Archivio mensile:Aprile 2014

Venetian Doge Marin Faliero

Venetian Doge Marin Faliero


the doge Marin FalieroVenice ,  Cannaregio .

The porch Falier  recalls the figure of the doge Marin Faliero (that at age 60 he became doge of Venice 11 Sept. 1354 ) , and that 17 april was beheaded in 1355 for having conspired against the Republic.

On the main hall of the Palazzo Ducale,in  the Grand Council (Sala del Maggior Consiglio) ,is a frieze with portraits ( imaginary , because those previous to 1577 were destroyed in a fire) ,of the first seventy-six Doges of the Venetian history (the others are in the room of the ballot  “dello Scrutinio” ) .

On each cartouche that each doge keep in his hand are painted the most important events of his “Dogato” . The Doge Marin Faliero , who attempted a coup in 1355 ,is represented by a black cloth with the writing: «Hic est locus Marini Faletri, decapitati pro criminibus» condemned to be beheaded in life .Condemned to ” damnatio memoriae ” , meaning the total cancellation of his name and his image as a traitor to the Republic .
The history of the Republic of Venice reminds us  the facts.

For those times Venice was one day in glory , and the next day was devasted because of the rebellions of the conquered peoples ,and the international politics.

In 1289 the Doge Pietro Gradenigo, instituted a series of new regulations, called «Serrata del Maggior Consiglio». Venice was transformed into an oligarchy, were could only access the members of the leading families of patricians or nobles, like counselor, which lasted throughout his life. The Doge was thus chosen among the very important families of the city. The law guaranteed the political and economic strengthening of the few chosen.and the intention was to avoid the transformation of the Republic into a dictatorship or a principality.

In this context, a young son of a wealthy and powerful family, the Faliero, (His parents  falier porch Venicewere James Faliero and Thomasine Contarini); Marin Faliero,  skilled in politics and “knew how to drive in diplomacy with great capacity”.

Born around 1285, Marin had grown up under the teachings of his uncle, an intriguing and clever businessman, who belonged to one of the most illustrious patrician families of Venice , Faliero was the fact that in Venice was called “member of an ancient House of patricians”,and probably, had come into the lagoon from the town of Fano,from the Province of Pesaro and Urbino , the region of Italy called Marche.
The future doge Marin Faliero began to make part of the the Great Council in 1303 and quickly demonstrate the ability to drive the political machinations ,often using violent solutions.After Avignon was sent in Istria to quell the riots made by King Louis of Hungary, then in Genoa to deal with the Doge Giovanni Valente, then to administer the powerful city of Padua, a fief of the Republic and then at Constantinople, appointed to treat with the Emperor John Palaeologus, from which tore an alliance against Genoa shelling out twenty thousand gold ducats . It was always consumed by the constant intrigue and greed for wealth, “he had no peace either in body or spirit ” though already appeared the problems of the age.

doge's capAppreciated for his political intelligence and experience , on the death of his predecessor,Andrea Dandolo, September 11, 1354 he was elected Doge of Venice. He had turned sixty years old.

Shortly after ,the Doge Marin Faliero found himself the responsibilities of his new role.Between 1350-1355 Venice passed thru a delicate moment. Not only the war with Genoa, but the previous war with the Veronese and the terrible plague had created serious financial difficulties,with a sharp increase in the number of poor people. Pope Innocent VI wanted a meeting peacemaker among nations, the people were suffocated by a thousand fees, the Turks were threatening businesses,the Dalmatian towns were in turmoil. But what worried him most were the persistent palace intrigues, the hatred between the noble families.
Highly ambitious man, probably not quite satisfied with the function of  Doge ,Marin Faliero conspired to ensure the domination of his family who, after him, could continue the supremacy with his grandson Fantino.

Became convinced of the need for such a coup ,even some people said that the final push doge's portraits, palazzo ducaleto take action has been brought about by personal motivations. A Thursday evening on the feast of the ducal palace (1355 fat Thursday), the future Doge Michele Steno would be addressed  offensive remarks to the younger wife of Marin Falier. Sent away from the party he and some young people;  Peter Bollani, Rizzardo Marioni, Moretto Zorzi, Micaletto by Molin and Maffeo Morosini, revenge themselves by writing on walls offends against the doge’s wife  “Dogaressa”  and the nephew of the Doge.
Of these insults, two in particular are remembered by the historics:“Marin Falier, da la bea muger, altri la gode lu la mantien” (Marin Faliero with beautiful wife, others enjoy her and he respect her as wife) and “Beco Marin Falier della bela moger, la mogie del doxe Falier, se fa foter par so piaser” (Horned Marin Faliero .The beautiful wife of the Doge Falier is getting f..ked for her own pleasure).

Steno (the future Doge) was condemned to ten days in jail, Bollani and Marioni a week).

 doge Marin FalieroFor these and other reasons, the Doge convinced the Admiral of the Arsenal,Bertuccio Isarello, owner of many ships, to be the leader of the revolt that was preparing .He secretly organized the heads-company that had to control and guide the popular uprising, the father of the admiral, Filippo Calendario, stonemasons, and owner of barges, and a rich furrier called Vendrame.

The design is simple.To break into the Piazza San Marco ,occupy the Doge’s Palace and kill all the members of the various Councils. Then turn to the houses and eliminate the rest of the noblemen . Carried out the massacre , Marin Falier would be designated as the ” the Lord of Venice.”
But the spies, that weren’t lacking in Venice , informed the government of the Republic ,

( others say that Vendrame , perhaps thinking that the games are made , confides to a friend, Nicholas, nobleman from Lion , to wich anticipates that during the night will be a ” big deal ” , a riot act to overthrow the Republican government . Or that he was betrayed by two conspirators Beltrame Bergamasco – a furrier and Marco Negro who wanted to
avoid outgoing in the day fixed for the uprising. Beltrame was awarded 1000 ducats , but the sum seems him insufficient , and start to complain. He was exiled for ten years, and reached in Hungary, was killed by the conspirators who had escaped from Venice ).
On the evening of April 15, 1355, when the revolt had to start , the Doge was arrested, as well as the conspirators..The next day ,after summary trials they were sentenced to death .Hundreds of rioters. Throughout Venice there wasn’t a sufficient number of Executioner for such a job: it took eight days to make judgments.
Bertuccio and Philip Isarello Calendar are hanged to the red columns of the loggia of the Palazzo Ducale.

palazzo ducale le due collone rosseOn Friday, April 17, was convict the Doge Marin Falier, not present. “He is guilty of high treason and sentenced by a unanimous vote to be beheaded. Considered a traitor to the Republic”.Marin Faliero was beheaded on the first landing of the main staircase of the Palazzo Ducale ( at the other end of the Scala dei Giganti), where the Doges made usually the oath. His body will be exhibited for one day in the hall of the judiciary Piovego (combination of 4 different courts), “laid on a mat and with the head to the toe.”

The corpse will be put first in the church of S. Giovanni e Paolo,  then in a box of stone placed inside the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace “Cappella della Madonna de la Pace “(hereinafter, emptied and removed (1812), and used as a water reservoir in the pharmacy of the Civil Hospital).

By decision of the Council of Ten, the bell used to warn the people ,gathered in the square ,that the judgment against the doge Marin Faliero was performed, never to be played and to be placed, without clapper, in the church of San Marco.
In 1366 the Council of Ten decreed to hide the image of the Doge ,in the hall of the Great Council, with a blue mantle with epitafo “Hic fuit locus ser Marine Faletro beheaded pro proditionis crime ”  “This was the place of Marin Falier beheaded for treason. ” After the fire in 1577 that destroyed the Ducal Palace, between the new painted portraits of the Doges (by Jacopo and Domenico Tintoretto), instead of Marin Falier portrait was placed a black cloth with a written slightly differently: «Hic est locus Marini Faletri, decapitati pro criminibus»  “here is the place of MarinI Faletri beheaded for crime”.

Although the Republic has tried in every way to erase the memory , Marin Faliero has Francesco Hayez  Marin Faliero beheadedbecome without doubt one of the most famous Doges of the world .

The Council of Ten declared public holiday the day of St. Isidore (April 16 ), in which Marin Falier was sentenced to death. All future Doge personally attended every year at the public ceremony in Piazza San Marco, who remembered the tragic event , as they have already celebrated San Vio ( St. Vitus, June 15th) , the day on which the conspiracy Querini – Tiepolo had been annihilated.( ironically Marin Fliero send to death many of the conspirators ) .
Some say that he was cursed : The news of the appointment of the Doge Marin Faliero reached him while he was in Avignon,Ambassador of the Republic from Pope Innocent VI. On October 5, he arrived at Fusina , where he boarded the Bucentaur to arrive at San Marco; But here , as the historical Sanudo told, “was a bad omen ,” the fact that the ship , due to fog , stopped right in the middle of the pier of the square , so that the Doge’s procession had been passed between the two columns of Mark and Todaro,  where they usually carried out death sentences .


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Doge di Venezia Marin Faliero

Marin Faliero


Marino FalieroVenezia, Cannaregio. Il sottoportico Falier ricorda la figura di Marin Faliero che all eta di 60 anni diventa doge (11 settembre 1354),e che il 17 aprile 1355 fu decapitato per avere congiurato contro la Repubblica.
Nella sala principale del Palazzo Ducale,la Sala del Maggior Consiglio,corre un fregio con i ritratti ( immaginari, visto che quelle precedenti il 1577 furono distrutti in un incendio),dei primi settantasei dogi della storia veneziana (gli altri si trovano nella sala dello Scrutinio). Sul cartiglio che ogni doge tiene in mano sono dipinte le opere più importanti del suo dogato. Il doge Marin Faliero, che tentò un colpo di stato nel 1355, è rappresentato da un drappo nero con la scritta: «Hic est locus Marini Faletri, decapitati pro criminibus»,condannato in vita alla decapitazione e alla “damnatio memoriae”, ossia alla cancellazione totale del suo nome e della sua immagine, come traditore della Repubblica.
La storia della Repubblica di Venezia ci ricorda i fatti . Ai quelli tempi Venezia si trovava ,un giorno nella gloria ed il giorno dopo era sconvolta a causa delle ribellioni dei popoli sottomessi, della politica internazionale e di quella interna.
Nel 1289 il doge Pietro Gradenigo, istituì una serie di nuovi regolamenti, con il nome di
«Serrata del Maggior Consiglio». Venezia venne trasformata in un’oligarchia, al cui
consiglio vi potevano accedere solo i membri delle principali famiglie di patrizi o notabili, solo con incarico di consigliere, che durava tutta la vita. Il Doge veniva così scelto fra le famiglie più in vista della città . La legge garantiva il rafforzamento politico ed economico di pochi scelti,e solo cosi si poteva evitare la trasformazione della Repubblica in una dittatura o in un principato.
Nell’ (1298) Venezia viene sconfitta a Curzola dai Genovesi fonte di scontento del popolo verso il governo.

In questo contesto un giovane figlio di una ricca e potente famiglia, quella dei Faliero, sottoportico falier
(suoi genitori erano Jacopo e Tommasina Contarini); Marin Faliero, si dimostrò abile nell’arte politica e seppe guidare nella diplomazia con grande capacità.Nato verso il 1285, Marin era cresciuto sotto i insegnamenti dello zio, un intrigante ed abile affarista, che apparteneva ad una delle famiglie patrizie più illustri di Venezia, i Faliero erano infatti un antico Casato che, probabilmente, era giunto in laguna dalla città di Fano.


Marin  Faliero entro a far parte dal Maggior Consiglio 1303 e dimostro rapidamente le capacita di guidare le macchinazioni politiche,scendendo spesso alé soluzioni violente.Dopo Avignone fu inviato in Istria per sedare le rivolte ispirate dal Re Lodovico d’Ungheria, quindi a Genova per trattare col Doge Giovanni di Valente, poi ad amministrare la potente città di Padova, feudo della Repubblica ed ancora a Costantinopoli, delegato a trattare con l’Imperatore Giovanni Paleologo, dal quale strappò un’alleanza contro Genova sborsando ventimila ducati d’oro .Sempre attivo, era consumato soprattutto dal continuo intrigare e dalla avidità di ricchezze,”non aveva pace né nel corpo né nello  spirito”,anche se comparivano già gli problemi dell’età.


Apprezzato per l’intelligenza politica e l’esperienza di uomo di Stato, alla morte del suo predecessore,Andrea Dandolo, l’11 settembre del 1354 fu eletto Doge di Venezia.Aveva compiuto sessanta anni.


dogiPoco tempo dopo il Doge Marin Faliero si trovò nelle
responsabilità del suo nuovo ruolo.Dal 1350 al 1355 Venezia passò infatti un momento delicato. Non solo la guerra con Genova, ma anche quella precedente con i veronesi e il terribile morbo della peste avevano creato gravi difficoltà economiche,con un forte aumento del numero dei poveri .Papa Innocenzo VI voleva un incontro pacificatore fra le nazioni, Carlo IV di Francia era atteso,il popolo era soffocato dalle mille tasse, i Turchi minacciavano i commerci, le città dalmate erano in agitazione. Ma quello che lo preoccupava di più erano i persistenti intrighi di palazzo, gli odi fra le famiglie .

Uomo fortemente ambizioso, probabilmente non soddisfatto di essere arrivato al dogato, Marin Faliero cospirò per assicurare il dominio alla sua famiglia che, dopo di lui, poteva continuare con il nipote Fantino.

Si convinse così della necessità di un colpo di Stato anche se la tradizione vuole che la
sala-maggior-consigliospinta finale ad agire sia stata propiziata da motivazioni personali.(in una sera di giovedi Grasso,(1355) nella festa del palazzo ducale,il futuro doge Michele Steno si sarebbe rivolto con termini ingiuriosi alla moglie di Marin Falier.Mandato via dalla festa lui ed alcuni giovani; Michele Steno (futuro Doge), Pietro Bollani, Rizzardo Marioni, Moretto Zorzi, Micaletto da Molin e Maffeo Morosini, si sarebbero vendicati scrivendo sui muri  frasi offensive nei confronti della Dogaressa e del nipote del Doge. Di questi insulti, due in particolare vengono ricordati dai cronisti: “Marin Falier, da la bea muger, altri la gode lu la mantien”,(Marin Faliero con bella moglie,altri la godono e lui la mantene ) e “Beco Marin Falier della bela moger, la mogie del doxe Falier, se fa foter par so piaser”(Cornuto Marin Faliero con bella moglie.La moglie del doge Falier si fa trombare per il proprio piacere).La Quarantia condannò lo Steno a dieci giorni di carcere, il Bollani e il Marioni ad una settimana). Per questi ,o per altri motivi,il Doge convinse l’ammiraglio dell’Arsenale Bertuccio Isarello,proprietario di navi,ad essere il capo della rivolta che stava preparando e organizzò segretamente dei capi-compagnia che dovevano comandare e guidare la sollevazione popolare, il suocero del ammiraglio, Filippo Calendario, tagliapietre, e proprietario di barconi,ed infine un certo Vendrame, ricchissimo pellicciaio.

Marin FalierIl disegno, semplice , prevedeva di irrompere in piazza San Marco, occupare il palazzo Ducale e uccidere tutti i membri dei vari Consigli.Poi girare per le case ed eliminare il resto dei nobilomeni . Compiuta la strage, Marin Falier si sarebbe proclamato “Signore di Venezia”.
Ma le spie, che a Venezia non mancavano, informarono gli apparati governativi della Repubblica;(altri dicono che Vendrame,forse pensando che ormai i giochi sono fatti, si confida con un amico, il nobilomo Nicolò Lion, al quale  anticipa che nella notte ci sarà a Venezia una “gran novità”: è in atto una sommossa per abbattere il Governo repubblicano; o che fu tradito da due congiurati Beltrame Bergamasco – un pellicciaio e Marco Negro che volevano evitare di uscire nel giorno fissato per la rivolta .Beltrame fu premiato con 1000 ducati ,ma la somma li sembro insufficiente ,ed inizio a lamentarsi.Viene poi esiliato per dieci anni ,e raggiunto in Ungheria viene ucciso dai congiurati scampati da Venezia. ).

Nella sera del 15 aprile 1355, quando avrebbe dovuto iniziare la rivolta, il Doge venne arrestato, come accadde a tutti i congiurati.Il giorno successivo fu tenuto un processo sommario, durante il quale vennero condannati a morte centinaia di rivoltosi. In tutta Venezia non vi era un numero sufficiente di boia per un tal lavoro: ci vollero otto giorni
per eseguire le sentenze, tante furono le esecuzioni. Bertuccio Isarello e Filippo Calendario vengono impiccati alle colonne rosse della loggia di palazzo Ducale.

Venerdì 17 aprile, non presente, viene giudicato il Doge Marin Falier. Egli è riconosciuto colpevole di alto tradimento e condannato con l’unanimità dei voti alla decapitazione. Considerato un traditore della Repubblica: gli fu tagliata la lingua (forse per non parlare) e quindi venne decapitato .

Marin Faliero fu decapitato sul primo pianerottolo Francesco_Hayez_010della scala principale del Palazzo Ducale (che si trovava all’altra estremità dell’attuale Scala dei Giganti), dove i dogi solitamente giuravano la loro Promissione.Il suo corpo rimarrà esposto per un giorno nella sala della magistratura del Piovego (unione di 4 diverse magistrature) , “deposto su una stuoia e con la testa mozza ai piedi”.
Il cadavere sarà messo prima nella Chiesa di S. Giovanni e Paolo , poi in un cassone di pietra collocato all’interno della Cappella della Madonna de la Pace,(in seguito, svuotato e rimosso (1812), e utilizzato come serbatoio d’acqua nella farmacia dell’Ospedale Civile).


Local_do_retrato_de_Marino_Faliero_na_Galeria_dos_Doges_de_VenezaPer decisione del Consiglio dei Dieci, la campana usata per avvisare il popolo riunito in piazzetta che la sentenza contro Marin Faliero era stata eseguita, si volle non fosse mai più suonata e venne perciò riposta, senza batacchio, dentro la chiesa di San Marco.
Nel 1366 il Consiglio dei Dieci decretò di ricoprire l’effige del Doge nella sala del Maggior Consiglio, con un manto azzurro con l’epitafo «Hic fuit locus ser Marini Faletro decapitati pro crimine proditionis», «Questo era il posto di Marin Falier, decapitato per tradimento». Dopo l’incendio che nel 1577 devastò palazzo Ducale, tra i ritratti dei dogi nuovamente dipinti ( Jacopo e Domenico Tintoretto), al posto di Marin Falier fu collocato un drappo nero ed una scritta leggermente diversa: «Hic est locus Marini Faletri, decapitati pro criminibus».

Nonostante la Repubblica abbia cercato in tutti i modi di cancellarne la memoria, Marin Faliero è diventato senz’altro uno dei Dogi più conosciuti al mondo.

Il Consiglio dei Dieci proclamò festivo il giorno di sant’Isidoro (16 aprile), in cui Marin Falier era stato condannato a morte.Tutti i futuri Dogi assistevano personalmente ogni anno alla cerimonia pubblica in piazza San Marco che ricordava il tragico evento,come già si festeggiava San Vio (San Vito, 15 giugno),il giorno in cui era stata annientata la congiura Querini-Tiepolo.(Per ironia della sorte Marin Fliero mando a morte molti dei congiurati).

Alcuni dicono che  fu maledetto:  La notizia della nomina di doge raggiunse Marin Faliero mentre si trovava ad Avignone, Ambasciatore della Repubblica presso papa Innocenzo VI. Il 5 ottobre arrivò a Fusina dove salì a bordo del Bucintoro ed arrivò a San Marco; qui però, come racconta il Sanudo, “fo un malissimo augurio” il fatto che la nave, a causa della nebbia, attraccasse proprio al centro del molo, sulla piazzetta, sicché il corteo dogale si trovò a transitare tra le due colonne di Marco e Todaro, luogo dove generalmente venivano eseguite le condanne a morte.


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See other items, is a guide of information and links to follow along with fascinating stories of  palaces, adventurers, courtesans, parties and wars happened in the great Venetian Republic.

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Carnival old feasts –human pyramids ,the Moorish dance,the competition between the two venetian fractions, during the carnival , as in other ocasions, became a nornal thing .


…The name come from an real fly during the carnival in 1500 when a young turkish acrobat , was the protagonist of an action never seen before in Venice.

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other items saint john and paul churchthe Basilica of Saints John and Paul ( in Venetian dialect San Zanipolo) is one of the most impressive medieval religious building in Venice. In the “Pantheon of the Doges of Venice,”were buried , since 1300, twenty-five, from one hundred and twenty of the Doges of the Republic….


A great conspiracy against the government of the Republic of Venice was born in 1310
Three young nobleman :Baiamonte Tiepolo, Marco Querini and Badoero Badoer turned against the Doge Pietro Gradenigo, and wanted to establish a new oligarchic government favorable to the papacy. ...

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Ca Dario palace is famous for the supposed curse ,that is still over it. All its owners have ended badly ,for the bankruptcy or violent death,because Ca Dario palace, is built over an ancient Templar cemetery….


The origin of the word Casino (small house) provides a clear description of these places: small but cozy and intimate places, where you could meet friends. The first gambling house (the Foyer of St. Moses) was born in Venice in 1638.


When speak about homosexuality at that times, speak almost automatically ,about a relationship between an adult and a boy of age between fourteen and eighteen (remember that at the time puberty came later).

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The casino has always had a special appeal in the collective imagination , fueled by ca nogheraliterature ,cinema and other media.Gambling began to spread in Venice since the sixteenth century, despite the prohibitions and punishments .


The daughter of a “honest” courtesan, Veronica Franco was started in this art from her mother at a young age and, as she had learned to use her natural talents.Being a courtesan allowed her to study,to have the freedom and independence while the noble women could neither study nor take decisions outside of the run of the housework

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Along the venice history ,the courtesans was tolerated by the normal people but also by the authoriry .In a cosmopolitan city like Venice, with a large passage of foreigners,in addition to trade oriental spices,salt ,silk and fabrics, a very important rate of the Venetian economy was made up of what today we would call tourism. But as businessmen and pilgrims they did not live just from the pure spirit …


The modern celebration of the Carnival of Venice has reinvigorated the art and craft of making Venetian masks.There are available different styles and colors , from the traditional Harlequin to Colombine ,unique colorful masks .From the Luxury line,elegant and stunning Venetian masks made of gold, laser-cut metal , adorned with authentic Swarovski crystals….


Masked, a servant could be confused with a nobleman,or vice versa. The Inquisitors of State and spies could question citizens without fear that their true identity could be discovered ( citizens could answer without fear of retaliation ) . The morale of the people was maintained through the use of masks, not faces, they all was “only voices”.


The Venetians have always had the habitude of wearing carnival masks and fancy clothes , not just during the Carnival period , but also on many other occasions during the year.The women disguised themselves with carnival masks not only to not be recognized , but also to have a better conspicuousness ….
M.O.S.E._0001M.O.S.E. -MOdello Sperimentale Elletromecanico – Electromecanic experimental model
is a part of the General Plan of Measures for the Protection of Venice and its lagoon
from high waters, which become more frequent and intense .

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Without masks, simple clothes, hat like servants. The “regatta” with wheelbarrows was probably an ironic playful competition,for the lower classes, just for fun, and to attract the attention of the public.But this singular spectacle was also done to attract the crowds, to put them together , and to propose a ” special balm ” or ” elixir of life ” ,to the people who believe in these things. These are the ancestors of modern-day advertising .


These feasts were celebrated in the eighteenth century , when the Carnival began in
the first Sunday, on October .Bull hunt, the cat,The eel in barrel….last about two
weeks. In St. Mark’s Square and camps are organized pageants , concerts,various performances and fireworks.
The Mary’s feast days ”Festa delle Marie” was born at the beginning of the ninth century ,
( on February 2 of each year) , to thank to the Virgin Mary for her intercession and to commemorate the victory over the pirates.


During the Carnival the business and affairs of the Venetians passed into the background, le marie festaand they conceded every day of their time to the festivities, jokes, entertainment and events that were set up throughout the city, especially in Piazza San Marco

Today we see only a reflection of its former magnificence , and most of these designs have been lost over the time …But the austerity of this building seems a bit tempered by the particular decoration the two pillars at the sides of the entrance , which may appear somewhat ” licentious ”….

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Becoming the scapegoat , was charged with the responsibility for everything bad happened in the world…After a summary trial …the old woman was going to die in a nearby field ” asfegher ” (not seeded).
The lion became the symbol of the St.Mark because his Gospel begins like that :” remember the voice of the Baptist in the wilderness ,rises like a roar , announcing the coming of Jesus to men “; well, the lion quickly became also the symbol of the Serenissima….


The rules regarding the daily life of the Venetians, were inscribed on the stone to confirm that the respect for the citizens and the consumers was on the first place , and remained stable over time….


The structure is steel, the floors (made of glass of Saint Gobain) , Istrian stone and Classic GreyTrachit from Montemerlo . Even the railings are made of glass , ( a beautiful idea of​the transparent glass ), with brass handrails .Inside the handrails are installed LED bulbs that draw the ray of light in the glass railings .


carmagnolaThe ancient red porphyry comes from Mons Porphyrites, and had origin from an volcano ,
about 630 million years old…in the Basilica of San Marco on the atrium floor , in front of the main entrance , the lozenge of red porphyry,is the exact spot where the emperor Frederick Barbarossa (Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire),knelt before the Pope Alexander III.
Between the twelfth and thirteenth century , (1100-1200), Ca’zozzana took the name of Mira in memory of Myra (region of Lycia ; Asia Minor) , where St. Nicholas was Archbishop ;and the boatmen of the river Brenta proclaimed him “saint-patron of sailors and Mira town”….
Saint Stephen church-
Is a religious building in the city of Venice, located in the San Marco district , not far from the Accademia Bridge …Jerusalem , A.D. 360 (the name Stephen in greek means ” crowned ” ) Venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, was the first Christian to give his life because of his faith in Christ and to spread the Gospel.

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Saints John and Paul ,Venice

Venice, St. John and St. Paul

john and paulCampo San Giovanni e Paolo (Saints John and Paul), also called the Campo delle ‘Meravegie ” (wonders ),is an area of the most important monuments of Venice, after only to that of St. Mark.Most important monument, the Basilica of Saints John and Paul ( in Venetian dialect San Zanipolo) is one of the most impressive medieval religious building in Venice. In the “Pantheon of the Doges of Venice,”were buried , since 1300, twenty-five, from one hundred and twenty of the Doges of the Republic, and other important personalities. It is considered “twin” of the church of the Frari ,(size 96 to 40 meters, are almost similar to that of the Frari, built at the same time) with the same triumphant Venetian Gothic style.


saint johnAccording to the hagiographic tradition, the two blood brothers John and Paul, Christians, rich and very charitable people, were very prominent in the Roman era.Their martyrdom, realy took place in Rome, a strange thing because there are very few Christians,martyrs in Rome. The Emperor Julian, also known as “the Apostate”,despite that initially issued an “Edict of Tolerance ” for Christians especially , he decided to restore the pagan worship. (some say he actually tried to enter possession of the property entrusted to them by Constantina, daughter of Constantine the Great.)



According to legend, the origins of the church are connected to a vision of the Doge Jacopo Tiepolo.

“One night the Doge Jacopo Tiepolo saw in a dream the oratory of S. Daniel and the swampy area full of beautiful flowers on which flying white doves with  golden cross on their front. Suddenly two angels descended from heaven with censers exhaling sweet scents .He heard a voice who said: “This is the place i chose for my Preachers.”

capella del rosario 1The next day he got the support from the Senate to give the convent (Oratorio di San Daniele) to the Dominican monks, present in the city since more than ten years, and who still lived under the portico of St. Martin. Immediately (1234) will start construction (which remains only the lower part of the façade), dedicated to the Roman martyrs of the fourth century John and Paul.

The church was solemnly consecrated, almost two centuries after its foundation, November 14, 1430,and was continuously enriched, for almost a century, of sepulchral monuments, paintings, sculptures and works of the greatest Venetian artists.


He tried to persuade them to renounce their Christian faith , thinking that their reputation
will convince many people to follow their example. Both brothers refused the invitation and Julian sent them the captain of the guard Terenziano, with the injunction to worship the idol of Jupiter.Persisting their refusal, they were seized in the house for about ten days, in order to reflect on the consequences of their refusal.

saints  john and paul church -veniceThe exterior is very simple, and curiously without a bell tower, which seems missing since ‘300. The church has a very high tripartite facade, opened by a central rose window and two “eyes”on the sides .The portal, adorned with six columns of marble transported here in 1459.The autors of this work are Bartolomeo Bono and the master Domenico Fiorentino.  On the side of the field there are various buildings and chapels.

The plant is Latin cross with three naves , supported by huge columns , formed by the
union of very thin cylindrical columns.

The statues of the two patrons John and Paul are in the altar.

Arca Jacopo e Lorenzo TiepoloOn the walls of the aisles are adjacent monuments, and on the right are the open chapels. In 1682, to better perform massive official events (for example, the funeral of the Doges) the choir,enclosed in the first four columns of the nave was demolished and partly transported to the presbytery.

After ten days, (June 26 ,362) the captain, returned to their home, and after three hours of unnecessary threats and blandishments, had beheaded and buried them in a pit dug in the same house, spreading the word that they had been exiled.
After their death, the son of Terenziano, fell prey to an obsession and shouting that John and Paul were tormenting him. The father with great concern, led him on the grave of the two martyrs, where the boy got the cure.


At the death of the Doge , the eldest of the adviser responded :09112012501

“With much regret we heard of the death of the Most Serene Prince of so much goodness and piety,but we’ll make another one. ”

Then death was announced to the entire city by the “double ring to nine times” of the bells of the churches .The doge was immediately embalmed and wrapped in the cloak of gold, with the Doge’s horn on his head,golden spurs shod down and the sword with the handle towards the foots.The third day after his death, took place a procession attended by thousands of person.​ Inside the church were finished the funeral prayer ,and everyone turned away in a gondola.

The people did not participate much to the doge’s funeral , perhaps because according to an ancient prophecy , the church would have collapsed “on the day of a solemn function” .

Each monument of this basilica tells a page of Venetian history ,from John Dolfin of the twelfth century , one of the oldest graves of the Basilica ,

to the monument to Victor Pisani , ( with the original statue of the deceased ) that recalls the triumph over Genoa in the decisive Battle of Chioggia ( 1380) ,

Monumento funebre del doge Pietro Mocenigo-Jacopo Tiepolo [Duke of Candia (Crete today) and twice bailo (ambassador) in Constantinople], the  forty Doge of Venice from March 6, 1229 to May 2, 1249 when he abdicated and retired to private life,

-the urn of the Doge Renier Zen (or Reniero Zeno) forty-fifth Doge of Venice from 1253 to 1268,
-the fourteenth-century tomb of Marco Giustiniani of Bragora,

Alvise-Diedo monument, a member of the Council of Ten, who brought back from Constantinople the Venetian fleet locked by Muhammad in the bay (1453)

-the great Doge Leonardo Loredan the seventy-fifth Doge of Venice, (October 2, 1501 -21 June 1521) ready to shield with his body against the mortal danger that Venice had from the League of Cambrai (1508)
– monument to Marcantonio Bragadin , Venetian hero flayed alive by the Turks , containsbragadin
the remained of the skin of the Venetian hero , preserved in an urn , and the bust of the ” greatest hero of the Serenissima” , reminds us of the siege and fall of Famagusta (1571) ;

The great battle of Lepanto, is commemorated in the monument of the official Lordship :
( Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary) , where are the remains of Sebastiano Venier , Admiral, winner of Lepanto , elected doge the age of 81 .It was the eighty-sixth Doge of Venice from 11 June 1577-3 March 1578 .

In the Horse’s Chapel, houses the tombs of the ducal family of Francesco and Sebastiano
Venier and fifteenth-century monument to the Doge Antonio Venier ( October 21, 1382 -23 November 1400 ), the sixty-second Doge of Venice.
– the monuments, of Istrian stone , to the Doge Alvise I Mocenigo, Giovanni Mocenigo ( the seventy-second Doge of Venice) , and Pietro Mocenigo ( the seventieth Doge of Venice) , the sepulchres of the doge Alvise I ,Alvise III Sebastian, Alvise IV Giovanni of the wellknown family Mocenigo,

– tomb of the Doge Andrea Vendramin , ( March 4, 1476 May 5, 1478 ) was the seventy-first Doge of Venice. On the sides niches there are two statues of ” Armed men ” , by Lorenzo Bregno.The two statues came to replace Adam (signed by Tullio ) and Eve ( probably by Francesco Segala ), very rare in the funeral art but unsuitable for their nakedness. The statues removed ended at Palazzo Vendramin Calergi , where they became the property of the Duchess of Berry , Adam was then sold to Collections Dreyfus and Pereire finishing first in Paris and then at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Eva is still at Ca ‘ Vendramin .

The successor of Julian the Emperor Jovian (363-364), repealed the persecution against the Christians, and commissioned the Bizante senator, and his son Pammachius to search for the bodies of two brothers, Once found, the same senator and Pannachio, his son,erected a basilica above their home in the 398.
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (1727); The Glory of St Dominic-monument to the Doge Nicolo Marcello, Doge of Venice (August 13, 1473 -1 December 1474) by Pietro and Tullio Lombardo, built between 1481 and 1485.The Doge Nicolo Marcello coined a new currency: the silver sixpence called, not surprisingly, “marcello.” With no direct descendants, he left much of his inheritance to the poors.He died on December 1, 1471, attending the procession to the transfer of the command of the Venetian fleet to Antonio Loredan.

-monument to the Doge Tommaso Mocenigo, Doge of Venice sixty-fourth (January 7, 1414 – April 4, 1423) made in the first half of the fifteenth century, combines Gothic Renaissance elements, in addition to denote a certain influence of Donatello. Here it was used for the first time in the canopy fabric.
– the urn of Doge Giovanni Dolfin , elected doge , after the death of Giovanni Gradenigo , August 13, 1356 – ? 1361.

– monument to the Doge Marco Cornaro or Corner – the fifty-ninth Doge of Venice July 21 1365-13 January 1368 .

– monument to the Doge Pasquale Malipiero , sixty-sixth Doge of Venice from October 30, 1457 -7 May 1462 ,by Peter Lombard ,

The Doge Silvestro Valier . He was the last doge buried in the Basilica around 1700.Andrea Tirali - Tomba dei Valier

They are buried here also Attilio and Emilio Bandiera and Domenico Moro , the protagonists of the Risorgimento.

On the altar of the chapel of Blessed James Salomoni , or the Name of Jesus , is preserved body of Blessed James Salomoni Dominican (Venice , 1231 – Forlì , 1314 ) , invoked to protect tumors .The vault is adorned with paintings of John the Baptist Lorenzetti and Pietro Liberi . Canova considered it ” a real gem of art.”

Even Palma il Giovane erected here a monument for himself, his father Palma Vecchio and Titian.
(martyrs ) bandiera brothers

Under the Basilica of Saints John and Paul Celimontana , hidden among medieval arches and buttresses of the path of the Imperial Forums ,have been found , in 1887, the remains of a Roman villa (two floors) inhabited by Christians , with the small compartment of the ” confession ” that bears frescoes of scenes of martyrdom , witnessed by innumerable quotations in Canons both Roman and Ambrosian , language under which there is a mass grave for the burial of two bodies.

The picture from the  Roman house- Celio, RomeThe back wall of the right transept is dominated by a magnificent Gothic window with stained glass , beautifully lighted , completed by Gian Antonio Licino Lodi. By the end of the fifteenth century the glass factories of Venetian island of Murano , employing techniques to get the glass and raw materials.
To color the glass is added to the crucible of the oxides of manganese for (purple), cobalt (blue), copper ( aquamarine , green and red ) and iron ( yellow, green) . The final color depended on the conditions and the manner in which the merger was conducted .
Below the window you can see two Renaissance altars: one on the right is adorned alms of St. Antonino, altarpiece painted in 1542 by about Lorenzo Lotto, the left by Christ between Sts Peter and Andrew, by Rocco Marconi. At the center, under a canopy, is preserved the chair of the Doge.coloured glass -saint john and paul church-Venice


It is possible that the data , the time and place in which some martyrs died can not be determined with absolute accuracy, but it is certain that the true love of Christ, has helped many Christians to choose a death that will lead to the “eternal life” instead of a life “like a dead.”
Some works that speak of the Italian Renaissance , and the Venetian one in particular can be found : In the chapels of the right side , with gilded wooden ceiling of Tintoretto and Palma il Giovane, with paintings by Titian ” Martyrdom of St. Peter” and ” Madonna and Saints “by Giovanni Bellini, ” the Adoration of the Shepherds “,” Lady of the Assumption and the Annunciation ” by Veronese .In the altar dedicated to St. Vincent, there is a painting by Giovanni Bellini, tempera on panel, dated to 1464-1470 which depicts some miracles of St. Vincent, (dedicated to the Spanish Dominican St Vincent Ferrer, Valencia, January 23, 1350 – Vannes , April 5 1419)
In the chapel of San Domenico, the ceiling fresco by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta . It is the masterpiece of the Venetian rococo at the Basilica of Saints John and Paul.


In the fascinating interior of the basilica are some wonderful paintings of medieval times , including the altarpiece by Lorenzo Lotto , which has influences of Titian,” Jesus Meets Veronica ” by Carlo Caliari , ” St. Michael defeats Lucifer ,” Bonifacio” by Pitati , ” Martyrdom of Santa Cristina ” by Sante Peranda , ” Washing of the Feet and Eucharistic Supper ” by Benedetto Caliari , ” St. Dominic saves the sailors , inviting them to pray the rosary ” by Padovanino , ” Jesus died ” of John the Baptist Zelotti , ” San Francisco, above the door “, Angelo Lion , ” Honorius III ” of Leandro Bassano , in the Chapel of the Rosary, dedicated to the battle of Lepanto in 1571 , are placed works of Paolo Veronese.

In this immense treasure , crucial to Venice you find great monuments of architecture by saint John and Paul church -interiorNino Pisano , Peter and Tullio Lombardo , Alessandro Vittoria , Giuseppe Maria Mazza, Gianmaria Morlaiter, Bonazza John ,and masterpieces of painting Giovanni Bellini , Lorenzo Lotto , Cima da Conegliano , Paolo Veronese ,Giambattista Piazzetta …

(martyrs )

John and Paul were venerated as saints , and their names were included in the Canon of the Mass .The Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of them on June 26.  Especially in German-speaking countries, but not only, the two saints are considered “Wetterheiligen”, the protectors against storms and, in general, the adverse weather conditions.

In 1806, under the Napoleonic occupation, the Dominicans were removed from their convent, which was turned into a hospital. The church was deprived of numerous works of art. In 1867, a fire completely burns and destroys the Chapel of the Rosary “Madonna and Child with Saints” by Giovanni Bellini (1476) and “The Killing of St. Peter Martyr” by Titian, two works that revolutionized the idea of ” framework for the altar”.
The restoration of this chapel ends in 1959.

Here are the opening hours: daily 7:30 to 12:30 and 15:30 to 19:30
(telephone +39 041 5235913).

The entrance to the Church of San Giovanni e Paolo is free for residents,
the ticket for the tourists is 2.50 €.



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