphere of Lent.
Over a large wagon a huge puppet from human forms , the Old : curve , battered , his nose hooked immeasurable .

But who was the “old” ? Returning to the symbolism , the old woman was a wooden puppet who often held in his hands the spindle and distaff ( always refer to the time that passes ) and was filled with grapes and figs , chestnuts, bean , apples and small gifts to the villagers who dispensed before being burned at the stake , a sign of the old year dying
offering the “seeds ” from which would grow the new year (hence the custom of the reading of the will .) The presence of the  cot is the symbol of fertility , the old attribute that certainly lost , but that does not matters, what matters is the essence of the ceremony itself which no doubt is intended to enhance and bring fertility to the fields.siccita
She was paraded through the village, door to door , as if it were an evil deity . Becoming the scapegoat , was charged with the responsibility for everything bad happened in the world,or consumed in the small community where the ritual .

During the course of the mournful procession , the order is maintained by another shocking and grotesque character : the Harlequin . But that’s not typical of carnival cheerful figure , in fact, on this occasion appears in its original version , the one linked to the agrarian cults . The mask does not occur with the famous colorful costume , but shabby and dirty face of coal taken directly from hell. He wears a hat ,and in his hair has a rat and a stuffed snake. In ancient times,to this demon were attributed Ar_Br_Befanaenormous size ,and just like those of old times, armed with a club led the ” Furious army .”
After a summary trial where they will be listed in the misdeeds she made ​​during the crop year ,the old woman was going to die in a nearby field ” asfegher ” (not seeded)
. Her end was horrible, burnt alive after a summary trial .The fire that “burns the winter ” opens the doors to the arrival of summer , is hailed as an event and hope to reborn.
Most of us celebrate, probably without being aware of, the death of the old year, the end of winter, the old mother nature which will let place to the young nature, in other words the new year’s spring. The “crone” embodied the old year is useless . The Bonfire of the old is ultimately an act of purification and there is no doubt that it is the result of a merger between disparate elements from archaic source .



The Church, however, did not take kindly to this event, which often falling in the middle of Lent, it seemed discontinue the character of purification and penance. The process to the old , became gastronomic Carnival orgies , and therefore the exaltation of purification and abstinence of Lent, but also the memory of the sure fate :man’s death.


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venice – Mira town


venice – Mira town

riviera_del_brenta_italiaFormerly Mira town was called Cazzozana or Ca’zozzana – the name describing its spatial position among the woods and pastures .In the middle age here was a free port , the town being inhabited by boatmen and fishermen.
On May 1078 at the time of the Crusades, a rich merchant family descending by the Romans ( Corbelli ) ; went to the city of Myra ( now Iskenderun , city of Lycia, Turkish region of Asia Minor ),from where they take out the remains of St. Nicholas , buried in the church of this city . Subtracted by the Turks , some of the spoils were buried in the church of San Nicolo,Venice – Lido , and another part was brought to the church of St. Nicholas of Bari.
To the memory of the event and to commemorate the saint , the family Corbelli built a church dedicated  to St. Nicholas .
Between the twelfth and thirteenth century , (1100-1200), Ca’zozzana took the name of Mira in memory of Myra (region of Lycia ; Asia Minor) , where St. Nicholas was Archbishop ;and the boatmen of the river Brenta proclaimed him “saint-patron of sailors and Mira town”.

Villa Widmann Rezzonico Foscari ( Mira – Venice)
The complex construction of the villa , along with the barn and the oratory was built at the end of 1700. Among the many distinguished guests of the villa there were :

-the famous Venetian playwright , Carlo Goldoni, who resided mainly in the large Villa Bagnoli , as  Goldoni himself noted in his ” Memoires ” ;
-Cardinal Sarto , at that time Patriarch of Venice ,
-The musicians as: Malipiero , Igor Stravinsky ,
-The vernacular poet Pasto who was often guest                                                                   – Gabriel D’Annunzio friend of Earl Pietro Foscari .

Since 1984, the Villa is owned by the Province of Venice.
The Riviera del Brenta is an area of the province of Venice , which extends along the old natural channel of the river Brenta .
From March to October you can visit the Riviera del Brenta on board of a boat.
The trip has a high historical, cultural , artistic and environmental value. Along the canal you can admire numerous villas and palaces of the ancient nobles .
The route provides alternate days starting from  Stra, (Villa Pisani ) in Venice or vice versa , passing through the numerous bridges and locks that regulate the flow of water .
The boat stops to visit the Villas along the main path , the guide on board will accompany the visitors to see these beautiful buildings. The motorboats are equipped with air -conditioning,heating , toilet , radio .

The main vilas you can visit are:

VILLA FOSCARI ( Malcontenta – Venice)800px-Villa_Widmann-Foscari
Villa Pisani ( Stra – Venice)
VILLA RED ( Stra – Venice)
VILLA TITO ( Dolo – Venice)
VILLA  VELLUTI ( Sambruson – Venice)
VILLA BADOER  FATTORETTO ( Sambruson – Venice)

VILLA BRUSONI  SCALELLA ( Sambruson – Venice)



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Venice – The church of Saint Stephen

Venice – The church of Santo Stefano ( Saint Stephen) 200px-Venezia_flickr01

Is a religious building in the city of Venice, located in the San Marco district , not far from the Accademia Bridge .

Jerusalem , A.D. 36 (the name Stephen in greek means ” crowned ” ) Venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, was the first Christian to give his life because of his faith in Christ and to spread the Gospel. His martyrdom is write in the Acts of the Apostles, where is described his calling to service of the disciples and his martyrdom by stoning (took place in the presence of Paul from Tarsus called Saul) . Being the first Christian martyr,his liturgical feast is celebrated on December 26, after the celebration of the birth of Christ. The color of the dress worn by the priest during Mass in this day is red, as in all the occasions when is remembered a martyr.

The church was built in the thirteenth century by the Friars Hermits of St. Augustine ;  it was rebuilt in the fourteenth century and underwent significant expansion during the fifteenth century. The church was often the scene of violence and even murder , so that for this reason during centuries was desecrated six times . The church tower , very tall ,”Romanesque style with three arches surmounted by  an octagonal drum “, is characterized by a strong inclination, which ,not presenting particular risk,but however, is continuously monitored .

He had supposedly greek origins ; at that time Jerusalem was in fact a crossroads of many different peoples , with different languages, customs and religions , it was thought also that he was a jew educated in the Hellenistic culture ; certainly was one of the first Jew  to become a Christian and to follow the apostles .

The facade looks much more impressive than it is because it overlooks to a busy street. On the higher end , there are a “rosette” in the center and two Gothic windows on the sides. At the bottom , in line with the central window , is an impressive portal ,made by  Bartolomeo Bon ,  built it in 1442 has a flaming bezel in the Gothic style  , whose perimeter is decorated with scrolls .

Around the year 36 a.d. due to the large number of converts , he was accused of Stoning_of_St_Stephenblasphemy  ” uttered blasphemous words against Moses and God ”  by the Sanhedrin and sentenced to death by stoning. Was not an execution, because the Sanhedrin did not have the power to issue death sentences,( and was not killed by crucifixion or by the methods used by Roman occupiers ). Stephen was dragged out by the fury of those present, then  was a lynching. One of its main inquisitors was Saul of Tarsus, who later became St. Paul.   After Stephen’s death a priest named Lucian of Kefar ” had in dream the appearance of an venerable old man in liturgical vestments , with a long white beard, holding a gold wand with which touched him and called him by name three times,and said him that he is Gamaliel St. Paul’teacher ;the companion of the first martyr Stephen, who was buried in his garden ; of Nicodemus, who was buried next to Stephen, and Abiba , the son of Gamaliel ,he said that he was also buried in the garden close to the saints , as his testamentary desire. ”

Inside the church there is a large tombstone which covers the remains of the Doge Francesco Morosini , the Peloponnesian ,( 1694 Antonio Gaspari and Philip Parodi), and the majestic cenotaph (the monument without the remains) of Domenico Contarini , who died in 1526.

In a speech in 425 , St. Augustine attests that , immediately after the discovery in Jerusalem of the body of St. Stephen, in 415 , the miracles began to occur .

In the sacristy, houses ,four paintings by Jacopo Tintoretto : Resurrection, the Last Supper, Christ washes the apostles’ feet , and the Agony in the Garden . Another great artist in the same space is Antonio Vivarini with two notable works : St. Nicholas of Bari and St. Lawrence Martyr . In the cloister stands the sculptures of an “funeral stone” in memory of John Falier (1808 Antonio Canova ).

After the death of Stephen, the story of his relics passed into legend , and it is said that many miracles occurred “just touching the relics”.The proliferation of relics, testifies to the large worship throughout Christendom to the proto-martyr saint Stephen, already revered even before the discovery of the relics in 415 .( we are informed of a place of an african worship in Holy Uzala , near Tunis .)

The church of Venice conserved the body of Saint Stephen the Martyre. Under the altar of the church passes a canal, navigable only at low tide .

Catholic Church celebrates the saint (26 dicember) as a religious holiday from 1947 ; previously it was a normal working day. The Orthodox Church commemorates the saint on the same date.

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Venice-  St .Nicolas

sf nicolaeThe name Nicolas consists of two words : Nikao “defeat” and Laos , “people” .
Born in Patara , Lycia – 345 AD Nicholas became bishop of Myra (now Kocademre )Micia city. Is known for his kindness and the miracles he has done throughout his life.

The feast of 6 December cites a vision “his apparition” to holy emperor Costantino asking him to forgive the three soldiers sentenced to death :
” While they were in prison , they find the time when they would have been executed and called the saint to their aid.The saint appeared in the dream to the emperor and to the provincial administrator ,and scolding the administrator for the slander of the three men , showed at the emperor (with proofs) that the accused are innocent and that the envy has conspired against them. And so St. Nicholas saved them from death. ”
Nicholas helps with three bags of gold a trader who was going through a difficult time , allowing  his three daughters to marry .
“Every time one when a girl wanted to marry , Nicholas (who was already a bishop ) , put a bag of gold coins in front of the door of the trader.By the time of the third girl marriage , the merchant put himself on guard to find out who was the man who gave him the money.St. Nicholas,is said,to not to be seen went up on the roof and dropped the bag in the fireplace.”

The story of his rescue of sailors from drowning in the Aegean sea; establish him as the saint patron of the sailors.

He was imprisoned during the persecution of Diocletian, and issued by  Constantine
the emperor. The saint is also known as a defender of orthodoxy against the Arians .

800px-Venezia_-_Chiesa_di_S.NicolòThe church and monastery of St. Nicholas ( San Nicoletto ) is a religious building in the city of Venice, located in the northern part of the Lido of Venice , not far from
the inlet of the Lido island.

The tomb of the saint is in the church of St. Nicholas (Demre , Turkey ), but the relics
were stolen in 1087 ( during the Crusades , many cities wanted to have relics ) .

In the church are preserved a part of the the relics of the famous saint St. Nicholas of Myra ,(Known as St. Nicholas of Bari , or St. Nicholas the Great. ) Is widespread belief that these are located in the most famous “Basilica di San Nicola in Bari” , but in fact
,there is about half of the skeleton of the saint, the other half being preserved in Venice.

In the thirteenth century , the relics of St. Nicholas reach a Canterbury (England) and the cult of the saint began to spread , in much of Europe.

After the Christianization of the Slavs , the cult of St. Nicholas was replaced
the god , Mikula ,( the god of agriculture).

At the time of the Venetian Republic , here was celebrated the solemn mass of
thanks at the end of the wedding ceremony of the famous Sea , during
the “Festa della Sensa” .

Become a patron of Greece and Russia , of prisoners, of unmarried girls ,
of travelers, merchants and children.During the crosades, Nicholas was proclaimed patron of the Venetian fleet .

The presence of the relics in Venice is little known , and therefore the church is not a destination for pilgrimages such as Bari , especially the Russian Orthodox for whom Nicholas has a big importance ( being the saint patron of Russia, and Greece ) .

Some legends connect St. Nicholas to Santa Claus.
The Dutch call him Sinterklaas and the first immigrants to America
transformed him in Santa Claus.
On December 6, the saint fills the children’s shoes with candy,but,with the passage of the time the feast is held at Christmas and shoes are transformed into socks .

The entire complex is run by Franciscan friars.
On the facade of the basilica stands , above the portal , the statue of the Doge
 Domenico Contarini , benefactor of the convent. Inside, works by Palma il Vecchio
( Madonna with Cherub ) and Palma the Younger ( Saint John ) .


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Venice ,maritime republic –