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The monument dedicated to Bartolomeo Colleoni

Colleoni's monument

Colleoni’s monument

The monument dedicated to Bartolomeo Colleoni in Venice is located in Campo San Zanipolo, near the church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo. The monument,an equestrian statue in bronze, was inaugurated on March 21 1496. Is the second equestrian statue of the Renaissance, after the monument to Gattamelata by Donatello ,in Padua, (1446-1453, height 395 cm without base).
The sculpture ,modeled in wax 1481 by Andrea di Francesco di Cione, known as Verrocchio,and especially known as the master of Leonardo da Vinci, and disciple of Donatello.

firenze, andrea del verrocchio tomb

firenze, andrea del verrocchio tomb

Verrocchio was the first who succeed to do the monument to stay on only three legs, despite the weight of the bronze statue.
The statue was  carved later by Alessandro Leopardi (1482-1522).
“The horse seems to going, seems live ; the leader has a dynamic position, with the torso rotated, his eyes pointed towards the enemy and legs spread. The armor and the saddle give the feeling of lightness, and the horizontal lines of the back of the neck of the horse, amplify the dynamic effect. ”

During the First World War ,the monument ,was brought safely to Rome and relocated to headquarters in 1919.
During the Second World War it was kept in the Palazzo Ducale to the end of the conflict.

Bartolomeo Colleoni was commander at the orders of the lordship of Venice first, then to Milan,and then ,back to Venice, where he finished his career. Start under the command of Carmagnola, of which he was lieutenant, finishing as overall commander and becoming rich.

The head of carmagnola:

Colleoni's monument

Colleoni’s monument Venice

He participated actively in the war between Venice and Milan ,but Venice begin to abuse, him by reducing  constantly the pay for the troops. He joined so Filippo Maria Visconti,duke of Milan, that gives him as gift the Adorno castle .
The battles of Bosco Marengo, Romagnano and Borgomanero found him in service of the new borned Ambrosian Republic,(created in Milan in 1447 by a group of nobles and jurists of the University of Pavia and that ended three years later),called by Francesco Sforza, duke of Milan.These fights, gave him a great international reputation. Now was part of the greatest leaders, so important that Charles the Bold of Burgundy tried to hire him to his services.

The return to Venice with which relations, held by his wife, had not completely broken off,made the Milaneses, not without reason,to accuse him of betrayal.

Bartolomeo Colleoni, in Venice gained great political recognition . For the first time
the Council of Ten was involved in the negotiations.

bartolomeo colleoni

bartolomeo colleoni

But on May 15, 1475 Bartolomeo Colleoni returned to the Serenissima the baton of the commander and began to demobilize its troops. The main reason was the fact that Venice was not paid him the money and therefore had no means to support the troops. Venice, aware of the approaching end of the leader, rejected his resignation.

In his will there was his ultimate wish to Venice: the elevation of a monument in his honor
“in front of San Marco,” clearly referring to the basilica. Careful to avoid the cult of personality of its leaders, Venice honored only a part of this desire. Considered excessive as a request, it was decided to bury and commemorate him close to St. Mark’s School, now the site of the Civil Hospital of Venice.

Bartolomeo Colleoni bequeath to Venice the majority of its assets: diverse real estate
and a cash sum of 300,000 ducats.


The legend of the Bartolomeo Colleoni…
Who knows this legend….. and is a bit more suggestible, swears that the face of the knight
looks so impressive like that of Verrocchio … but most importantly is the curse of the statue, who is renewed in each spring equinox, … A heartbreaking, mysterious nitrite echoing through the narrow streets …



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Monumento dedicato a Bartolomeo Colleoni

Bartolomeo Colleoni

Bartolomeo Colleoni

Monumento dedicato a Bartolomeo Colleoni si trova a Venezia in Campo San Zanipolo,di fronte alla chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo. Il monumento equestre ,in bronzo,  e stato inaugurato il 21 Marzo 1496.Si tratta della seconda statua equestre del Rinascimento, dopo il monumento al Gattamelata di Donatello a Padova, del 1446-1453 (altezza 395 cm senza la base).

La scultura viene (modellata in cera nel 1481-88) da Andrea di Francesco di Cione, meglio conosciuto come Verrocchio e soprattutto come il maestro di Leonardo da Vinci,e discepolo di Donatello.Verrocchio fu il primo a riuscire con successo nell’impresa di appoggiare il monumento su tre sole zampe,nonostante il peso della statua di bronzo. La statua fu realizzata da Alessandro Leopardi ( 1482-1522 ).

“Il cavallo andante sembra vivo,il condottiero ha una posizione dinamica,con il busto rotato ,lo sguardo puntato verso il nemico e le gambe divaricate. L’armatura  e la  sella danno la sensazione di leggerezza,e le linee orizzontale del dorso del collo del cavallo, amplificano  l’effetto dinamico.”

Durante la prima guerra mondiale fu portato al sicuro a Roma e ricollocato in sede nel 1919. Durante la seconda guerra mondiale fu custodito a Palazzo Ducale fino alla fine del conflitto.

Il bergamasco Bartolomeo Colleoni,(come i leoni), fu condottiero agli ordini della signoria di Venezia prima,poi di Milano , ed ancora di Venezia, al cui servizio terminò la propria carriera. Inizio sotto il comando del Carmagnola, di cui era luogotenente,finendo come comandante generale e diventando ricchissimo. (carmagnola)

Partecipò attivamente alla guerra tra Venezia e Milano . Venezia inizio a maltrattarlo, riducendogli costantemente la paga per le truppe.Si uni a Filippo Maria Visconti, che gli dono un castello ad Adorno. Le battaglie di Bosco Marengo, Romagnano e Borgomanero,lo trovarono in servizio alla neonata Repubblica Ambrosiana, chiamato da Francesco Sforza,e gli diedero una grande fama internazionale: ormai faceva parte dell’empireo dei più grandi condottieri, tanto che Carlo il Temerario di Borgogna cercò di assicurarsene il servizio.Statua Colleoni Il ritorno a Venezia fece gridare i milanesi, e non senza ragione, al tradimento.  Bartolomeo Colleoni ottenne da Venezia grandi riconoscimenti anche di ordine politico. Per la prima volta il Consiglio dei Dieci fu coinvolto nella trattativa.

Il 15 maggio 1475 Bartolomeo Colleoni restituì alla Serenissima il bastone del comando ed iniziò a smobilitare le sue truppe. Il motivo principale era ancora il fatto che Venezia non gli pagava il dovuto e quindi non aveva mezzi per sostenere le truppe. Venezia, consapevole della ormai prossima fine del proprio condottiero, respinse le sue dimissioni.

Nel testamento vi era un legato a carico di Venezia: l’elevazione di un monumento in suo onore « davanti a San Marco» con chiaro riferimento alla basilica.Attenta ad evitare il culto della personalità dei propri condottieri,Venezia onorò solo in parte questo desiderio. Ritenuta eccessiva come richiesta, si optò di seppellirlo e commemorarlo vicino alla Scuola di San Marco ,ora sede dell’Ospedale Civile di Venezia.

bartolomeo colleoni, ante 1568

bartolomeo colleoni, ante 1568

Bartolomeo Colleoni lascio in eredità la maggior parte del suo patrimonio: diverse proprietà immobiliari ed una somma in contanti di oltre 300.000 ducati.

…..Chi conosce questa leggenda, ed è un pochino più suggestionabile, giura che il volto del cavaliere assomigli in modo impressionante a quello del Verrocchio… e per di più la maledizione della statua, a ogni equinozio di primavera, si rinnova…Un lacerante, misterioso nitrito che riecheggia per calli e campielli.

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The Council of Ten in Venice,Fornaretto’s story

The Full Council Venice

The Full Council Venice

The Council (il consiglio), a collegial body with consultative or deliberative functions, replaces the popular assemblies in Venice,forming the foundations of the Venetian constitution. The patrician of Venice, a branding member of the council is raised from childhood with the idea that everything he has is due to the Republic. He must use his intelligence and experience, for the good of the Republic. It is out of the law refusing a public commitment. Throughout his life, the individual is subordinate to the state. Private interests take a back seat. The first constitutional law of Venice, ending the reign of the dynasty of Orseoli . This law prohibits the head of the city to associate a co-regent to his power. The new sovereign was assisted by two counselors who watched his acts while assisting him. Later the number of councilors increased to six, thus springing the Minor Council.

The “Council of Ten”
The Hall of the “Council of Ten” was destined to the meetings of the eponymous organ, small and powerful, the guardian of the national security.

Composed after the conspiracy of Tiepolo (1310) the “Council of Ten”
was a special committee of ten members with the task of discovering and judge the acts of treason against the republic. At the beginning elected for a term of three months, this was extended each year until 1335 when it became the permanent council. The board met every day, receiving complaints, listening the reports of their spies, judging by the quick and secret procedure, crimes against state security.
They “watch” everything, from the diplomacy,administration, the Senate, the leaders of the ten,the doge.
The council were renewed every month to avoid bribes.
No complaint was received without being the subject of a carefull discussion .To spend a complaint it was needed four-fifths of the votes. The anonymous complaints were examined in an even more severe. The accused could cite witnesses and have lawyers. Before pronouncing the sentence, was made a second reading of the evidence. The communal lawyer needed more than half of the votes to propose the condemnation. The punnishment could be exile, condemned to the galleys, imprisonment in weights (pozzi) ,or in the pits (piombi), death by hanging, beheading or night drowning in the waters of the lagoon.

rio terra dei assasini

rio terra dei assasini

Spite of the fear instilled by the Council of Ten, the executions do not were on average more than ten a year.And despite all precautions, there were also errors.

Wellknown is the history of Fornaretto, or rather the “pòvaro Fornaretto”, as in general it is defined here in the city. Some say that his name was Pietro Faccioli, nicknamed “Fasiol” (bean), some, Peter Tasca. He worked in his father’s baker shop , in Calle della Mandola. One day in the spring of 1507, the fornaretto,coming down the steps of the Bridge of
Assassins, the wood bridge, no longer exists since the Rio was buried, (Rio Tera of Assassins), he found a dead man stabbed in the street and was blamed of murder. The machinery of justice is set in motion and the unfortunate young man was tortured.
The fornaretto, never admitted the fact committed. The inquisitors, decreed his death sentence by beheading , between the two columns of San Marco and San Todaro. Immediately after his beheading, a servant came running to stop the execution, shouting: “The fornaretto is innocent, the culprit confessed that had committed the murder devoured by jealousy.”

quarantia -criminal

quarantia -criminal, the hall of the forty

The voice of the servant who cried the innocence of Peter spread throughout Venice. The next day the Doge Leonardo Loredan, convened the Council of Ten and the entire
Venetian Judiciary , stating that before any judgment they should pronounce the sentence: “Recordève of pòvaro Fornaretto!” wich mean : Remember of the inocent Fornaretto. This phrase will be repeated until the end of the Venetian Republic, and will reflect the charge before issuing a sentence, repeating it three times.
Since then, two red candles are lit every night between two arches of the Basilica, in front of the point where  were the scaffold, as perennial excuse of the city to the innocent victim.
The writer Francis dall’Ongaro wrote in 1848 a successful play entitled “The fornaretto of Venice.” Even in the cinema, there were played several versions , with a great success.

read  the whole history

the movie

In the Ducal Palace, a symbol of the city of Venice, lived, the supreme head of the republic.Here gathered also the Councils, set up by the Venetian constitution.

In 1143, are elected in the various districts of the city,gli sapienti (the wise men) representing the Permanent Council of the Doge. Fifty years later, they become “wise men of the Minor Council.” Initially were appointed for one year and must give an oath called “promissio.”

The main hall of the doge’s palace, situated on the corner between the Molo and the Piazzetta, was once the seat of the highest judiciary in Venice, the Full Council.

The “Full Council”, founded as a popular assembly, becomes in time a meeting that brings together all the Venetian nobility. Has legislative power, prepares the laws of the republic and discuss them in the internal assemblies. May intervene in any public domain and has the power to appoint, through elections, all the offices of state.The Full Council vote all the judges, prosecutors, senators ,the “ten”, and the civil governors. Inside the Full Council are set up, many committees,and the most important, composed of forty persons will born the tribunal of the Forty (Quarantia,mentioned for the first time in the archives in 1223).

the hall of the full concil,venice,ducal palace

the hall of the full concil,venice,ducal palace

The Senate

The hall of the Senate, overlooking the Rio di Palazzo, is the place were the Council of Pregadi (or Senate) meets.

At the begining a temporary council,i pregati,(pregati = gently asked),those that are asked to be helpful in government affairs ,becomes with the passage of time an permanent council. It was the germine of the future Senate called “consiglio dei pregati” . The senate,find a final organization when the  selection of the members will be entrusted to the Full Council.The number of members is fixed at sixty to which were added a number of sixty other officials elected under the name of  ” Zonta “, added , that become permanent members after few years.

The Doge Leonardo Loredan

The Doge Leonardo Loredan

At this number of people were added : the Doge and his counselors, the procurators of St. Mark , the great wise men (i savii grandi), the judges of the Forty (i giudici della Quarantia),the leaders of key public services . All these members made the Senate bigger than three hundred persons.The Senate administered the finances ( public money , loans, taxes, etc.) and was in charge of public administration in both the city and the mainland and in the overseas possessions . It was always the senate to decide by the commanders of armies, generals , high-ranking officials and direct diplomacy to do wars or alliances .

In the Doge’s Palace, Sala del Collegio, communicating with the Senate hall,and was designed for meetings of the Board of Elders and the Venetian Signoria.

Il Collegio The board was composed of twenty-six members: ten of the lordship and sixteen wise men called “savii” : six “great wise men”an authoritative position occupied by the most senior officials and procurators of St. Mark; five “wise men from the mainland,” that dealt with the war ,finance , and directed the foreign policy and home affairs, and the other five “wise men orders”, in charge of things related to the sea, having in their hands the diplomatic archives, to be able to learn business and in order to cover positions in the state.   The lordship (la signoria).

the lordship

the lordship

From 1423 replaces the common Veneciarum. In the absence of the Doge, presided over the full Council and the Senate, received the ambassadors. Twice a week were present at the Doge’s Palace to receive the complaints of the citizens of every class. It was composed by the Doge, his advisers and the three chiefs of the Forty (Quarantia).

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Venetian Doge Marin Faliero

Venetian Doge Marin Faliero


the doge Marin FalieroVenice ,  Cannaregio .

The porch Falier  recalls the figure of the doge Marin Faliero (that at age 60 he became doge of Venice 11 Sept. 1354 ) , and that 17 april was beheaded in 1355 for having conspired against the Republic.

On the main hall of the Palazzo Ducale,in  the Grand Council (Sala del Maggior Consiglio) ,is a frieze with portraits ( imaginary , because those previous to 1577 were destroyed in a fire) ,of the first seventy-six Doges of the Venetian history (the others are in the room of the ballot  “dello Scrutinio” ) .

On each cartouche that each doge keep in his hand are painted the most important events of his “Dogato” . The Doge Marin Faliero , who attempted a coup in 1355 ,is represented by a black cloth with the writing: «Hic est locus Marini Faletri, decapitati pro criminibus» condemned to be beheaded in life .Condemned to ” damnatio memoriae ” , meaning the total cancellation of his name and his image as a traitor to the Republic .
The history of the Republic of Venice reminds us  the facts.

For those times Venice was one day in glory , and the next day was devasted because of the rebellions of the conquered peoples ,and the international politics.

In 1289 the Doge Pietro Gradenigo, instituted a series of new regulations, called «Serrata del Maggior Consiglio». Venice was transformed into an oligarchy, were could only access the members of the leading families of patricians or nobles, like counselor, which lasted throughout his life. The Doge was thus chosen among the very important families of the city. The law guaranteed the political and economic strengthening of the few chosen.and the intention was to avoid the transformation of the Republic into a dictatorship or a principality.

In this context, a young son of a wealthy and powerful family, the Faliero, (His parents  falier porch Venicewere James Faliero and Thomasine Contarini); Marin Faliero,  skilled in politics and “knew how to drive in diplomacy with great capacity”.

Born around 1285, Marin had grown up under the teachings of his uncle, an intriguing and clever businessman, who belonged to one of the most illustrious patrician families of Venice , Faliero was the fact that in Venice was called “member of an ancient House of patricians”,and probably, had come into the lagoon from the town of Fano,from the Province of Pesaro and Urbino , the region of Italy called Marche.
The future doge Marin Faliero began to make part of the the Great Council in 1303 and quickly demonstrate the ability to drive the political machinations ,often using violent solutions.After Avignon was sent in Istria to quell the riots made by King Louis of Hungary, then in Genoa to deal with the Doge Giovanni Valente, then to administer the powerful city of Padua, a fief of the Republic and then at Constantinople, appointed to treat with the Emperor John Palaeologus, from which tore an alliance against Genoa shelling out twenty thousand gold ducats . It was always consumed by the constant intrigue and greed for wealth, “he had no peace either in body or spirit ” though already appeared the problems of the age.

doge's capAppreciated for his political intelligence and experience , on the death of his predecessor,Andrea Dandolo, September 11, 1354 he was elected Doge of Venice. He had turned sixty years old.

Shortly after ,the Doge Marin Faliero found himself the responsibilities of his new role.Between 1350-1355 Venice passed thru a delicate moment. Not only the war with Genoa, but the previous war with the Veronese and the terrible plague had created serious financial difficulties,with a sharp increase in the number of poor people. Pope Innocent VI wanted a meeting peacemaker among nations, the people were suffocated by a thousand fees, the Turks were threatening businesses,the Dalmatian towns were in turmoil. But what worried him most were the persistent palace intrigues, the hatred between the noble families.
Highly ambitious man, probably not quite satisfied with the function of  Doge ,Marin Faliero conspired to ensure the domination of his family who, after him, could continue the supremacy with his grandson Fantino.

Became convinced of the need for such a coup ,even some people said that the final push doge's portraits, palazzo ducaleto take action has been brought about by personal motivations. A Thursday evening on the feast of the ducal palace (1355 fat Thursday), the future Doge Michele Steno would be addressed  offensive remarks to the younger wife of Marin Falier. Sent away from the party he and some young people;  Peter Bollani, Rizzardo Marioni, Moretto Zorzi, Micaletto by Molin and Maffeo Morosini, revenge themselves by writing on walls offends against the doge’s wife  “Dogaressa”  and the nephew of the Doge.
Of these insults, two in particular are remembered by the historics:“Marin Falier, da la bea muger, altri la gode lu la mantien” (Marin Faliero with beautiful wife, others enjoy her and he respect her as wife) and “Beco Marin Falier della bela moger, la mogie del doxe Falier, se fa foter par so piaser” (Horned Marin Faliero .The beautiful wife of the Doge Falier is getting f..ked for her own pleasure).

Steno (the future Doge) was condemned to ten days in jail, Bollani and Marioni a week).

 doge Marin FalieroFor these and other reasons, the Doge convinced the Admiral of the Arsenal,Bertuccio Isarello, owner of many ships, to be the leader of the revolt that was preparing .He secretly organized the heads-company that had to control and guide the popular uprising, the father of the admiral, Filippo Calendario, stonemasons, and owner of barges, and a rich furrier called Vendrame.

The design is simple.To break into the Piazza San Marco ,occupy the Doge’s Palace and kill all the members of the various Councils. Then turn to the houses and eliminate the rest of the noblemen . Carried out the massacre , Marin Falier would be designated as the ” the Lord of Venice.”
But the spies, that weren’t lacking in Venice , informed the government of the Republic ,

( others say that Vendrame , perhaps thinking that the games are made , confides to a friend, Nicholas, nobleman from Lion , to wich anticipates that during the night will be a ” big deal ” , a riot act to overthrow the Republican government . Or that he was betrayed by two conspirators Beltrame Bergamasco – a furrier and Marco Negro who wanted to
avoid outgoing in the day fixed for the uprising. Beltrame was awarded 1000 ducats , but the sum seems him insufficient , and start to complain. He was exiled for ten years, and reached in Hungary, was killed by the conspirators who had escaped from Venice ).
On the evening of April 15, 1355, when the revolt had to start , the Doge was arrested, as well as the conspirators..The next day ,after summary trials they were sentenced to death .Hundreds of rioters. Throughout Venice there wasn’t a sufficient number of Executioner for such a job: it took eight days to make judgments.
Bertuccio and Philip Isarello Calendar are hanged to the red columns of the loggia of the Palazzo Ducale.

palazzo ducale le due collone rosseOn Friday, April 17, was convict the Doge Marin Falier, not present. “He is guilty of high treason and sentenced by a unanimous vote to be beheaded. Considered a traitor to the Republic”.Marin Faliero was beheaded on the first landing of the main staircase of the Palazzo Ducale ( at the other end of the Scala dei Giganti), where the Doges made usually the oath. His body will be exhibited for one day in the hall of the judiciary Piovego (combination of 4 different courts), “laid on a mat and with the head to the toe.”

The corpse will be put first in the church of S. Giovanni e Paolo,  then in a box of stone placed inside the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace “Cappella della Madonna de la Pace “(hereinafter, emptied and removed (1812), and used as a water reservoir in the pharmacy of the Civil Hospital).

By decision of the Council of Ten, the bell used to warn the people ,gathered in the square ,that the judgment against the doge Marin Faliero was performed, never to be played and to be placed, without clapper, in the church of San Marco.
In 1366 the Council of Ten decreed to hide the image of the Doge ,in the hall of the Great Council, with a blue mantle with epitafo “Hic fuit locus ser Marine Faletro beheaded pro proditionis crime ”  “This was the place of Marin Falier beheaded for treason. ” After the fire in 1577 that destroyed the Ducal Palace, between the new painted portraits of the Doges (by Jacopo and Domenico Tintoretto), instead of Marin Falier portrait was placed a black cloth with a written slightly differently: «Hic est locus Marini Faletri, decapitati pro criminibus»  “here is the place of MarinI Faletri beheaded for crime”.

Although the Republic has tried in every way to erase the memory , Marin Faliero has Francesco Hayez  Marin Faliero beheadedbecome without doubt one of the most famous Doges of the world .

The Council of Ten declared public holiday the day of St. Isidore (April 16 ), in which Marin Falier was sentenced to death. All future Doge personally attended every year at the public ceremony in Piazza San Marco, who remembered the tragic event , as they have already celebrated San Vio ( St. Vitus, June 15th) , the day on which the conspiracy Querini – Tiepolo had been annihilated.( ironically Marin Fliero send to death many of the conspirators ) .
Some say that he was cursed : The news of the appointment of the Doge Marin Faliero reached him while he was in Avignon,Ambassador of the Republic from Pope Innocent VI. On October 5, he arrived at Fusina , where he boarded the Bucentaur to arrive at San Marco; But here , as the historical Sanudo told, “was a bad omen ,” the fact that the ship , due to fog , stopped right in the middle of the pier of the square , so that the Doge’s procession had been passed between the two columns of Mark and Todaro,  where they usually carried out death sentences .


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Great conspiracy in Venice

Great conspiracy of Tiepolo in Venice and the old woman of the mortar.


conspiracyIn 1310 was born a great conspiracy  against the government of the Republic of Venice, led by the patricians Marco Querini, BajamonteTiepolo and  Badoero Badoer.

One of the underpass ( sotoportego), the bridge near San Marco square,are called Dai.That name comes from the exclamation (Dalli), take them, alluding to the conspiracy
against the republic implemented by the noble Baiamonte Tiepolo .Near the present clock tower,in San Marco square, on the balcony overlooking the Mercerie Meridionali (Southern Tailors ) in Sotoportego Capello nero (“black cap ” from the name of an ancient inn), there is a marble relief that recalls the “old woman with the mortar” . On the floor below there is a stone with the date of the event.
In ‘1310, June, a revolt upsets Venice. Three young nobleman :Baiamonte Tiepolo, Marco  conspiracy San MarcoQuerini and Badoero Badoer turned against the Doge Pietro Gradenigo, and wanted to establish a new oligarchic government favorable to the papacy.
The war of Ferrara , strongly supported by the Venetian aristocrats, made​ the pope lose a city that guaranteed the access to the Po river, as well as the salt marshes of Comacchio.

The Papal aleance (which joined the main Italian states, penetrated Ferrara ,thanks in part to a plague, which reduced the ability of the defense of the city).The Doge Pietro Gradenico is proved adamant in defending the independence of the Republic against the Pope. But this decision poses against a group of old families who considered immoral to rebel against the will of the Pope . The conspiracy led by the three nobles was also unhappy about the fact that the mortaioGrand Council prevented many families , wealthy and ambitious , but lacking the necessary qualifications to participate in government. Meetings held by the conspirators in the Ca’Granda Querini , emerged the need to overthrow the aristocratic government and get rid of the Doge Gradenigo , ” the main culprit ,for the disastrous war with the Papacy , for the excommunication fallen over the city , the  exclusion of many citizens by the government and the arbitrary justice against opponents “.

The action is set for the dawn of Sunday, June 14, 1310. The attack will be given with three troops of armed men.The first two troops , commanded by Marco Querini and Tiepolo Bajamonte , starting from Rialto will attack simultaneously the San Marco Square , the first from the north- west , through the Calle dei Fabbri , the second from the north , across “via delle Mercerie” (the street of the Haberdashers) , surprising the guards of the Palazzo Ducale.
The third troop , commanded by Badoero Badoer , went to pick up people from the areas of Padova, and would return to Venice in boats .
-the date of the cospiracyThe Doge , warned by Marco Dona , (that after joining the conspiracy , change his mind) ,convene the council and the heads of the great families, alarms Arsenale and ordered the mayor of Murano, Burano and Chioggia to intercept the boats of Badoer . The three troops are not synchronized ,the mens of Tiepolo stops to to pillage the Rialto zone, Badoer is blocked into a storm.The troops of Querini taking ” Calle dei Fabbri”, tip on the Square through the ” Bridge of Dai”. He arrived in Piazza San Marco the first, but was defeated by the troops of the Doge, ready to respond to the attack. Marco Querini (the father in law of Tiepolo), and Benedict ( brother in law), son of Marco Querini perished in the crash .

While the Doge’s guards fight against Marco Querini,the troops of Tiepolo is trapped in the narrow space of haberdashery, before reaching the San Marco square.In this place is consumed one of the most amazing events in the history of the Serenissima:


An elderly woman, widow and poor, whose name was Lucia or Giustina Rossi lived in the old woman and the mortararea of Southern Tailors (Mercerie Meridionali), a few meters from the Clock Tower. According to tradition, she was the unwitting savior of the Doge. Worried for the tumult and the shouting, out of the window, the old woman had inadvertently drop a mortar on the head of standard-bearer, the soldier next to Tiepolo, who bore the banner with the inscription “Libertas”, killing him. The fact that at the same time they were attacked by the Duke’s guards, led  them to the idea that the conspiracy was discovered, and caused the general retreat of the rebels.

In gratitude for the old woman who had knocked down the conspiracy of Tiepolo, the Doge himself conceded to the woman and his descendants the right to display on the window the banner of St. Mark’s (Venice’s flag) on the 15th of June and the other solemnity. The woman also asked that the procurators of San Marco, the owners of the house where he lived, and the beneath shop, to maintained the annual rent of the “house from which he had made ​​the gesture that had saved the Serenissima” (15 ducats) forever, to all its descendants.
BajamonteTiepolo“The repression of the conspiracy was immediate. Bajamonte Badoer was tried and beheaded, Tiepolo, and its close allies (who enjoyed the protection of important foreign
personalities, the Pope, and many Venetian families of the Great Council) were exiled for four years in Slavonia
It was decided “the demolition of the house of Tiepolo in the parish of St. Augustine (in its place was installed in 1364, a “column of infamy”. Now in memory of the event remains an engraved stone on the corner of Campo Sant’Agostin, with the following inscription: “LOC. COL. BAI. tHE. MCCCX” Here was located the column of Baiamonte 1310), and the
Ca ‘Granda Querini palace,from which remain only two large arches, which in 1339 were incorporated into the new headquarters of the slaughter of Rialto.
The remaining insurgents captured in Rialto were pardoned on condition that they did an
act of submission to the Doge and to the Republic.rialto macello

To counteract the new aristocratic conspiracies against the order of the Republic, the Grand Council created the Council of Ten  (July 10, 1310), and a citizen militia under the command of Capisestiere, who responded to the call “loose ” of the bells of St. Mark .



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Congiura del Tiepolo e la vecchia del mortaio

Congiura del Tiepolo e la vecchia del mortaio.

congiuraNel 1310 nasce una congiura contro il governo della Repubblica di Venezia guidata dai patrizi Marco Querini, Bajamonte Tiepolo e Badoero Badoer. Il termine Dai del sotoportego,la fondamenta ed il ponte omonimo ,a San Marco ,viene dal esclamazione Dalli,prendili,alludendo alla congiura contro la repubblica attuata dal nobile Baiamonte Tiepolo a san Polo. Sul balcone sovrastante alle Mercerie Meridionali,nel Sotoportego del Capello nero (dal nome di un antichissimo albergo) ,vicino all’attuale Torre dell’Orologio,si trova un rilievo marmoreo che ricorda la “dona del mortier” (mortaio).Sul pavimento sottostante si trova una pietra con la data del avvenimento. Nell’ 1310 ,giugno ,una rivolta sconvolge Venezia .Tre giovani nobili Baiamonte Tiepolo ,Marco Querini e Badoero Badoer si misero contro il doge Pietro Gradenigo,e volevano istituire un nuovo governo oligarchico favorevole al papato. La guerra di Ferrara, fortemente voluta dagli torre dell orologioaristocratici,fece perdere al papa una città che li garantiva acceso al Po ,nonché le saline di Comacchio.La lega papalina (alla quale aderivano i principali stati Italiani,espugnava Ferrara (anche grazie a una pestilenza ) che ridusse la capacita di difesa della città.Il doge Pietro Gradenico si dimostro irremovibile nel difendere l’autonomia della Repubblica nei confronti del Papa. Ma a questa decisione si contro pone un gruppo di antiche famiglie che consideravano immorale ribellarsi alla volontà del papa .La congiura condotta da i tre nobili era scontenta anche per il fatto che il Gran Consiglio impediva a molte famiglie dotate di ricchezze ed ambiziose ,ma prive dei titoli necessari per partecipare al governo dello stato. Nelle riunioni tenute dai congiurati nella Ca’Granda dei Querini, emerse la necessità di rovesciare il governo aristocratico e di sbarazzarsi del doge Gradenigo, “il principale responsabile, della disastrosa guerra con il Papato, della scomunica ricaduta sulla città, dell’esclusione di tanti cittadini dal governo e delle azioni di giustizia arbitraria condotte contro gli mortaiooppositori”.L’azione venne fissata per l’alba di domenica 14 giugno 1310.L’attacco sarà dato con tre colonne di uomini armati.Le prime due , comandate da Marco Querini e Bajamonte Tiepolo, partendo da Rialto dovevano attaccare simultaneamente piazza San Marco, la prima da nord-ovest, attraverso la calle dei Fabbri, la seconda da nord, attraverso la via delle Mercerie, cogliendo di sorpresa le guardie del Palazzo Ducale. La terza colonna, comandata da Badoero Badoer,andata a raccogliere gente dalle zone di Padova,sarebbe tornata a Venezia per via acquea .

Il Doge fu avvertito pero da Marco Dona che dopo essersi unito alla congiura ,cambio idea .Il Doge convoca il consiglio ed i capi delle grande famiglie ,allarmo Arsenale e ordino alla podestà di Murano ,Burano e Chioggia di intercettare le barche di Badoer. I tre cappi non si sincronizzano a fatto ; la colona di Tiepolo si attardo a saccheggiare a Rialto ,Badoer viene bloccato da una tempesta.L’armata di Querini prendendo Calle dei Fabbri , punta sulla Piazza attraverso il Ponte dei Dai. Arrivò in piazza San Marco per prima, ma fu sconfitta dalle truppe del Doge, pronte a rispondere all’attacco. Nello scontro perirono ,il suocero di Tiepolo ,Marco Querini ed il suo cognato Benedetto ,figlio di Marco. La colonna di Tiepolo viene intercettata nello spazio angusto delle mercerie ,prima di vecchia del mortaioraggiungere San Marco.

In questo luogo si consuma una delle vicende più incredibili della storia di Serenissima :

Una donna anziana ,vedova e povera,il cui nome sarebbe stato Giustina o Lucia Rossi abitava nelle zona delle Mercerie Meridionali,a pochi metri dalla Torre dell’Orologio . Secondo la tradizione,  fu l’inconsapevole salvatrice del Doge e di Palazzo Ducale.Richiamata dal tumulto e dalle grida ,affacciatasi alla finestra,l’anziana fece inavvertitamente cadere un mortaio sulla testa dell’alfiere , accanto a Tiepolo, che recava lo stendardo con la scritta LIBERTAS, uccidendolo . Il fatto che nello stesso tempo furono attaccati dalle guardie ducali, condusse a l’idea che la congiura fosse scoperta, e provocò la ritirata generale dei rivoltosi. In ringraziamento per l’anziana che aveva abbattuto la bandiera del Tiepolo,il Doge in  congiura  targa con data sul pavimentopersona concesse alla donna e ai suoi discendenti il diritto di esporre sulla finestra il gonfalone di San Marco ogni 15 di giugno e nelle altre solennità.La donna chiese inoltre che i Procuratori di San Marco,i proprietari della casa ove abitava, e della sottoposta bottega, li mantenesse  l’affitto annuo della “casa dalla quale aveva compiuto il gesto che aveva salvato la Serenissima” (15 ducati)  per sempre ,ai tutti i suoi discendenti “.   La repressione della scongiura fu immediata. BajamonteTiepolo1Badoer fu processato e decapitato, Tiepolo, ed i suoi stretti alleati (che godevano della protezione di importanti personaggi stranieri, del papa , e di molte famiglie veneziane del Maggior Consiglio ) furono esiliati per quattro anni in Schiavonia.Fu decisa “la demolizione della casa del Tiepolo in parrocchia di Sant’Agostino (al suo posto fu collocata nel 1364 una colonna d’infamia, adesso a memoria dell’evento rimane una pietra incisa sull’angolo di Campo Sant’Agostin,con la seguente scritta: “LOC. COL. BAI. THE. MCCCX” Qui era localizzata la colonna di Baiamonte 1310),e della Ca’ Granda dei Querini dela quale rimasero solamente due grandi arcate, che nel 1339 vennero inglobate nella nuova sede del macello di Rialto. I restanti rivoltosi catturati a Rialto furono amnistiati,a condizione che facessero atto di sottomissione al Doge e alla Repubblica. Per contrastare nuove congiure contro l’ordine aristocratico della Repubblica, il Maggior Consiglio creò il Consiglio dei Dieci (10 luglio 1310 ),e una milizia cittadina affidata al comando dei Capisestiere,che rispondeva ai richiami “sciolti a stormo ” delle campane di San Marco.

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Ca Dario palace Venice


Ca Dario palace


Ca Dario palace Ca Dario palace is famous for the supposed curse ,that is still over it. The Ca Dario palace is situated ,in Venice ,in the district of Dorsoduro , overlooks the Grand Canal.
All its owners have ended badly ,for the bankruptcy or violent death.The construction started in 1479 by Giovanni Dario (Ambassador to the Republic of Venice) and had to be dowry for his daughter Marietta, promised in marriage to a wealthy spice merchant, Vincenzo Barbaro, (owner of the homonymous palace in Campo San Vio ). The building was commissioned by the architect Pietro Lombardo.

Ca Dario palace, is built over an ancient Templar cemetery and due to a settling of the foundation is visibly tilted to the right. (The foundation is solid, the walls hold up very well – according to the the expertise of the Municipality). The façade in the Renaissance style, with beautiful circular medallions and marbles that decorate it, and with the sides in Gothic style, very popular in Venice.
At the base of the building is the inscription:
venezia ca dario inscriptionVRBIS GENIUS JOHN DARIUS (John [Giovanni] Dario patron of the city), to the fact that in 1479, managed to negotiate a peace with the Turks.

In 1908 Claude Monet use the building as a subject for a series of impressionist paintings. Ca Dario is often described as a “characteristic Venetian palace “, often compared to the Ca d’Oro. Ca Dario palace caught the attention of John Ruskin who described the decorations in his famous “The Stones of Venice”  .D’Anunzio also describes it : “crooked as a courtesan bent under the pump of his jewelry.”

The tragic fate that has followed most of its owners is attributes to a curse, that is in contradiction with  beauty of the palace. After the death of Darius Giovanni (1494 ) , the palace was inherited by his daughter Marietta and then passes into the possession of the Barbaro family until the early nineteenth century.” Marietta , the daughter of Giovanni Dario committed suicide when her husband Vincenzo Barbaro losing its political influence , died stabbed , in the midst of financial collapse”. Even their son died in Candia (now Iraklion , one of the Venetian possessions in the island of Crete ), in mysterious conditions. These three deaths caused a bad sensation among the Venetians who anagramate the inscription on the façade , transforming it in :SVB RVINA INSIDIOSA GENERO ( create insidious ruin ) .

ca dario palaceThe bad reputation of the building began to take shape in the early nineteenth century, when the descendants of the Barbaro family , Alessandro Barbaro sold it to Arbit Abdoll , an Armenian merchant of precious stones, which shortly after taking possession of the dwelling did bankrupt. In 1838 , Abdoll , was forced to sell Ca Dario palace for 480 pounds to Rawdon Brown , who, sold it four years later, because had no  money to renovate it. After a long period of time Radon Brown, the British scientist who became owner of the building in 1832 died mysteriously , apparently by suicide,together with his roommate.
After the war, Ca Dario was bought by Charles Briggs, an American millionaire, who, was forced “to flee” from Venice because of the continuous rumors about his homosexuality. Taking refuge in Mexico,  his lover committed suicide.

Remained without an owner,for a long time, in 1964 one of the possible buyers was the tenor Mario Del Monaco, but the negotiations broke down when, on his way to Venice to finalize the details of the contract, was the victim of a serious car accident that forced him to a long rehabilitation.

A few years later ,Ca Dario palace was bought by Count Lanze Philip Giordano, who was killed inside , in 1970, by a Yugoslav sailor named Raul Blasich (18 years),with whom he was in an intimate affair. After the murder Blasich, fled to London, where was assassinated.
Ca Dario palace was then purchased by Christopher ” Kit” Lambert , manager of the rock band “The Who” , but his drug dependency worsened and he breaks his relationship with the band , causing its financial meltdown . In 1978 , three years before his death ( falling down the stairs , it was hypothesized suicide ) Kit Lambert sold the palace to a Venetian businessman , Fabrizio Ferrari, who moved there with her sister Nicole, which died in a freak car accident with no witnesses. Fabrizio Ferrari , after a short time , was involved in a financial crash and was arrested on charges of beating a photomodel.
At the end of the eighties , the building was purchased by financier Raul Gardini , who wanted to make a gift to his daughter . After a series of economic downturns and involvement in the “Tangentopoli” scandal,he committed suicide in 1993 in circumstances that were never fully clarified .

The explanation of the deaths , according to some theories , is that Ca Dario palace rise over an alleged negative node of energy that flows through the city . Others hypothesis is that Ca Dario palace is influenced by the talisman designed to ward off negativity placed on the door of the near palace .
But it’s not always necessary to give credence to the legends . In the nearly five centuries of owners , some just have a bad end , among which only one was killed inside the palace . All the others lived their lives in peace. The term ” curse” began to appear only since the nineties , after the suicide of Gardini. Before that the Ca Dario palace was the seat of prestigious events , precisely due to its rich history , which makes us think that there is
nothing evil between those walls .
It is said many things abuot it, for example Ca Dario palace is still inhabited by the ghosts of previous owners.The Venetians believe it . Many of them keep away from the building.

You can found the documented history of the Ca Dario palace at :

After the death of Ca Dario Gardini , do not stir up any interest in the market . At the end of the nineties the director and actor Woody Allen seemed willing to purchase the building, but desisted . On 2006, the Ferruzzi group concludes the preliminary round with a wealthy American entrepreneur , who has won Ca ‘ Dario palace, 800 square meters overlooking the Grand Canal , for only € 8 million . There are more than 15 years that is expected these  news.

Ca Dario Residence (not the palace)residenza ca dario venezia

has been recently renovated and from private home was transformed into a cozy guest house that offers its guests comfortable rooms, all soberly arredate. The residence is housed in a former convent and has a private courtyard .Situated about a 15 minute walk from the Saint Lucia train station , Ca Dario Residence offers a range of accommodation in the historic districts of Santa Croce and Cannaregio. The rooms are equipped with free Wi-Fi .It is also located close to the Jewish Ghetto, (850 meters from the residence Ca Dario.)  All apartments have air conditioning, kitchenette and satellite TV.

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Ca Dario Venezia

Ca  Dario

Ca  Dario e un palazzo di Venezia situato nel sestiere di dorsoduro che si affaccia direttamente su Canal Grande . Palazzo Ca  Dario e famoso per la presunta maledizione ,che secondo la legenda grava su di esso.Tutti i suoi proprietari sono finiti male, per la bancarotta o per la morte violenta.

ca' darioLa costruzione fu iniziata nel 1479,da Giovanni Dario,( ambasciatore per la Serenissima), come dote nuziale per la sua figlia  Marietta,promessa in sposa ad un ricco mercante di spezie ,Vincenzo Barbaro,(proprietario dell’omonimo palazzo in Campo San Vio). L’edificio viene commissionato dal architetto Pietro Lombardo.

Palazzo ,Ca  Dario, viene costruito sopra un antico cimitero (dei templari) e a causa di un assestamento delle fondamenta e visibilmente inclinato verso la destra .(Le fondamenta sono solide ,i muri reggono benissimo – secondo la perizia del Comune ).La facciata e in stile rinascimentale, con splendidi medaglioni circolari e marmi policromi che la decorano , e con i lati in stile gotico fiorito,molto diffuso a Venezia.
Alla base dell’edificio è presente l’iscrizione:venezia ca dario
VRBIS GENIO IOANNES DARIUS  (Giovanni Dario prottetore della citta),per il fatto che nel 1479, riuscì a negoziare un accordo di pace con i turchi.

Nel 1908 Claude Monet usa il palazzo come soggetto per una serie di dipinti impressionisti.Ca  Dario viene spesso descritto come un palazzo caratteristico di Venezia, spesso paragonato alla Ca’ d’Oro. Colpì l’interesse di John Ruskin che ne descrisse le decorazioni nel suo famosissimo “Le pietre di Venezia”. D’anunzio lo descrive “un sbilenco come una cortigiana piegata sotto la pompa dei suoi monili”.

Il tragico destino che ha seguito la maggior parte dei suoi proprietari confera al palazzo una maledizione,che e in contraddizione con la sua bellezza.

Dopo la morte di Giovani Dario (1494),il palazzo viene ereditato dalla sua figlia Marietta e poi passa in possesso della famiglia Barbaro fino al inizio del XIX secolo. Marietta ,la figlia di  Giovani Dario  si suicido ,quando il suo marito Vincenzo Barbaro perdendo la sua
influenza politica, mori accoltellato, in mezzo al collasso finanziario. Anche il loro figlio mori a Candia (attuale Iraklion,uno dei possedimenti Veneti nella isola di Creta) ,ucciso
da misteriosi assassini. Queste tre morti fecero scalpore tra i veneziani che anagrammarono l’iscrizione posta sulla facciata ,trasformandola in SVB RVINA INSIDIOSA GENERO (genero insidiosa rovina).

La cattiva fama del palazzo iniziò a delinearsi  all’inizio del XIX secolo , quando,i discendenti della famiglia Barbaro ,  Alessandro Barbaro lo vendette  ad Arbit Abdoll, un commerciante armeno di pietre preziose,che fece bancarotta poco dopo aver preso possesso della dimora. Nel 1838,Abdoll, fu costretto a vendere Ca  Dario per 480 sterline all’inglese Rawdon Brown, il quale, a sua volta, lo rivendette quattro anni dopo per mancanza di denaro per ristrutturarlo. Dopo un lungo periodo di tempo Radon Brown,lo scienziato inglese che divenne proprietario del palazzo nel 1832 morì misteriosamente con il suo coinquilino,pare per un suicidio.

Nel dopoguerra Ca  Dario fu acquistata da Charles Briggs,un miliardario americano, che fu però costretto a fuggire da Venezia a causa delle continue voci sulla sua omosessualità, rifugiandosi in Messico, dove il suo amante si suicidò.

Rimasta a lungo senza proprietario, nel 1964 uno dei possibili acquirenti fu il tenore Mario Del Monaco, che però ruppe le trattative quando, mentre si stava recando a Venezia per ultimare i dettagli del contratto, rimase vittima di un grave incidente stradale che lo costrinse a una lunga riabilitazione .

Pochi anni dopo Ca  Dario venne acquistata dal conte torinese Filippo Giordano delle Lanze, il quale venne ucciso all’interno del palazzo, nel 1970, da un marinaio Yugoslavo di nome Raul Blasich (18 anni ), con il quale intratteneva una relazione. Dopo l’omicidio Blasich, fuggì a Londra, dove venne a sua volta assassinato.

Il palazzo venne poi acquistato da Christopher “Kit” Lambert, manager del complesso rock Ca' DarioThe Who, pero la sua dipendenza dagli stupefacenti si aggravò e lui rompe suoi rapporti con la band, causando il suo tracollo finanziario. Nel 1978, tre anni prima della sua morte, (cadendo dalle scale: si ipotizzò un suicidio) Kit Lambert vendette Ca  Dario a un uomo d’affari veneziano, Fabrizio Ferrari, che vi si trasferì con la sorella Nicoletta, la quale
morì in uno strano incidente stradale senza testimoni. Fabrizio Ferrari, dopo poco tempo, fu coinvolto in un crack finanziario e venne anche arrestato con l’accusa di aver picchiato una modella.
Alla fine degli anni ottanta il palazzo venne acquistato dal finanziere Raul Gardini, intenzionato a farne dono alla figlia. Gardini, dopo una serie di rovesci economici e il coinvolgimento nello scandalo di Tangentopoli, si suicidò nel 1993 in circostanze mai del tutto chiarite.

La spiegazione delle morti ,secondo alcune ipotesi e che Ca  Dario sorga sopra un presunto nodo di energie negative che attraversa la città. Altri avanzano l’ipotesi che Ca Dario sia influenzata dal talismano volto ad allontanare la negatività posto sul portone acqueo del palazzo di fianco.

Ma non sempre bisogna prestare fede a certe leggende. In quasi cinque secoli di proprietari, solo alcuni hanno fatto una brutta fine, tra i quali solo uno fu assassinato dentro il palazzo. Tutti gli altri vissero la loro vita in tutta tranquillità. Il termine “maledizione” cominciò a comparire solo a partire dagli anni 90, dopo il suicidio di Gardini, prima il palazzo fu sede di prestigiosi eventi, grazie proprio alla sua ricca storia ,cosa che ci fa pensare che non ci sia nulla di malefico tra quelle mura.
Si sono dette tante cose, per esempio che Ca  Dario sia tuttora abitata dai fantasmi dei precedenti proprietari.I Veneziani ci credono, eccome. Molti si tengono alla larga dal palazzo.

La storia documentata del palazzo la trovate sul sito:

Dopo la morte di Gardini Ca  Dario,non suscito più alcun interesse sul mercato . Alla fine degli anni novanta il regista e attore Woody Allen pareva intenzionato all’acquisto dell’edificio, ma desistette. Nel 2006 ,il gruppo Ferruzzi conclude il preliminare con un facoltoso imprenditore americano, che si è aggiudicato Ca’ Dario, 800 metri quadri affacciati sul Canal Grande, per soli 8 milioni di euro. E più di 15 ani che si aspetta questa notizia.

residenza ca dario veneziaLa Residenza Ca  Dario  (non il palazzo ) è stata ristrutturata recentemente e da abitazione privata è stata trasformata in un accogliente affittacamere che offre ai propri ospiti comode stanze tutte sobriamente arredate.Situata a circa 15 minuti a piedi dalla stazione ferroviaria di Santa Lucia, la Residenza Ca  Dario offre varie sistemazioni negli storici sestieri di Santa Croce e Cannaregio. Le stanze sono dotate della connessione Wi-Fi gratuita e si trovano nell’edificio principale della Ca  Dario o nella vicina dependance. Quasi tutte regalano una vista su un piccolo canale di Venezia. Ubicati vicino al Ghetto Ebraico, (a 850 metri dalla residenza Ca  Dario) .Tutti gli appartamenti dispongono di aria condizionata, angolo cottura e TV satellitare. Alcuni sono inoltre caratterizzati da travi a vista. La Ca  Dario sorge all’interno di un ex convento e vanta un cortile privato e una reception, dove si svolgeranno il check-in e la consegna delle chiavi.


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Homosexuality in Venice in the Middle Age

Homosexuality in Venice in the Middle Age

The word homosexuality was created by merging the greek word “omoios”, which means
 homosexuality similar  and the Latin word “sexus”, which means ” sex,” and refers to ” a disposition to experience sexual , emotional or romantic attraction to persons of the same sex. ” Homosexuality is found in many animal species. The spread of homosexuality in humans is difficult to determine accurately , although in many ancient cultures homosexual relations were highly prevalent.

The history of homosexuality is also the story of social attitudes towards a possible behavior perceived as ” deviant “. The social attitude toward homosexual behavior has known moments of relative tolerance , during which the society admitted a certain degree of discussion and public exhibition of the topic, also through art and cultural productions ( for example in classical Athens , Renaissance in Tuscany , or Berlin and Paris before the war ) , however, alternating with moments of harsh repression .



With the birth of the gay movement , you can finally look at this world as a ‘community ‘ structured according to their values and their rituals .But how was seen in the past homosexuality. The male was brought up to be master and ruler in the erotic relationship , and this demanded to be also in the homosexual relationship. When speak about homosexuality at that times, speak almost automatically ,about a relationship between an adult and a boy of age  between fourteen and eighteen (remember that at the time puberty came later).

One of the reasons , tacitly accepted even by parents , was “ to be initiated to sexuality, although, in a way felt as a ” surrogate” and certainly not satisfactory . ” The second important reason was the money (very important in a poor society like that .) The money that a guy could add to the family budget from prostitution were not frowned upon by all households and not all parents were willing to ask from where the money came.The third reason was to attract the attention of an adult ( another important aspect when the boy want to have a career) .It was good use among the nobles to agree to take home a “boy ” as roundsman, and in return he could take it to bed without problems.In the Middle Age in Venice were the so-called  ” boccia da cullo”.



The Serenissima Republic emits laws, which punish harshly the conduct “against nature” ;the homosexuality .Homosexuals were hanged between the two columns of the St. Mark square, and then burned until “they were reduced to ashes” .A really big blow staged the magistrates of the republic of Venice in 1407: thirty sodomites were discovered and prosecuted. The event , beyond the serious political complications which caused (fourteen defendants were nobles) becomes a great interest for us,because it is one of the first traces of a network of acquaintances among the sodomites in the Italian cities of the Middle Ages .

Mass arrests continue to punctuate the trial papers Venetian for centuries . We find another example already in 1422 : nineteen people involved , including three barbers and several minors , then in 1464 are indicted fourteen people ( including five nobles) , but many of them fleeing before being arrested.On 1474 six sodomites ,two of which nobles co-defendants. The story takes on the hues of a thriller when the accuser is mysteriously murdered.



But by the presence of the homosexuality ,speak to us even the very laws of Venice. One of them, in 1450 , mentions the arcades near the Rialto and the church of St. Martin as meeting places of sodomites . In addition, the Arsenal supervisors, where the church of St. Martin is, decided that ” at the

expense of our Treasury the portico of St.Martin , will be shut with big axis ,doing four doors on all four sides of the columns, which will be opened and closed in accordance with the timetable of the church .


san martino

san martino

” Five years after this decree , in 1455 , it was decided to patrol certain areas of Venice, to prevent that the sodomites find themselves in their meeting places.In 1488 an edict requires to close with wooden planks the porch of the church of Santa Maria Mater Domini for the same reasons it was already closed St. Martin porch. ” A further list of places “to watch” is drawn in a decree of 1496 , which lists : ” stores, country houses, schools, all the arcades, the houses of scaleteri (bakers), taverns, brothels ,houses of prostitutes . “Some decrees of the “Council of ten” promulgated in the same century , announce , to eradicate ” abhominabile vitium sodomiae . ” Were elected two nobles for only district who had to pick the college of deputies each Friday ,to investigate above the homosexuality . The doctors and barbers, called to treat any man or female, had three days to denounce their “secrets of love “. The members of the patrols will be required to interrogate and  investigate if someone manages public places or houses that are called “country houses” (taverns), in which is committed illegal and dishonest acts, or if there are frequent street conversations between not apropriate age friends, ie adults conversing with boys. A new decree , this time to be monitored also scaleteri ( bakers ) , ” because we have been warned the fact that the home of many scaleteri of our city , many young people, and others of different ages and conditions,found by day and by night , and play here and keep tavern, and many commit dishonest acts and sodomy . ”

veronica franco

veronica franco

The most famous , processes, many cases against homosexuals or violence ” against nature” are those against Francesco Cercato who was hanged for sodomy between the columns of the Piazzetta San Marco in 1480 , and that Francesco Fabrizio , priest and poet, who was beheaded and burned in 1545 for the ” unspeakable vice .”The Counter-Reformation, the response to the reform of Martin Luther ( established by the Council of Trent, 1570) had as its purpose to ” imprint a more severe moral and Christian spirit .” The main problem of Venice, a country crossroads of people coming and going throughout the Mediterranean , homosexuality ( a common practice in Venice) was sentenced in Council of Trent .As a result of this reform , the Senate ,decreated that in some places of the city were allowed to put whores who “will showcase their virtues to attract a growing number of men and so firmly maintain the uses of an heterosexual culture“. On the “Carampane area ” , near the Rialto , Venice was one of the areas in which the prostitutes of Venice were forced to concentrate since the fifteenth century to the disposal of public order laws .In 1509 there were 11,654 courtesans in Venice surveyed ( out of a population of 150,000 inhabitants … )

It was not supposed to be easy for sodomites to live peaceful and without guilt . In a world dominated by the church the sin was punished not only by men but also by God.
Despite this, the homosexuality still persists, and occurs especially to young people ,that
could lead to difficulties in socializing and serious consequences for the individual,
including suicide.





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Venice history – Courtesans

Venice history  –  the courtesans

tiziano-venezia-cortigiana Along the venice history ,the courtesans was tolerated by the normal people but also by the authoriry .In a cosmopolitan city like Venice, with a large passage of foreigners,in addition to trade oriental spices, salt ,silk and fabrics, a very important rate of the Venetian economy was made up of what today we would call tourism. To attract this persons , the Serenissima Republic had cornered a large number of precious relics . But as businessmen and pilgrims they did not live just from the pure spirit .They visited Venice also because they know that the prostitution flourished more than in other cities.

Become a courtesan in Venice on the year 1500 means to avoid the alternative between to cortigianebe married or to be nun,” maritar o monacar ” where the wedding could be a far more an iron cage bigger than the monastry.To  marry a daughter was very expensive and even the wealthiest families could hardly afford more than one dowry , so if a daughter married , the others ended up in a convent . A married girl left the house twice a year, at Christmas and Easter, to go to mass , veiled in a way that would not show her face and accompanied by her kin males .
Being a courtesan meant first of all to freely dispose of yourself, of your own body and own time . All this things was denied even to the ladies of higher rank .There were two classes of courtesans : those of lower rank who lived in unhealthy homes and who were frequented by the normal mens ,the ” prostitute da lume ” (of the candle, so called because they were lit a candle in the window to be recognized) ,poor women who practiced much more low rates.

And those of high rank , envied for their freedom ,who had important friendships .The so called  ” honest ” – rich , admired and respected courtesans, often forgot to put the yellow neckerchiefs imposed by the Council of Ten ,because among their “friends” there were also high magistrates of the Republic between many noble men.Their clothes were very elegant ,but was famous their reddish – blond hair ,the famous “Titian red” collor.

The census of 1509 has counted 11,164 courtesans in Venice .

carpacio   le due cortigianeThe prostitutes , could be distinguished by their color of the hair called ” Venetian red ” ,they wore calcagnini (or chopine ) a kind of clogs with high wedge ( also 50 cm), which made them higher than the other women, their clothes tend rather the manly , as “blouson canvas” ,shirts and trousers for men .

In 1319 died in Venice, the last descendant of the rich and ancient family Trapani, (in Venetian called  Rampani) . He was childless and hadn’t made ​a will ,and all his movable and immovable property passed to Serenissima. One of these houses ,Rampani’s house (in Venice called Ca ‘ Rampani ) were in San Cassiano , between Santa Croce and San Polo, now called the zone of the Carampane .
In the eighteenth century , particularly uninhibited by the moral point of view , thanks to new laws ,who wanted to increase the tourism in the city , the young and beautiful ponte-delle-tette courtesans were able to return unmolested to exercise the  ancient craft .On the year 1421 the government , exasperated by swarms of  ” public prostitutes ”  that at any time of the day or night invaded the city , decided to transfer them to the homes inherited from Rampani making here the first legal whorehouses from the city, .” The real problem , which the government wanted to avoid , was the increase  the number of homosexuals in Venice ” to become a danger to the survival of the city .” The courts of that time worked hard to punish the ” acts against the nature ” , beheading and burning the unfortunate culprits.
The Senate decided that in these places were allowed to the  courtesans to showcasing their virtues to attract a growing number of men and so maintaining the uses of an heterosexual culture .

ponte-delle-tetteThe Serenissima republic encouraged the exhibitionism of the “Carampane that to attract customers , they were facing for hours at the windows of their homes showing their brests completely naked, or with the nude legs dangling trough the windows.Sometimes they showed trough the window completely naked to show their beauties .The windows were they overlooked were  the ones on the first floor above the porch , clearly visible both by those who went on the bridge , and by those who transited the river by boat .

The bridge located in San Cassiano , in the area of ​​Carampane , which connect San Polo tette(one of the most picturesque and fascinating district of Venice ) ,and that of the Santa Croce is called the Bridge of Tits (il ponte delle tete ), a name derived from the “landscape” that offered to the passers-by , ( the corresponding channel is called the “Rio of the Tits” ) .

The new residents were called Carampane , and the term became synonymous with prostitute.With the passage of time in the Ca ‘ Rampani remains only the older prostitute.They could continue their ancient craft at reasonable prices , imposed by the Government, but with the absolute prohibition to go out on the street.

” Carampana ” today in venetian dialect “allampanata”  just means old and lanky woman , this physical feature dates back to that period . ( De Mauro Paravia )

The Government issued strict rules regarding their daily behavior of the courtesans.They could get out of the house, but do not stray from the narrow confines of the district of “work” and “at the third bell of the evening” had to return to their quarters,the infringement worth 10 lashes”.

ponte_delle_tette1-10mar03They could not accost customers during sacred days (Christmas, Lent, Easter), 15 lashes punishment;
Could not enter the taverns; in the city center could go only on Saturdays, but wearing an eye-catching yellow handkerchief around his neck as a sign of recognition and Sunday, the day of the Lord, they had to barricade themselves into the homes run by the ‘matron’, who administered the accounting and paid the taxes. ( Thomas Croyat wrote that the taxes paid by the Venetian prostitutes in exchange for tolerance were able to maintain a squadron)



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